by Christuraj Alex |
heart, life, work,
My works need not be successful
Just when consciousness-centered
Success can be spiritual
Mundane and ill-tempered
If the living Holy Spirit of the
Absolute in me abide
My thoughts, words and actions
Will, indeed, be love-linked
Linked will be my neighbor with me
Each creature of the universe I see
As part of the consciousness fulcrum
And cosmos would flow in free rhythm...
12 March 2022
Consciousness Fulcrum Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Unseeking Seeker
by Jay Narain |
If time stops for a tick,
The waves hold breath offshore,
My life boat lost in sea,
Finds fate in destiny,
Time ticking, echoes, me.
If time stops for a tick,
My heart shares love above,
The Romance in you & me,
Eternal bond, love's rule,
Time ticking, souls joined, we.
If time stops for a tick,
I'll stand like a mountain,
Avalanches come and go,
Trees stand tall, hardy, so,
Time ticking, spirit shows.
If time stops for a tick,
I reflect on my past,
The failures in my life,
Might turn into success,
Time ticking, same old life.
by Tom Quigley |
adventure, courage,
Moist jungle's steaming breath assaults my face
Molasses air I struggle to inhale
Your ruddy visage slowly drains to pale
Sharp cliff, black knife wound in the verdant space
Decrepit footbrige held up by mere grace
Each rope suspended taut by one sole nail
No time for turning back, it's move or fail
Their fever burns, thin lives that wane apace
We're down to you or me; I see I've lost
Your pallid tremors, so I walk on high
Death matters not, as all will share the cost
Without the cure, those that I love will die
Wood creaks as ropes strain, hands sweat, mind of frost
Firm terra I touch, sweet success is mine
by April Gabriella |
dream, success, writing,
I have a little secret
That maybe you should know
Let me whisper it in your ear
Let me get real close
Promise me you will keep
My little secret please
Promise me you'll never tell
Pinky promise please
This is my secret desire
I want to set the world on fire
Afire with my words and phrases
Receiving so much love
And heartfelt praises
I want my words to continuously amaze
Affect with each line
With each turn of phrase
This is a silly impossible dream I know
My writing will not get me off skid row
It will not make me rich
It will not make me known
But a dream is a dream
And I must let it flow
by Manmath Dalei |
emotions, love,
Love is nectar.
Love is heaven.
Heaven like home, we always need
where soul ever smiles,
never feels tension.
In love,
you are my music,
I am your musician.
Love is trust.
Love is hope.
Hope hands success
after little failure
or without any flop.
In love,
Your are my ocean,
I am your raindrop.
Love is life.
Love is relation.
Relation can only be cemented
with mutual trust
and extreme affection.
In love,
You are my ink,
I am your pen.
Love is thought.
Love is brain.
With a sagacious brain
we can fly to our goal
without any pain.
In love,
You are my blood,
I am your vein.
by Sandip Goswami |
art, encouraging, jealousy, life, love, philosophy, violence,
This times, you would receive the two things from others.
Violence or grace.
Jealousy to your success,
And grace to your failure.
So, you should not be sad.
Survival is meaningless with grace.
Believe me,
You are the king or queen of love.
Try to distribute your love.
Don't want to see yourself as the beggar of love.
One day, future of mankind will be written with your love.
You will become history.
(The poem is dedicated to my favorite poet Charmaine Chircop.)
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
friendship, god, love,
You asked me the other day, my dear friend,
How come I:
Think of you,
Worry about you,
Care for you?
Feel your grief and partake in your joy?
Share your dreams and face your fears?
You were not able to understand the reason I stand by your side
In moments of:
Success and failure
Laughter and tears
In sickness and in health
In celebration and in mourning
You wanted to know why:
Gave you food and shelter?
Never abandoned you but became your companion?
Now the time has come for me an
Answer to give:
It is simply because
© Demetrios Trifiatis
21 August 2018
by Mike Gentile |
love, strength, success,
For anything that is built in life’s domain
Love is actually the sweet foundation
Though finding it, often a tricky campaign
It’s the basic blueprint for our salvation
While not brick and mortar or earthly terrain
Such strength it provides without hesitation
It’s all that I am and forever will be
Love is actually everything to me
by Christi Kopp |
angst, death, loss, sadday,
Thoughts of a world without you
Make me cringe.
I felt you were invincible.
You were the constant,
The strength when I could carry the pain no more.
Always the courage when I was afraid.
My sole source for true love,
Love independent of my success or failure.
Never could I imagine this day would come.
Now, death grips your hand tighter than life.
I try to be strong.
I hope I am brave.
I pray every day I find your traits in me.
The hours seem to fly.
Tomorrow floats so far ahead.
Nothing is certain,
Each breath could be the last.
I weep, sad for the impending loss.
Yet joyous in the knowledge
Soon you will suffer no more.
by Joanna Daniel |
inspirational, motivation,
And I spread my wings
To new beginnings
Butterfly, I flit,
Am not gonna quit,
Flying up above,
Moving on with love,
Rising 'bove the stars,
Reaching toward Mars,
To new horizon,
My flight is risen,
And I spread my wings,
My heart leaps and sings,
Crossing boundaries,
New prospects I tease,
Far future's now mine,
In success, I shine,
What scope I have got,
To try out my lot,
So here's to my wings,
And carefree heartstrings.
