Love Poems About August or August Love Poems
by P.S. Awtry |
Categories: christian, heaven, song,

I Sure Miss the Old Hymns

I sure miss the old hymns of ages past.
With tattered edges their message still lasts.
Those five stanza’d jewels I know by heart--
“The Sweet By and By” and “How Great Thou Art!”
And “Count Your Blessings,” I love that one, too.
And “This World’s Not My Home, I’m Just Passing Through.”
But when I’ve done wrong and need to get right,
There’s “Just As I Am” and “Why Not Tonight.”
I swear I can hear my folks who have gone,
on “Vict’ry in Jesus,” they sing along.
Someday all the saints will stand and join in
As Heaven’s choir sings those songs once again.

Those old, yellowed pages worn soft by tears—
Oh how I miss the songs of yesteryear.

August 22, 2022

by Silent One |
Categories: death, loss, love,

Indigo Inkwell

My hands are tired, so I let my brush rest, unable to paint Autumn's loneliness. How much I miss you can never be stressed. August has left behind blank emptiness. Sitting by the window in the corner, watching the world in its colourful hues. I search for your face among the murmur, but all I'm left with is a muse with blues. In simple stillness your voice echoes loud. Each stitch I weave I see you before me. Memories remind me of what we vowed. Without you there would be no artistry. My palette is dry without your pastel, all that's left is an indigo inkwell.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: love, sleep,

Two Pairs of Shoes

Two pairs of shoes beside the bed.
Mine are tiny, his large instead.

His are steel toed, sandals are mine.
His dull and dark, but mine have shine.

Opposites yes, just like our shoes.
When I'm happy, he has the blues.

My secret to brighten his mood...
A large rare steak, his kind of food.

I like the soaps, he likes the news.
When I watch mine, he takes a snooze.

I can't stand to see people die...
Watching his news just makes me cry.

Even though, we might have a fight
Love keeps us together all night.

And each night when we go to sleep.
Two pairs of shoes, company keep!


Poem of the day August 4, 2017

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: bird, family, love,

Beak To Beak

A tiny yellow bird, tiny beak,
Sits on a tiny branch
Of a big green tree,
Taps its feet, chirps, hops,
joyful, playful, circles around,
Lands on the deck post,
Agitated, loud and louder,
Aiming to snap the piece of bread
I tossed on the deck.
A big yellow bird 
On the big green tree roars:
beware of humans;
Zooming in,
Grabbing the piece of bread.
I get angry at the big bird
Until I see them together
On the big green tree
Sharing their love
Beak to beak.

August  2017
HM: Strand choice B by Brian Strand

by Silent One |
Categories: angst, love, solitude,

Solitude Is My Silent Saviour

No one understands the reason for living, many prefer to receive without giving. In a world full of selfish behaviour, solitude has become my silent saviour. Instruments are repressed without musicians, as some kill the music before auditions. My harp cares not for words about tradition, ignores fake applause for romantic fiction. Love is a way of life, yet some bring it shame, mercy cannot sin, feelings are not a game. People point fingers to those without a name, what will they do when there's no one left to blame? I'm no Romeo, I need no Juliet, I've loved and lost, broken hearts I still regret.
Silent Sonnet Silent One 24 August 2019

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: joy, love,

What Is Love

Love begins with joy,
sidestepping thought ploy,
sharing and caring,
with all souls pairing.

Love is not a trade,
nor assigns a grade;
it's a warm embrace,
akin to God's grace.

Bliss bubbles passion
is love's compassion,
holding each soul near;
all to our heart dear.

When true love's seeded,
no echo's needed,
for the flame burns on,
each breath a new dawn.

Like the pristine dew,
each love hue is new,
magic on display,
making earth life play.

Fires of love let's stoke
in heart to invoke,
bliss fragrance sublime,
to heavenward climb.


