Love Poems About Quatern or Quatern Love Poems
by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: autumn, imagery,

Golden Leaves of Autumn Delight

Golden leaves of autumn delight
Where season flaunts hints of romance
Blazing passions of smitten sight
As themes chromatic swirl and dance.

Charming dreams of romantic eyes
Golden leaves of autumn delight
As twilight blushes on mauve skies
Lauding missives of zealous night.

While amber notions waltz in flight
Spurring thrill of flaxen meadows,
Golden leaves of autumn delight
As tunes of love heartbeats compose.

Crimson motifs gelid winds blow
Twirling, whirling, as they alight,
Where gilded canvas glints on snow
Golden leaves of autumn delight.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 9th grade, angst, anxiety, death, i love you, i miss you, imagery,

A Little Too Quiet

It's a little too quiet now, I can no longer hear his voice. And yet, the sound of his laughter is still prevalent in my dreams. He died; his soul is in heaven; it's a little too quiet now. And all that I took for granted, morphed into precious memories. His final goodbye broke my heart; and I could hear myself screaming. It's a little too quiet now; and the silence is deafening. I pray to a merciful God; to keep him alive in my thoughts. I'm used to hearing his heartbeat; it's a little too quiet now.

by Lycia Harding |
Categories: assonance, autumn, heartbreak, remember, sad love, summer, winter,

When Winter Comes, Remember Me


When Winter comes, remember me 
beside you on those ivory sands
If frozen fingers reach for thee, 
arise and fling aside her hands

As you awake on shortening days, 
when Winter comes, remember me 
We'll pray that Frost forsake his grays 
and set arrays of color free

Light snow may fall so subtly, 
bright notes on parchment sheer as sleet,
when Winter comes. Remember me,
that I might play each shimmering sheet

Short interlope of Summer gone, 
I'm owed no scope of reverie 
but hope you will, from this day on, 
when Winter comes, remember me....


by John Gondolf |
Categories: death, loss, lost love,

Muted Echoes

Muted Echoes
The echoes of piano notes play softly in my mournful mind as melody so gently floats like ghosts of songs she left behind. My memories are brought to bear, the echoes of piano notes forever floating in the air, as lumps well up in saddened throats. This winter day we don our coats to lay her body down to rest; the echoes of piano notes show sadness in our hearts expressed. The instrument sits dormant now; its presence quietly emotes her playing, as our thoughts allow the echoes of piano notes.
January 28, 2020

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: day,

Tgif - That Friday Feeling

Oh, Friday, I am in your thrall!
Rain may pour and snow may fall,
I’ll love you, Friday, anyway,
for I will just stay home and play.

Sometimes my work week seems to crawl.
Oh, Friday, I am in your thrall
because you are my weekend’s start.
“Thank God it’s Friday” shouts my heart!

A movie I will likely see.
There’s more time too for family!
Oh, Friday, I am in your thrall
because I will not work at all.

So many plans for me to hatch.
Perhaps I’ll make a meal from scratch.
No matter what, I’ll have a ball!
Oh, Friday, I am in your thrall.

March 1, 2018 for Silent One's Friday Feeling Contest
(My work week ends on Thursday, so Friday begins my weekend!)

by Elaine George |
Categories: lost love,

Adrift - a Quatern

As raindrops grace my windowpane,
My thoughts return to you again;
Beneath those cliffs of 'Evermore',
That morn along that rocky shore.

My mind ablaze, in that old flame,
As raindrops grace my windowpane;
Beneath those veils of silver mist,
Drenched in the bliss, of that first kiss.

Lost lover to that ocean's roar,
Cannon, the one that I adore;
As raindrops grace my windowpane,
I am consumed by you again.

A soul on fire, now set adrift,
I sail beneath those purple cliffs;
Upon a sea of joy and pain,
As raindrops grace my windowpane. 

Written:  January 29th, 2016

by John Freeman |
Categories: allegory, truth,

A Matter of Truth

In ponderings of wanderings Of contemplations incomplete In one’s life are found blunderings All human concepts have conceit Bound of the precept of the truth In ponderings of wanderings Serpent slithers, always aloof Nary a proof of his spawning Many lives he is squandering His power is in his disguise In ponderings of wanderings By pretentious love, his devise Lifting the voices of trumpet Of truth never the plundering The love of truth is triumphant In ponderings of wanderings ================= In honor of Dr Ram And contest

by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: lost love,

A Brittle Rose

I was wrong to think that roses would last forever You brought them to me that day so long ago My heart was captured by your boyish smile You were not yet a man and that I didn't know We made promises and our hearts were glad But you were gone when life began to show its face Now I'm left with only those dry and brittle roses And memories of that time that I can not erase

