Love Poems About Hate or Hate Love Poems
by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, anxiety, betrayal, emotions, feelings, hurt, relationship,

The Dance of Jealousy

Her piercing eyes burn through paper-thin lies igniting fear as flames erupt inside. And accusingly, she breaks down and cries, trying to salvage what's left of her pride. She believed you both had found your soulmate; and thus, never thought either heart would stray. And expresses feelings of love and hate; as she watches her dreams slipping away. There's no such thing as an innocent flirt; it's the first crack in a relationship. And the lies that accompany it hurt; causing the scales of happiness to tip. Jealousy is an emotional dance, stomping out flickering flames of romance.

by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: children, world, time,

Your Child's Eyes

The innocence lost so long ago
The undying faith we used to know
The gentle rain of a summer's skies
You can find it all in your child's eyes.

The world was right one time it seems
And we could reach beyond our dreams
To meet a challenge of any size
That fire still burns in your child's eyes.

In a world of anger and miscontent
And the frustrations of a life misspent
And you wait in fear as the storms arise
You can still find peace in your child's eyes.

Take the time for all those things
Hear his words: feel the joy he brings
There is no hate; there are no lies
There is only love in your child's eyes.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: forgiveness,


As dawn would bring no daylight without dark
empty night; the clearest day no beauty hold
without the dreary rainstorm's dismal mark.
As spring would bring no rebirth without cold
winter sleep; the fallen snow no cleansing
without the ashen stain of fall.  As love
would bring no healing without the stinging
wounds of hate; and laughter give no joy of
gladness without the woeful tears of pain.
As peace would have no glory in its quest
without the fear of war.  Life's thrill would wane,
no meaning hold, without the awe of death.
As heaven is no prize without hell's fires therein;
forgiveness is no virtue without the sinner's sin.

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angst, loneliness,

Living Hell

Damned by the devil's curse upon my heart
I pace the lonely bridge twixt love and hate
Stalked by death's shadow from the very start
Forsaken by the guiding hand of fate

My restless soul sleeps in the tangled thorns
Nursed by the acrid milk of bitter weed
Tormented nightly by old lovers scorned
And haunted by a score of sinful deeds

Pray, take me now to storm the gates of hell
Confront the wicked one and question why
Twas reason for my birth under his spell
To live a loveless life until I die

I curse this lonely life given to me
The fire of hell is all t'will set me free

  an original poem by Daniel Turner

Categories: introspection, pollution,

Rinse Clear POTD

Mind – a pool, deep and arcane,
Needs to be cleared n' cleansed from time to time
In the sinuous course of life,
Pause awhile to peer into the depths.
Over the still waters, lies a layer of scum.
At the bottom is settled,
Toxic sediments of hate,
The residue of burnt dreams
Of unsavory passions

If unattended, in this slushy mass of filth
Maggots may breed,
Eating into the flesh
Poisoning the vital serum
Pumped through the veins

Purge the dross
Flush out the dirt
Rinse it clean
And feast on the sparkle,
Of clear waters
Springing from the well heads of love!


The Clearing Poetry Contest
Sponsor- craig cornish

by Isaiah Zerbst |
Categories: animal, girl, happiness, innocence,

Una and the Lion

This world of trouble soon will pass
For there beyond the crystal glass
A lamb and lion tread the grass
Beside a lass, beside a lass

This cord of present time shall break
And hate and fear shall flee and quake
Oh, may all vice this earth forsake!
And love awake! And love awake!

Oh, see him walk 'neath mighty trees!
The king of beasts; what strength and ease!
Yet now content this lass to please
Her hand to tease, her hand to tease

Behold! A pleasant form and face!
The child of beauty crowned with grace!
Fair Una treads at even pace
A better place, a better place

~ The form is Monotetra~
~Based on the painting 'Una and the Lion' by Briton Riviere.

by Tracy Decker |
Categories: confusion, introspection, love,

Desperate (Tritina)

I wish I knew how, had ability to turn
away from you and not look back to see if it
affected you, my turning away, walking off.

I want you to miss this, and I fail to pass off
the distance as a gravely unfortunate turn
of events, see truth within desperation, it

blinds, consumes, and (I hate to, but) I admit it
impossible to justify the breaking off
of any contact to once again inward turn.