HMS, Rhymezone 

The Meaning of Love Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Anoucheka Gangabissoon

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,


Don't rush to wash off the sea salt 
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.

by Elaine George |
Categories: death, lost love, love,

In the Autumn of My Life

I walk
through flames
of autumns’ sweet refrain-

That break beneath
a weight too much
to bear-

I tread in solitude
and mourning there-

Along a path 
of maple trees
and scented air-

I recall the life 
that we once shared-


And in 
the twilight hours
I see
the beauty of it all-

In every
autumn leaf
that softly falls-


In loving memory of:
My Father  - Harold George
Oct 27, 1927 - August 11, 2003

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, love,

Under Your Influence

In a state of awareness
that transcends time and distance
I swaddled you in the folds of my being
feeling the pure bliss of being saturated in love

I poured my love out for you -
sweet dreams gifted in silvery streams
as I held your tender breath to my breast..

that you were beautifully oblivious 
only served to further enthrall my exalted emotions

and your innocent influence acted upon my destiny. 

Susan Ashley 
August 5, 2018

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: flower, rose,

Ruby Rose

Sparkling white pearls in sun-rays gold
Adorning dew drops glint-morning arose
On silken-red aura, petals velvet unfold
Flaunting glamour of expressions bold
Exuding fragrance floral splendor chose
Luring passions heart rhythms compose
Revealing hints endearing sights disclose
In language of love, poise of ruby rose.

August 26, 2022
Eight Lines of Rhyme-Your Favorite Flower
Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love, time,

Time To Go

It’s getting late, she stalls for time
Wrapped in the warmth of my embrace
She clings to me, our heartbeats rhyme
It’s getting late, she stalls for time 
The moon will soon begin to climb
And light the contours of her face
It’s getting late, she stalls for time
Wrapped in the warmth of my embrace.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
A Triolet Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Joseph May
         Placed 1st
© 23rd August 2022

by CayCay Jennings |
Categories: desire, destiny, emotions, faith, heart, sky, soulmate,


Moon held and made
bathed-beams of love sonnets
dried by sun's own romantic pledge
of streamed warm rays on love's future solace ~
As days then nights honed my prayers
my pain slow climbed sky stairs
and found you there

... CayCay Jennings
August 31, 2018

by Raul Moreno |
Categories: love

Mr. Moon and Ms. Night

An August night waits,
For the setting of the sun.
Sparkles light her eyes,
When sunset has begun.

A romantic ambiance,
Moon nestles with the night.
Waiting to cast his love,
Of radiating light.

Reflections over waters,
The moon blushes with a glow.
Embracing one another with,
The love they both bestow.

A secret rendezvous,
Between Ms. lady night.
Dancing with her love,
As his poem's, he recites.

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love, together,

A Touch of Love

As we sit closely side by side 
We watch the billow of the tide.
No words are said; you clasp my hand
You know full well I understand.

You know full well I understand.
No words are said; you clasp my hand. 
We watch the billow of the tide
As we sit closely side by side.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mirror Mirror Poetry Contest
Sponsored by John Lawless
© 16th August 2020

Chosen POTD 18th Aug 2020

by John Gondolf |
Categories: loneliness, longing, love,

Aching For Love

She sits alone in quiet of the night as thoughts of him wrap ‘round her yearning heart, and whispers ‘cross her skin; her flesh excites while longing for his touch when they’re apart. She yearns to gaze into his eyes of blue while feeling his caress engulf her soul, and have their hearts eclipse as love renews; she longs for his return to make her whole. She reaches for her parchment and her quill to iterate her feelings and her doubts; for him to know her longing thoughts instill, and from this poet's pen, a poem pours out, “My lonely spirit aches while you’re away, and longs to feel your love as hearts replay.”
August 30, 2018

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: summer,

An Adieu To My Lady Love

My lady is the wind’s soft sigh 
through fields of marigolds in June;
a splendid sunset in July; a tranquil August lullaby.
She waltzes to a rhapsody which lingers in my memory.
When months of Winter’s chill ensue, 
I’ve bid my Lady Love adieu.

Sept 1, 2020
for Line Gauthier's Bite Size Poem No.39 Poetry Contest

by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: analogy, introspection, life, wisdom,

blind time -

I …

spent my
wild young life
always looking ahead
to the brightness
so much so
that I couldn’t see
the bounty I held -
the joy, the blessings
family … love
now -
I spend most time
looking back
because of how much
I’ve lost
to the darkness …
so much so
that I’m losing sight
of all that I have
and all that

could be.

