Love Poems About Blank Verse or Blank Verse Love Poems
by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beauty, emotions, feelings, imagery, love hurts, music, passion,

Callused Fingers

Callused fingers press vibrating strings, drawing passion from a violin. And with burnished wood snug to his cheek, the violinist plays from his heart. Subtle vibes saturate my being as crying strings elicit feelings. And expounding on love's betrayal, music stirs the imagination. His bow hangs like a lingering kiss, savoring the taste of ecstasy. And then, with tears trickling down his cheek, he unleashes unbridled fervor. Experiencing pangs of rapture, sound slips the bounds of reality. And every note penetrates my heart, igniting fiery flames of passion. 5/7/2015

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: dream, extended metaphor, forgiveness, giving, hope, journey, metaphor, muse, philosophy, time,

Six Slopes

The six steep slopes they gave me..  
yes, all were mine.

I can give them to you..
if you wish them.

Though they tend to be.,

Don't wait for them to love,
or understand, 
or forgive..

It's not their way.

They serve only to light a path,
show you the way.

Discover who you are, yes,
and where you come from.

It's what you always asked,
and all you ever prayed.

Don't look too far forward, 
they'll make sure you're blind..

Understand that you are all that matters
not them, not us, not time.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: life, love,

- a Love So Great -

May the sun always shine in your heart - melt away winter's ice
   Always look for beautiful colors - even if you never find the rainbow

   Nobody wants to experience the towering and storm high waves
   Adversity makes us strong - like sailing on the sea in storm

   Open up your heart - take a deep breath
   Dreams you will find among the stars - where peace prevails

   Let your thoughts dance between the clouds - without a worry in mind
   Bring your paint brush - paint the world in stunning colors

   Our world is so endlessly large
   A human so little, a love so great

A-L  Andresen :)

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: beauty, celebration, passion, summer,

- the Summer Strength and Beauty -

The birds in the garden singing their songs

They tell their story with the heart of summer

A place of silence and aromatic flowers

Where hearts dance of happiness, passion and love

This sweet moment, with blue lilies growing in edge of the road

I can not find reality more beautiful anywhere else

It is a thought of escape from the world of realities

Where my heart is resting and nothing can disturb

03.07.2015 A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: faith, , cute,

Sundown In Paradise

My blessing basket is heavy with heaven's gifts,
Tomatoes the size of my fist, eggplants so cute,
And fresh heirloom beans bursting with pride.

The sun, orange on the horizon, frames a pair of
Snowy Egrets above, wings folded in glide descent,
Angling towards their roost.

A solitary Cricket, at home in the cabbage patch,
seesaws a hypnotic greeting, then hushes
As I pass.

A Monarch Butterfly wisps past my head, enjoying
Nectar from scattered flowers. The scent of herbs,
Blossoms and love settles softly in my heart.

I know life can be hard, but this moment, just
This moment, I'm filled with such Grace from
God I only stand in humble gratitude.

by Aiyah Torres |
Categories: anger, courage, crazy, emotions,

Black Afternoon

her sunlight shaded with clouds 
burning love shuttered in pain. 
rainfalls pour down on her feet 
black widow spits in demon's face. 

broken mirror hangs in the wall
she sees face dirty and old.
pulling down tears one by one
rinse the wound caused by his hands.

she caves underground to feel the darkness
composed herself while brokenhearted.
wait for the morning to witness the sunlight
free her mind to feel the long lost love.

fiercefully, she ran through the door 
no regrets, left her home alone. 
blue and purple paintings on skin 
have gone when she dance in the rain.

by The Situation |
Categories: blessing, celebration, christian,

If I Could Write

If I could write just one more time
fill a page with different rhymes
make discoveries with pen and mind
of what I'd say if given the time 
If I could write just one more time 
using words that best describe
reaching inside the inner mind
finding feeling just like mine
If I could write just one more time
My love would be my greatest crime
To steal your heart or defend your honor 
My hidden love I'd wish you to discover
If I could write just one more time
I write of heaven that's yours and mine
And I'd make heaven a wonderful place
My two favorite things your love and Gods grace

by Tony Bush |
Categories: art, inspirational, on writing and words, beauty, beauty,

All I See Is Beauty

All I see is beauty in the burning of her words,
The flickering of flames,
Constructs of fires licking at the night
From snow white sheets of dreaming.

