Love Poems About Kyrielle or Kyrielle Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: angel,

Angel In Your Eyes

To you who knew me in my youth, Who spread sweet joy and spoke with truth; Before you passed to heaven’s skies, I saw an angel in your eyes. To you, the stranger that I met, Who spoke no word of English, yet Gave aid to me, you are God’s prize. There was an angel in your eyes. To those of you within this place Whose gifts of words show love and grace, Though I’ve not faced you, I surmise. . . There is an angel in your eyes!

by Vernette Hutcherson |
Categories: death, hope, inspirational, uplifting, me,


I come to you on bended knees
Knowing you will hear my pleas
By your side is where I long to be
Oh, God,be mercilful to me

Your love I know will forever last
As you free me from my past
In your debt I'll always be
Oh, God, be merciful to me

Lord, I look up with pleading eyes
Toward Heaven, beyond the skies
Your face soon I hope to see
Oh, God, be merciful to me

Now my death, I know is nigh
Take me Lord, with you on high
There, with loved ones I will be
God has been merciful to me

by Brian Strand |
Categories: inspirational, life

Knowing You

Are you who you are 
or just a wanna be

Are you who you are 
unable to fly free

Are you who you are 
living just in today

Are you who you are 
or merely who you say

Are you who you are 
who lets inner talents live

Are you who you are 
with so much love to give

Are you who you are 
for He is who He is
I am,who I am
With Him,you surely can

by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: lost love,

Sweet Silver Blue

Heart-warming wine
Jot down a line
Mood changes hue
To sweet silver blue

How high the cost
How much is lost
Back payment due
To sweet silver blue

Head shake and sigh
None left to deny
Insight in view
To sweet silver blue

Somehow I gain
Beauty from pain
As thoughts turn to you
To sweet silver blue

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

Oh, Will You Be My Valentine

My heart skips beats when you appear.
I'm feeling flushed, and that's the sign
it's time to ask you while you're here,
Oh will you be my Valentine?

You quickly give a boyish grin
and study me with eyes that shine.
A tipsy turvy world I'm in!
Oh, will you be my Valentine?

I want my fingers in your hair,
my mouth upon those lips divine.
I long to touch that face so fair.
Oh, will you be my Valentine?

I sing my love with this small rhyme.
What must I do to make you mine?
And so I ask you one more time,
Oh, will you be my Valentine?

For Nayda Ivette Negron's Love is in the Air Poetry Contest

by Brian Strand |
Categories: autumn, life, love, sun, sweet love,

Beyond Love

The sun will rise,the sun will set,
no more love will life beget;
The day will break,the moon to rise,
no more love,as this life dies;
The Summer heat,or Winter cold,
no more love will this life hold;
The Autumn fall,and Springtime green,
no more again,will love be seen;
The wheat will shoot,the grass will grow,
no more again sweet love to know;
The grape will ripen on the vine
no more,no more will love be mine.

inspired after reading an essay by Nicholas Ferrar(1592-1637) the English ascetic of the Little 
Gidding community(was also TS Eliot's inspiration foth the last of his Four Quartets).

by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: daughter,

Brand New Star

I grew tired of my earthly bounds
I answered those angelic sounds
Don't grieve that I left you behind
Precious child, sweet daughter of mine

In my dreams He whispered so clear
That my work was finished down here
Ah, but my love for you was Divine
Precious child, sweet daughter of mine

I cherished you more than you know
I knew you would flourish and grow
I knew that my girls would be fine
Precious child, sweet daughter of mine

So rejoice and be glad I am where
There's no pain or tears of despair
Look up! Watch me shimmer and shine!
Precious child, sweet daughter of mine

*Written for my three daughters on the passing of their mother

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: beautiful, love, poetry, writing,

A Kyrielle - the Kyrielle Style

~ A   Kyrielle~
( Kyrielle)

It is composed in quatrains line
That's not hard at all when done fine
This French style you can do right
Kyrielle is easy to write

Eight syllables per line in all
In each one you observe this call
There's rhyming all through to delight
Kyrielle is easy to write

Repeat the B in last line verse
You'll make a nice piece to diverse
And style to enjoy day or nite
Kyrielle is easy to write.

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


~ Author's  Notes:

The  "Kyrielle"  is   a poetry  form  or  style.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: water,

God's Water

Water’s pure when it is flowing
down the mountain ever growing.
Streams may long rivers turn to be
God's water blesses you and me.

Shallow or deep, the rivers run.
Folks find great ways to have such fun.
They swim, fish, boat, or water-ski!
God's water blesses you and me.

Rivers run their course; by a shore,
we may find water is even more.
Who doesn’t love a big blue sea?
God's water blesses you and me.

Bottled, from a faucet or spring,
comes H2O. It’s everything!
We should care for it, but DO we?
God's water blesses you and me.