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: dream, love, sweet,

Enticing Sweet Dreams You Tiptoe

Enticing sweet dreams you tiptoe
Charming passions memories spun
From days of our youth long ago
When quest of love had just begun

When in your heart I'm all alone
Enticing sweet dreams you tiptoe
Blazing desires we've felt and known
Kindled embers of romance glow

Musings endearing you well know
When our engaging souls impart
Enticing sweet dreams you tiptoe
Holding me captive of your heart
Oh! how our indulgent hearts woo
Flame of ardent past still aglow
Courting love beholden and true
Enticing sweet dreams you tiptoe

November 1, 2021
Quatern (eight syllables per line)
Placed 3rd: “S” Contest, New Poems Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Constance La France
Theme: Sweet

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: mother son,

By My Grave

By my grave, soberly you stand
this bleak and barren winter's day.
Some flowers you hold in your hand.
Will you have anything to say?

Or will you - as always - silent be?
By my grave, soberly you stand.
So few kind words you'd had for me
when my hour glass ran out of sand.

Little from you did I demand,
and love I gave you from the start.
By my grave, soberly you stand.
Love has to be there in your heart!

I think about your childhood years
At least a few of them were grand!
You speak! In your voice I hear tears!
By my grave soberly you stand.

9/18 for Silent One's  Poems that paint a picture 2
and now for John Hamilton's  Best Rhyming poem July-September 2017

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: funeral,

Black Gown Quatern

she wore her black gown  with such aplomb
proud and alone followed to the tomb
sad though she was to lose her man
can she cope on her own, yes she can

the grey graveyard ,with an open tomb 
she wore her black  gown with such aplomb
lifting her head all could perceive 
the tears falling as she stood to leave

her eyes misted tears starting to fall
remembering when love conquered all
she wore her black gown with such aplomb
she gave a last look  at the tomb

friends became lovers as time progressed
loyal  to the grave their love confessed
as they gathered and wept around the tomb
she wore her black gown with such aplomb.

penned 28 January 2016

by Phillip Rollings |
Categories: angel, dedication, inspiration, love, poetess,

A Demoralizing Good-Bye

To poetry she said good-bye
Now I live with a Broken Heart
Her words could make me laugh or cry
Or tear my inner soul apart

In a devastating Free Verse
To poetry she said good-bye
My inkless quill rides in a hearse
As an uninspired quill must die

Skat's words: an image to the eye
Emotions, feelings, come to life
To poetry she said goodbye
A requiem; bagpipes and fife

Read the words from her loving heart
Believing there's no reason why
An Angel of Poetic Art  
To poetry she said good-bye  

Dedicated to     Skat A     Respectfully submitted...Flipper

by Lin Lane |
Categories: longing,

Quench My Desire

If my thirst for love, I could quench
my heart would beat in rhythmic sound
and not be saddened, torn in wrench
Happiness would be joy unbound

Hunger to be wanted, sated
if my thirst for love, I could quench.
For eons of time I've waited
Lonely wallflower on a bench

Sorrowful tears, my clothes in drench.
Embers would glow in my heart's fire
if my thirst for love, I could quench.
At last I'd be filled with desire

Where is the one of whom I dream
To his love, I shall ever clench.
I'd search each silvery moonbeam
If my thirst for love, I could quench

June 4th 2017
Broken Wing's "Q" Form

by Diana Dinca |
Categories: lost love, love hurts, meaningful, metaphor, philosophy, psychological,

Poison and Wine

I’ve got poison on my lips
And in my glass, red wine.
I’ve got you in my bloodstream
And this porcelain heart of mine.

I’ve got oceans in my veins
And to sail them, you alone.
I’ve got a blood-stained hurricane
And you wear my poison as cologne.

You’ve got a storm beneath your skin
And then a storm’s what you become.
I’ve got my fire to remind you
Who burned and made you come undone.

See more at:

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love hurts,


A cynosure is he for me - Night’s diamond beaming brilliantly; The star I search for in the sky. When seeing it, I have to sigh! My emerald and red ruby - A cynosure is he for me. A pearl washed up from ocean’s floor Now shining on a moonlit shore. A sapphire’s sparkle in the sun; Most beautiful and precious one! A cynosure is he for me Though to him - I’m nothing, sadly. I long to gleam within his sight. If I but had his dazzling light, A cynosure for him I’d be! A cynosure is he for me. Written June 25, 2016 for the Cynosure Poetry Contest of Nayda Ivette Negron

by Joseph May |
Categories: imagination,

A Form of Beauty - Quatern

I imagined her as a poem
 Perhaps as graceful as an elm
I'd love if she were a sonnet
All aglow in a pink bonnet

  Like a red rose upon the stem
 I imagined her as a poem
  Just swaying in the falling rain
with the rhythm of  a  dizain