I want to reach within, find this, and turn it off.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: care, friendship, judgement, love,

True Warmth

Please don't mistake a smile for warmth, it's not
   Behind the surgeon's smile sure lurks a knife
That pal at work you hang out with a lot
   Will cut your heart out, ruin your very life

When young, we think we have a million friends
   We laugh, we play, we think that life is great
Though really they pursue their selfish ends
   So easy for their love to turn to hate  

True warmth won't turn you out in winter's cold
   It cooks a hearty meal for you at night
It also will take care of you when old
   It sympathizes with your every plight

Look past that smile, my friend, and see the heart
   ~ The best advice to you I can impart

            Iambic Pentameter

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: hope,

Eloquence and Grace

Eloquence and Grace were sisters on the run
In a place that valued hate
They found that they had none

They sought a world of kindness 
Where love and friendship grew
They hoped that such a place exists in 1692

They heard of a new world, a welcome mat for all
From every meager walk of life
Where freedom will stand tall

They journeyed far to seek a life
In all love would allow
I wonder how they’d feel today, if they could see us now

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: faith, paradise, prayer, religious,

- Heavenly Hugs -

Unique is the discipline of love 
Understanding God's law
Faith holds supreme commander

Sometimes we have to fight 
our way through a concrete jungle
stone cold dreams nightmare evaluates 

Rocking the cradle unworthy desires 
no peace or rest for the wicked deeds
in order to find the answers to hopes prayer
Truth pointing us directions 
within our code of moral conduct 
which supports us in our voyage
In the walk of life chaos grips hearts consumed with hate 
Without faith our souls identity will become dust 
Needing hugs from heaven to survive 

A Collaborated Poem 19.11.2015
Anne-Lise Andresen, and Liam Mc Daid
(tercets unrymed)

by Deb Wilson |
Categories: father daughter, pain, child, me,

Loving the Child In Me

There is a child that looks like me.
Years from now still won't be free.
You'll want to rock her in your arms.
Keep her safe from all that harms.

Some things you simply don't forget.
And there is shame that haunts me yet.
The stark reality is this-
I find it hard to share a kiss.

Children are meant for love and prayers.
Not sneaking footsteps on the stairs.
Fear grows where refuge should be.
Hate floats on a toxic sea.

In all these years sorrow still lives.
A broken spirit but strong will gives
reason to find a better way.
This child is loved by me today.

written 4/13/2013

by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, love,

I Love To Hate You

Just one look at you Tempting me, teasing me, tormenting me I hate the feelings you evoke Greed Desire Lust Just want to hold you, devour you I don’t want to see you go But I can never resist the last chocolate in the box! 9th March 2015 Contest – Love or Hate – Pick a subject - Shadow Hamilton I chose Love as my theme ~awarded 1st place~

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: beauty, care, heart, love,

- Listen To Your Heart -

Between the clouds ...
It's called gut feeling for a reason
You made me believe in miracles

Between the clouds ...
One of the most profound need for a
human being is to love and be loved

Between the clouds ...
I will always walk by your side
The future is written in our hearts

Between the clouds ...
Beauty will never shed a tear or hate
Love is beauty blended with lights of the evening sun

Between the clouds ...
Our love is sent from above with angel wings
We'll never have to wonder ..... the sky is always blue

29.06.2015 A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: betrayal, desire, earth, emotions, hate, love, lust,


Revenge sweet turning with hate
a brother rises striking blows 
landing hits brother in wicked deeds 
evilness within mans own soul

Cruelty crawling inside desires 
suffering greed of nations they plea 
Rise up against nations man at war 
tearing asunder God's creation 
People slowly murdering loveless

Pride a sinful act of violence 
laced with pain destroying pure love 
everything that once stood out housed peace
so fine cut beautiful, good sharing 
caring  free, in this one, big show rolls 

Keeps turning, the wheel of hope 
whom will speak, as we all become part 
of his heavenly dust in the end 
or  burning remains of hell's fire

by Jeffrey Lee |
Categories: inspirational, philosophy, social, visionary, planet,

Imagine That

If there was no crime
No hurry for time
No genocide
No homicide
If there was no mothers burying their sons
If mankind didn't invent guns
If schools still had prayer
If everybody recognize Jesus Christ as our savior
If there was love and respect
No hate between white and black
No homeless
No loneliness
No wars
No rich or poor
No accidents or disasters
If man only served one master (God)
Imagining is good for all it's worth
Heaven is definitely not planet earth

by Rhona Mcferran |
Categories: food, humor, humorous, silly,

Cheesecake Nightmare

Love me or hate me
few people can take me
plain, unadulterated, true to myself
their compulsive need to gussy me up
or completely disguise me
gives me nightmares...
Horrible- horrible!

The worst is where
they try to make me

Suffocated in sauces, sweet relish
and pickled beets
garnished with green olives
and fussy-cut vienna sausages
all dancing in fancy chorus lines
on top of me
Oh No! I can't take it...
It just can't be!