Aug. 10, 2022
for 'A KYRIELLE ABOUT WATER' Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Kim Rodrigues

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: inspiration,

A Helen Keller Kyrielle - Hk

When Helen Keller was a child,
both deaf and blind, she acted wild
until her heart was helped to melt.
Seen or not, beauty must be felt.

Sweet sights and sounds she knew not of.
She barely comprehended love.
In youth, a bad hand she’d been dealt.
Seen or not, beauty must be felt.

A favored doll, dear Helen clutched,
yet things were nameless that she touched.
Words on her hand a teacher spelt.
Seen or not, beauty must be felt.

One day the young girl’s whole world turned.
Her heart perceived the words she’d learned.
With joy thereafter Helen dwelt.
Seen or not, beauty must be felt.

June 19, 2023

by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: daughter, holiday,

All That Remains

Beyond all the hard times before
Eternal and pure at the core
Beyond all the guilt and the pains
I love you is all that remains

In spite of the worry and strife
I'm honored you entered my life
In spite of the losses and gains
I love you is all that remains

There are no more debts to forgive
Nor any regrets to relive
There are no more smudges or stains
I love you is all that remains

Let richer men offer up pearls
A poor man gives this my dear girls
Just a verse that proudly exclaims
I love you is all that remains

*Written several years ago for Christmas to my three daughters who often asked, "How did you ever put up with us?"

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: rainbow,


Sometimes in tempests’ aftermath
a thing of beauty may appear
which takes the place of heaven’s wrath.
Upside down, smiling, rainbows cheer!

One day you may be feeling sad,
but you’re grinning ear to ear.
For viewing them makes folks feel glad.
Upside down, smiling, rainbows cheer!

That rare phenomenon we see
inside a sky that now shines clear
is proof how gloom can quickly flee.
Upside down, smiling, rainbows cheer!

Remember this when you feel blue.
God shows His love, for we are dear.
And if you’re lucky, you’ll see two!
Upside down, smiling, rainbows cheer!

Oct. 30, 2018 for the 'Rainbows' Poetry Contest of Craig Cornish

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: lost love,

Alone Is She Beside the Sea

With waves of gold locks falling down
around her shoulders prettily,
a woman sits in a silk gown.
Alone is she beside the sea.

Deep longing in her starts to stir.
She sits, arms round bent knees as she
recalls his arms enwrapping her.
Alone is she beside the sea.

Out to the horizon, gazing,
she thinks of every memory
of him with her - so amazing!
Alone is she beside the sea.

As sure as she is that the tide
will rise, then fall, she knows that he
will never more be at her side.
Alone is she beside the sea.

by Brian Strand |
Categories: faith, life

As One

Let us-
         draw near
Let us-
         hold dear
Let us-
         banish fear
Let us-
         be freed
Let us-
         in deed
Let us-
         meet needs
Let us-
         let love..

be our creed

Inspired by Heb 10:22-25

by Brian Strand |
Categories: love, word play,

Verse Freed To Flower

Love relates and liberates
Mutual trust procreates,
Enlarging all as it grows;
Love flowers as it flows.

Love's rapport binds and bonds
Affirmed in whispers fond,
And prospers like blossom grows;
Love flowers as it flows.

A pleasured prized and treasured,
Unselfishin  it's measure
Requited quid pro quo;
Love flowers as it flows.

We release our hidden grace
As barriers unlace
When each the other knows;
Love flowers as it flows.

Copyright © Brian Strand | Year Posted 2007

by Juliet Ligon |
Categories: faith, forgiveness, god, hope, jesus, joy, love,

All Glory Belongs To the Lord

Unblemished One, who knew no sin,
Suffered faithful, our souls to win.
For sinners, Jesus' blood was poured.
All glory belongs to the Lord!

Sing praises to the God of life
Who provides hope, conquers all strife.
He rose again; His spirit soared.
All glory belongs to the Lord!

Forgiving all unholy deeds,
With stunning love, His spirit leads.
He gives us grace none can afford.
All glory belongs to the Lord!

Give us strength to mimic the same:
Faith, hope, and love in Jesus' name.
Let us rejoice in one accord!
All glory belongs to the Lord!

Contest: In Praise Of God
Sponsor: Kim Rodriguez

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, christian, faith, feelings, god, prayer,

On Bended Knee

Creator of heaven and earth whose Son was born of virgin birth one God, a trinity of three, on bended knee, I worship thee. Lord of kindness, mercy, and love hailed on Earth and Heaven above whose eternal spirit runs free, on bended knee, I worship thee. You gave life to clay with Your breath God of birth, youth, old age, and death You, who are everything to me, on bended knee, I worship thee. My Lord, in both spirit and truth, You entered my heart in my youth answering my impassioned plea, on bended knee, I worship thee. Lord, You're my reason for being and I believe without seeing shouting hallelujah with glee, on bended knee, I worship thee.

by Jay Narain |
Categories: memory,

Dry Tears

Tears may dry, love's mark will delay,
Hope my cries will echo and stand,
Lost in tears, wish you will come & stay,
In heart, your memories will stand.