The senses of her bleeding, ink and roses,
Sensual vibrancy,
Gliding rails streaming to the stars,
The links between the earth and heaven’s tide.

All I see is beauty in the visions of her art,
The tenderness of angels,
Architects of chapels wrought of lace,
An arbitrary grace of love.

The impressions of her breathing, saffron breath,
Exhaling of her soul,
Bestow of sleeping kisses to the lips,
Priestess of the mind and loin.

by Tom Wright |
Categories: faith, inspirational, love,

A Prayer

Lord, I ask not, That You remove temptations From my life; But grant me Lord, Through faith, The strength to overcome.

by Edward Orozco |
Categories: art, heart, heart, love, me,

A Heart To Remember

Cold words fall deaf upon the joyful heart
A memory keeps its meaning until death makes it no more 
Her brush always spoke to me, her canvas was my souls imagination
Her soft lips, her beautiful eyes never will I forget for with her I became a man
A nightfall always brought  dreams of holding her, I love her 
She paints to the song that plays over and over again in her heart 
I miss her more than ever
I weep to the heavens and call her name, yet she is absent from my eyes
All I have is the memories, which only God can pull from me 
Her kisses always rose me to the highest point of my self love
When she held my hand I floated carefree 
I love her, she is my heart and I will always remember

by Krysten Mcgee |
Categories: best friend, boyfriend, cute love, love,

You Showed Me

You showed me 
I once was lost,broken and afraid
 afraid of love 
I once felt alone and betrayed and unwanted 
felt like I had no one 
I was alone in this big o world 
not knowing what to do or where to go 
i wanted to give up I just wanted to end it all...
Then you walked into my life 
you showed me love 
you taught me there was nothing to be afraid of. 
You showed me I wasn't alone. 
You never betrayed me. 
You wanted me when I didn't want myself. 
You pushed me when I couldn't push myself. 
You picked me up when I fell. 
You showed me that I was worth more. 
You showed me how to be me. 
You showed me how to believe in myself.
 You showed me the real me

by Pax Geist |
Categories: devotion, i love you, life, love,

For You

I do and will love you, as the sun loves the moon.
I will die every night, to ensure you breathe every day.

by DM Babbit |
Categories: angst,

A Cold Heart

It's a cold, cold heart
 that cannot feel
someone else's pain.

It's a heart without feeling
 that averts its eyes
to the ravishings in the world.

It's a self-centered ego
 that feels the nothing
but its own need to be noticed.

It's the turmoil of the heart and soul
 that never knows
what it is to love.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: faith, inspiration, inspirational, religious, spiritual, trust,

A Powerful Force

Faith is a powerful force requiring absolute trust. It allows one to believe they are loved and not alone. Suffering persecution, some have little more than faith. And yet, it's unshakable in times of adversity. Praying perpetuates hope, opening one's heart to God. And when one first feels His love, everything quickly changes. One's beliefs can imbue life with a strong sense of purpose. Existence should never feel empty or unfulfilling. The love that one has for God is oft rooted in blind faith. And yet, that faith sustains one, nourishing both heart and soul.

by Gary Bateman |
Categories: allegory, emotions, feelings, i love you, inspiration, love, spiritual,

Sunshine Radiance

Sunshine Radiance

Your love is my true sunshine radiance,
That greets me every day with such passion.
It sets my heart and emotions afire!
Words often fail me at times dearest one,
As I seek to share the depth of my love
For you and how it makes me feel daily.
The brightest of moons and stars in Heaven
Can’t match the splendor you bring to my life.
My heart is joyful when we touch and kiss!
Our love basks in your sunshine radiance!

Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved
(July 7, 2015) (Blank Verse)

by Cona Adams |
Categories: community, friendship, people, writing,

Southern Hospitality

(A Blank Verse Sonnet)

In June, we traveled south to Memphis town,
a public poets' fete with Southern flair.
The mid-south heart unfolded nationwide,
an open cloak of warmth spread far afield
in concert with the sound and sense of rhyme.
A graciousness so coupled with its pride
to sharpen all who came in studied hope
and reasoned well effect, to prove result.
Yet seasoned poets put their pens aside;
the books they found, devoured with eyes and minds
already voiced the thoughts mankind repeats,
our ageless chants for hearts in love or pain.
        The weather's pull to southern ports advanced
        the lure of southern charm from heart to heart.

by Aiyah Torres |
Categories: courage, cute love, daughter, emotions,


in a quiet room,
with the hand of li'l baby,
hoping for full recovery,
sunshine meets her glance,
after rainy day has gone.

by Aiyah Torres |
Categories: emotions, husband, i love you, love,

To Love Within

To love within is like seeing the night sky,
filled with wondrous and sparkling lights.
The innermost feeling we love to treasure,
Holding hands while watching the moon.
The sweetness of kisses, the warmth of embrace,
Feeling each seconds that never will fade.
Looking into your brown eyes, my dreams fulfilled.
To love and hold forever, our promise in heaven.
Dancing in a silent music while you wrap around me.
No one could replace it, no one will do.
To love within,the best feeling I found with you.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: betrayal, feelings, love, sad love,

Tethered To My Heart

Reality's a stark place that dominates existence. And I cannot escape it no matter how hard I try. I wanted to believe we'd be together forever. But your lies and betrayal slowly tore my heart apart. Love's indomitable flame wasn't meant to be extinguished. And its demise was painful, fueling deep depression. Fate spun a fickle fortune spiked with ecstasy and pain. And yet, time has the power to resurrect dying hopes. Drifting dreams seldom stray far tightly tethered to my heart. And there will come a day when I'll believe in them again. (Blank Verse) 5/2/2013

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: earth, environment, feelings, imagery, nature, pollution,

Asphalt Jungles

Upon tomorrow's arrival, today fades into yesterday. And apathy spurs denial as endangered animals die. Wherever concrete cities rise collateral damage occurs. And as jets traverse the skies, wild birds are annihilated. We dedicate our existence to a utopia of steel. And survive in asphalt jungles, shadowed by lofty achievements. Reality is a mirage projected upon collapsing hopes. And yet, safe in our cubicles, we love our plastic paradise. Our planet's irrevocably changing into a barren sphere. And a legacy of fools; greed disguises profit as progress. 5/31/2015

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: baby, beautiful, love, sweet,

Ever So Sweet

My scrumptious baby girl's half-awake, half asleep. And her toffee yawns are sweet as caramel cream. Her cotton candy cheeks glow like pink marshmallows. And dark chocolate curls adorn her pretty head. She sports blueberry eyes and red licorice lips. And her creamy face hosts a million-dollar smile. A confectionery treat, she is delicious. And gives sugared kisses that taste ever so sweet. (Verse) 7/24/2015

by Tonya Belden |
Categories: i love you, inspirational, love,

Leaf In the Wind

When I am the wind,
and you are a leaf,
I will worship Thee
beyond belief.
Summer dances
across your skin,
when you are a leaf
and I am the wind.
When you are a leaf,
and I am the wind,
each passing day
I will return again.
If you desire
the warmth of the sun,
I will move the clouds
one by one.
You will feel the sun shine
for only Thee.
When I am the wind,
and you are a leaf.
When I am the wind,
and you are a leaf,
I will find you clinging
to a naked tree.
Colors distorted
by the changes of fall.
Still I will cherish you
most of all.
On a breeze I will carry thee
to all the places I've been,
When you are a leaf,
and I am the wind.

by Norey Bailey |
Categories: art, black african american,


my favorite color
love it like a motha fuq-a

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: confusion, emotions, feelings, imagery, lost, sick,


Hidden in the shadows dementia devastates; as memories slowly begins slipping away. When you cannot function life loses its meaning; and you become depressed, dullard and bewildered. You often feel like a desolate derelict, a floundering vessel not even love can save. Hope is soon depleted, time ceases to exist; only love remains true within this state of mind. When reality feels stranger than any dream; Alzheimer's anchors your soul to oblivion.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beauty, imagery, love, romantic,

Tie-Dyed Sky

Ebony silhouettes inked by a dying sun, depict two lovers in a synergy of hope. Inseparable dreams have now morphed into one; subservient to the whims of compliant hearts. And azure pools reflect a tie-dyed denim sky; as romantic dreamers seal their love with a kiss. Twinkling stars confetti the emptiness of space; and Dusk's darkness descends as shadows swallow light. Time appears to stand still; reality pauses, and enchanted lovers swim the depths of their souls.