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden, August 17, 2023

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: august, beauty, good morning, nature,

- Painting the Sun Yellow -

In case I've forgotten it
I wish you a lovely morning
Fill your coffee cup with sunshine
With glory and grace
A soft whispering sunshine
is surrounded with love
A fountain refreshing in your face

Of this beauty
I photograph this picture in my soul
and hiding it for dark winter days
The silence, the sun, the smell of honeysuckle
and flames of the northern lights
Yellow sunshine and blue sky, I want to paint
Nature's wonders, is forever dear

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Jl Sadberry |
Categories: angel, autumn, birth, universe,

A Zillion Stars

August eighth nineteen thirty-seven her tiny Spirit thus landed on
This distant planet, within a parallel universe her newborne galaxy..
Ancient eyes gazing as yet but another of their own; Celestial's child ?

* ...."Lawana Faye Workman-Sadberry, Born August 8th, 1937, 'Her Beauty,' 
A Journey Unto Love's Stars, May 16th, 2013 * 'I Love You Mom,' Always.... *

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: betrayal, change, desire, emotions,

The Kiss - Reverse Poem

When you kissed me
A fool fell in love
I became weak in the knees
The world revolved around your halo
Angel eyes captured my imagination
Like Einstein I discovered relativity 
Wisdom had been my lonely pathway
Drunk on independent thought
Wondering if those lips would part for me
Wanting to breathe your breath
Gazing longingly 
I looked towards you
So quickly
You looked away 
my heart sank
When you kissed another boy

Don't forget to read it in reverse.

Reverse poem written for Craig Cornish's contest.
August 11/2013

by Viv Wigley |
Categories: humor,

The Ballad of Connie Marcum Wong

An idiom by which she's always stuck
is 'having one's head buried in a book'
The truth behind it, she was unprepared
that morning as she went to climb the stairs.
Stopping to lift a bottle, bad mistake
especially when one isn't quite awake
her balance gone, could not control herself
now plunging headlong into the book shelf.
Bruised head, bruised knees,bruised pride was quite enough,
thankfully, make-up would disguise the scuffs.
But then she only went and made it worse
by saying that it would make a good verse.

Hopefully next time she will be wiser
and not tell me, but tell 'Trip Advisor'

29th August 2016
With love, Connie, from Viv x

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: angel, beautiful, emotions, love,

My Dearest Darling - the Cinquain Style

~ My Dearest Darling ~ ( Cinquain Double ) Here just Dreaming of you Kissing you, loving you 'Neath full moon, stars, day, night, all time My Love You are My shining star My only one true love My love for you will always glow So true. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2017
August.29.2017 “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” - Mark Twain- ~Author's Notes: The " Cinquain " is a poetry form or style developed by the Imagist poet, Adelaide Crapsey.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: angel, beautiful, love, night,

Beautiful Moonlight - the Cinquain Style

~Beautiful Moonlight~ (Cinquain) I love To watch the moon With all the beautiful Very enchanting stars that glow At night They bring Much love, romance And are much fun to watch Spreading in all the hearts their love Magic. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2016
August.26.2016 ~Author's Notes: The " Cinquain " is a poetry form or style developed by the Imagist poet, Adelaide Crapsey.

by John Hamilton |
Categories: love, romantic, soulmate, together, true love,

A Love Built On Trust

A love built on trust

Our love flutters on calypso breezes,
cruising on the tropic of Capricorn
All of our anxieties it eases,
as mango sun wakes us this August morn

Passionate dew glistens on sun kissed skin 
as we gaze at skies of peaches and cream
your essence incites desires within
We're enamored in this tropical dream

This is no cruise ship infatuation
We confess and reveal history's scars
tethered together in hearts migration
Promising love, under the moon and stars

Shooting stars ricochet through cosmic dust
Heavenly signs that our love's built on trust

John Derek Hamilton
July 13,2017

by John Gondolf |
Categories: depression, loneliness, lost love, sad,

Lying In the Shadows

Lying in the Shadows

‘twas only yesterday life seemed so right;
so full of color, lighting up the day,
but now a veil has covered up the light,
and turned the day a somber shade of gray.

The fields we used to roam were lush with bloom;
the summer flowers swaying in the breeze.
Like nature's beauty, love, I did presume,
would last forever, always there to please.

But in the autumn, love was put to rest;
she callously untied the binding knot,
and ripped my bleeding heart out of my chest,
then left it in a pool of tears to rot.

Now love lies dormant, sadly torn apart
within the shadows of a broken heart.

August 13, 2019