Homecoming, no smile, vacant space,
Lonely nights, miss you, tears descend,
Pictures can't revert warm embrace.
In heart, your memories will stand.

Unheard cries, agony in  night,
The sweet love songs, silenced, you played,
Tears dry in heart, but you're my light.
In heart, your memories will stand.

Tears may dry, love's mark will delay,
In heart, your memories will stand.

by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: food, fun,


Seeds with butter or caramel
Beads of food, pops all in marvel
All pops and booms, scent that you smell
Popcorns of you, you chew and tell

Oil drops, olive or vegetable
Pops and hops, hot on the table
Salted or plain bops, rolls so well
Popcorns of you, you chew and tell

In boxes or foils, packed and sealed
Flavors of fun, kernels are peeled
Glass bowls or paper cups that sell
Popcorns of you, you chew and tell

Popcorns you keep and love so good
Freshness you peep, covered as food
Softness in you, you praise not quell
Popcorns of you, you chew and tell

by Jimmy Anderson |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, life, love, romance

Soon Baby 'A Soldiers Poem'

Soon baby...This war will be no more,
   And I'm anticipating the day I walk through that door!

Soon baby...We will finally be united,
   And I can't help but be so damn excited!

Soon baby...These arms of mine will hold you into the night,
   And quench your every physical appetite.

Soon baby...No more restless nights alone;
   No more letter writing and talking on the telephone.

Soon baby...All our plans will be fulfilled;
   And then we can begin the family we've been meaning to build.

Soon baby...A life together indefinitely,
   Yes baby forever, you and me!!

by Elizabeth Alexander |
Categories: gender,

A Woman ,Not a Bloke

Myself being in love with you
was just the wrong thing for me to
my heart was broke, I almost choked
I was a woman , not a bloke.

To be betrayed in the worst way
my fault, because I gave you say
my soul was bent and almost broke
I was a woman, not a bloke.

I was badly used and abused
my heart was blackened , and so fused
my life was almost gone, I choke
I was a woman , not a bloke.

Elizabeth alexander    21/3/2016

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: happiness, hope, imagination, inspirational, life, love, peace, places, night, night,

Fresh Pillow (Kyrielle Sonnet)

At night I lay my soul to sleep,
Closing my eyes there is no peep,
This soft bed is just so mellow,
My head rests on this fresh pillow.

Forgetting the stress of the day
I am in bed without delay.
Soul at ease— the mind must follow,
My head rests on this fresh pillow.

Satin sheets over my shoulder,
Keep me warm—not getting colder.
Fantasy dreams I now billow,
My head rests on this fresh pillow.

At night I lay my soul to sleep,
My head rests on this fresh pillow.

by Reason A. Poteet |
Categories: 11th grade, adventure, memory, smile, star,

The Shadow of a Smile 1

kyrielle sonnet

Graduating from college life
in June of nineteen sixty-five,
I recall in music's spotlight -
The Shadow of Your Smile - top-flight.

Departing from four-year friendships,
Some thought that nothing could eclipse
a love affair, they knew was so right -
Shadows of Your Smile at midnight.

On the world's stage, we’re newcomers
We march to different drummers;
All but forgotten, tribute’s slight, 
the Shadow of Your Smile became trite.

What wistful star may shed some light? 
The Shadow of a New Smile might.

written 18 April 2016
Contest: Gren's Evergreens (Golden Oldies) #1,  Host: Teppo Gren

by Jimmy Anderson |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love,

What Do You Expect

I want to be the man among men,
And I made our love the subject!
Heaven morphed into my pen
But…What do you expect?

I want to be all that you desire,
If I’m gasoline to your fire,
Does that mean that we are perfect?
But…What do you expect?

I will always please you a 110%
I believe you were heaven sent
And our souls are destined to connect!
But…What do you expect?

I will always treat you like a Queen
I’m addicted to you like caffeine
And your heart I’ll never neglect!!
But…What do you expect?

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: death, grief,

Keola - Kyrielle

Quote by IRVING BERLIN I knew you as a brilliant light Shimmering joy, hope and insight Laughing with wonder at the stars Breathing a smile through our memoirs Your song played - is soft dreams and peace Inviting love that will not cease A life ended, but love is ours Breathing a smile through our memoirs The melody shines on the soul With time, it lingers to console On hearts with a moment in jars Breathing a smile through our memoirs Keola Secret Poetry Contest Sponsored by: William Kekaula January 18, 2022