Perhaps she was a villanelle
With the charm of a terzanelle
I imagined her as a poem
 She could be either one of them

Her words upon the page would chime
Flowing with beauty, like a rhyme
With  lustre of a precious gem....
I imagined her as a poem

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, angst, anxiety, depression, fear, feelings, imagery,

Suddenly Scary

When life suddenly gets scary, you search around for a safe place. And try blocking reality with tricks of imagination. Yet anxieties quickly climb when life suddenly gets scary. And paranoia stalks your thoughts, overshadowing happiness. As yesterday's ghosts haunt today, those memories morph into tears. When life suddenly gets scary, love retreats into wishful dreams. But dreams only come out at night; fantasies fade with morning light. And you're held hostage by your fears; when life suddenly gets scary.

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: love, beauty, beauty, may,

Beauty Analyzed

To a less than discerning eye Illusive beauty is not found. An artist may observe it there In any ordinary thing. There is beauty not apparent To a less than discerning eye, Clear to an enchanted lover Gazing at his beloved one’s face. A child may think of his mother As being the fairest of fair. To a less than discerning eye Her innate beauty is not seen. We each observe in our own way This world in which we all must share. The beauty that we find not there To a less than discerning eye. Rewritten for correct form

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Sandy Shore

We met along the sandy shore your sparkling blue I did adore that dreamy look I didn't doubt waves rushing in then rushing out   I wonder what life had in store we met along the sandy shore secrets shared under stars of bright a gleaming hope throughout the night   The sun arose before we knew you kissing me, I kissing you we met along the sandy shore secluded spots we both explore   Holding close as desire craves we're overcome by crashing waves romantic scenes one can't ignore we met along the sandy shore

by Donald Roddy |
Categories: love

Another Fantasy





by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: pain,

After the Laughter Comes the Pain

After the laughter comes the pain.
This I have learned and learned it well.
Can what I once had come again -
such bliss to cause my heart to swell?

Each sun-filled day, each sweet caress!
After the laughter comes the pain;
but after knowing such happiness,
I can’t say that it was in vain.

After the sunshine comes the rain,
washing away the golden glow.
After the laughter comes the pain.
The love; the joy; where did it go?

Like raindrops ever falling on
my windowpane, this sad refrain
remains - Black nights that have no dawn!
After the laughter comes the pain.

Aug. 16, 2019 for Joseph May's One In Four Poetry Contest

by Tirzah Conway |
Categories: lovelove,

I Will Always Love You More...

I will always love you more,
I whispered in his ear;
The only one that I adore,
No need for you to fear;

Never will I change my mind,
I will always love you more;
A love like ours can’t be confined,
It needs room to explore;

Eternal love you can’t ignore,
And no matter what you do;
I will always love you more,
My gift from me to you;

I can feel it deep within my soul,
Like nothing I’ve felt before;
And though I may lose all control,
I will always love you more.

~5th Place in the "One Good Quatern Deserves Another" Contest by Joe Flach~

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: christmas,

Most Beautiful Christmas

Most beautiful is Christmas Day -
remembrance of the newborn King.
How beautiful when people pray
and praises to the good Lord sing.

How sweet when joy rings in the air.
Most beautiful is Christmas Day
when those we love are with us there
and we can hear kind words they say.

How beautiful the babe that lay
inside a manger – Prince of Peace!
Most beautiful is Christmas Day.
May hope and love worldwide increase.

How beautiful are children’s faces
when with kin they laugh and play.
Happily we give embraces!
Most beautiful is Christmas Day.

Nov. 17, 2022
for the Most Beautiful Christmas Poem Poetry Contest of Mystic Rose Rose

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: lost love,


He's left me. I'm coming undone -
like linen on a spinning wheel
much in need of still being spun.
Half-cloth, I'm feeling unreal.

In need of completion, I'm lost.
He's left me. I'm coming undone.
as if to brusque winds I've been tossed.
i seek a sweet breeze. There are none.

His touch, like the warmth of the sun,
is gone. Only blackness i see.
He's left me. I'm coming undone.
Dark waters are swallowing me.

He gave me no cause for mistrust.
Vibrant was i when we'd begun.
But now I am turning to dust.
He’s left me. I’m coming undone.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: spiritual,

Bones Ache Yet Heart Sings

Smile and know: bones ache yet heart sings
when you are walking in the light.
More blessed are you than queens and kings
when you with gladness do what’s right.

All suffer in this world of strife.
Smile and know: bones ache yet heart sings
when you simply love your life!
Lust not for material things.

Oh, what sweet joy family brings.
Be good to them, and make friends too.
Smile and know: bones ache yet heart sings.
Just take the focus off of YOU!

One day you’ll suffer nevermore.
So give your inner angel wings!
Great blessings for you are in store.
Smile and know: bones ache yet heart sings.