What are they thinking?!

I awake with a snug sensation
as something warmish
drapes and
down my back
Caramel sauce-
Thank God!

by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: hope, introspection

Hopes and Wishes

A wish is hope, all dressed up
A heart that needs to sing...
And I have 3 songs  today,
Hopes and wishes, that I bring...

I wish  yesterday was today
So I could change some things...
I seem so much wiser now,
A different song I'd sing...

I wish I had the power
To make my fellows see...
That hate wont set the table,
But love is always free

I wish that I could write a poem
That everyone would read...
Something with a message,
To plant a fruitful seed

We all would like to think
That magic might come our way...
And that some Genie just might grant,
Our hopes and wishes for today

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: love, peace, violence,

Wisdom's Trail Vi

The towering mountains 
menacing fanaticism 
In the midst of the shadows 
Constant fear
Agonizing humanity,               
Is crawling in search of  
Trail of understanding,


That it would lead her 
The valley of God-loving peace
The people of the world, 
Respecting the beliefs of others, 
In harmony, would live,
Glorifying God’s wisdom that has saved them 
From falling
The ravines of voracious hate 
Where Man's annihilation 
Impatiently awaits!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
  10 JANUARY 2015

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: love, passion, storm, summer,

A Symphony of Summer

A symphony of summer is the storm
It underscores the reasons why we love
Dramatic in refusal to conform
As passion is composed from up above
Crescendo moments irrespective of
A maestro who just will not understand
That love is love is love is love is love
As thunder claps with rain at our command
To bless our harmony and hate to not withstand

by Wendy White |
Categories: abuse, anger, anxiety, break up, depression, feelings, hate,

Hidden In the Rain

She has faced the ghosts from her past.
Traveled beyond the razor's edge.
She is haunted by shame's overcast.

Once engulfed in misery's darkness.
Blame it on insecurity.
Storms of emotion, she tries to repress.

She hides her tears in the rain.
Angry cries are muffled by thunder.
The wind blows away her pain.

A man's lust was disguised as love.
She was misled by impatience.
Her soul is cleansed by water from above.
She wandered into the light & found protection.
A discharge of hope revived her spirit.
Now, she can withstand bites of deception.

She hides her tears in the rain.
Angry cries are muffled by thunder.
The wind blows away her pain.

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, emotions, faith, love, magic, music, ocean,

Misted Moonlight

Into the twilight of night falling bewildered reflections 
blowing within clouds form a grey question turning tides 
passing winds whisper voices of one's soul form mirrored images 

Whispering currents speak through the oceans wave bellow 
faraway destiny cries with the seagulls echo through time 
The caves unwrap lustre held between shells singing melodies 

Footprints will remain always salted love verses hate struggles 
each takes a step forward silently the bells chime midnight 
under a chandelier of roses forever dances within misted moonlight

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: hate, humor, love, relationship, today, together, uplifting,


I love you.
I hate you.
This week,
I love you,
This week,
I hate you.
Can this go on,
it has for years.
This love hate relationship,
is now over.
I am kicking you to the curb,
to the trash can you must go.
Did you figure me out,
I am your bathroom scale.
Hooray~you are gone.

by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: introspection, poetry, sad, writing,

What Smiles Hide

A gentle heart

        So full of love

Yet no one feels

        It's worthy of

Their admiration

        Care or time

So I am left

        To barter rhyme

Matching words

        To arbitrate

The things I feel

        Be love or hate

So others fawn

        At what I pen

When deep inside

        An endless end

Crafting prose

        To coaxing sighs

While deep within ...

        A slow demise.

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: care, humanity, love,

Awake Compassion X

Awake compassion!
Your destiny's call, do not disregard,
Scorch the frantic passions,
Smash the rocks of excess,
And bar the streams of hate!

Awake compassion!
Your luminous face, do not turn
Open the gates of charity,
Trace the path of happiness,
And light mercy's holiest flame!

Awake compassion!
Your noblest hour has come,
Humanity's decree to proclaim!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       14 July 2022

* I am humbled by your comments and your support and for that reason 
I would like to share with you the POTD honor bestowed upon me. God bless
you all.

by Nanyamka Johnson |
Categories: confusion, lost love, sorry, me,


Y can't i hate u?
Hate you like iv'e hated myself
Y can't i escape the memories that stain my heart like 
fresh blueberries on a crisp white shirt?
Y couldn't you forgive me for my acts of stupidity?
Y wont you save me from my solitude and misery?
Why?  Why?  Why?
Cant i stop loving you?