Thanks to my friend, Meenu, for the first two lines:)
by Evelyn Judy Buehler |
family, fun, grandchild, joy, love, nature,
Chit chattering so happily, in babyish first conversations,
Like treetop little birdies, sharing emerald observations,
Burbling giddily and gaily, as golden moments evanesce,
Tattling like garden beauty secrets, in the feverish press!
Jabbering enthusiastic jollity, in the success of noon sun,
Rumors of glad gibberish, as droning bees in gilt sudden,
Joyful, twittering chit-chat, at back fence of my gladness,
Gossiping with fascinated grandma, on a summer canvas.
by Angela Crabtree |
life, people,
I don't believe in getting angry
and arguing over things
yet there are people who do sadly
as does a bee that stings
why can't people be friends
and love as the Bible says
instead a relationship ends
tis what it does
are we doomed to this behavior
or will it one day lend
finding success and not failure
in the message we send
weary as I walk alone
in my reasoning
though heavy I carry the stone
tired as I'm weakening
soon strength I'll regain
as time passes through
and joy will remain
for now my time is due
by Line Gauthier |
appreciation, character, heart, integrity, pride, success, work,
The rich man is not the one with mounds of money
The rich man works for a living and is proud
He is rich if he can provide for his family’s needs
And able to help out a friend in trouble
The rich man has love in his heart and wears a smile
But the richest man is the one who has raised
Children to recognize what being rich is truly all about
Submitted on December 21, 2018 for contest "TINKER, TAYLOR" sponsored by JULIA WARD
by Linda Alice Fowler |
fashion, love, passion, success,
Hear my fervent promise
made wholeheartedly as Aphrodite's passion,
my love is pure
wholly fulfilled without ration
love's chaste fashion
Hear my fervent promise
wholly fulfilled without ration
by Sandra L. Weiss |
anger, confusion, life, me,
Stress in today's world is hard to relieve.
Surrounded by what is meant to deceive.
How we view things, comes by what we perceive.
Success should be based on what we achieve.
More times than not, how much we receive.
Something we lose, we strive to retrieve.
Losing someone we love, we painfully grieve.
When facing anger, turn around and leave.
Be mindful of lies, in the tales some weave.
Become the person, who you trust in and believe.
by Julianne Williams |
Stepping into failure as a fresh start, broadening the mindset of this additional knowledge included and persevere moving forward.
Person full of self doubt and disappointment please believe .
Life , love, growth, personal achievement.
It's tough.
But your tougher.
Bravery i have no doubt is bubbling inside of you ,
Time,it's pace only you control .
Feel every emotion with a welcoming acceptance
Before chasing your own perspective of success.
Remember... You can and you will ***
by Gershon Wolf |
hate, love, success,
Stop hating to start loving
Start loving to stop hating
Which one will it be
For some it's one
For some, the other
It matters not to me
When all is said and done
As long as Love is in
And Hate is out
We've won
by Lei Strauss |
I have a Filipino dream!
Stop the war and wild loud of scream
I have a dream not for myself.
Not a selfish man who thinks of himself.
I have a Filipino dream!
Cease the pain of a poor at the stream.
Three stars are united as one.
My dreams and love are bounded as one.
I have a Filipino dream!
Be the best in our craft and one of the prim.
Eight rays of sun symbolize hope.
Filipinos will rise and reach the peak of slope.
I have a Filipino dream!
Rapidly admired coz we’re now the cream.
I have a dream for my one country land.
An endless peace and success for my one true land.
by Victor Bun |
angel, anniversary, beautiful, beauty, birthday, black african american, boyfriend, brother, business, caregiving, childhood, christian, christmas, dedication, easter, family, father, flower, friendship, girl, girlfriend, graduation, grandmother, happiness, happy, home, hope, husband, inspirational, life, love, memory, mother, passion, people, pets, relationship, romance, romantic, rose, seasons, social, success, thank you, wedding,
I was just trying to remember the past
trying to remember the good people
and the bad people,
that i came across on my way,
i want you to know
that you are among the good people
that left a good trace in my life,
once again i just want to say thank you
for passing through my life,
is so short but is wonderful
i want you here forever.
by Jim Pemberton |
character, children, christian, community, dad, daughter, dedication, desire, devotion, emotions, faith, family, father, father daughter, feelings, forgiveness, friend, friendship, god, happiness, how i feel, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, jesus, life, love, marriage, memory, mom, my children, parents, religion, religious, sister, social, society, son, success, teen, today, together, trust, uplifting, urban, wife,
The Family That God Gave to Me
I think about the family,
that God gave to me...
And think about where
they'll spend eternity!
I think about the good times,
that we've had.
And the trials we've faced...
Both good and bad!
God helped us to overcome
adversity together!
And proved his faithfulness...
Today and forever!
He showed us the Godly path,
that we should follow...
And promised to be with us!
Today and tomorrow!
He's proven how
much he loves us!
And how much that he
cares for us!
Thank you my lord,
for all you do!
Where would we be?
If not for you?
You've proven yourself
over and over again!
Thank you so much,
for being our friend!
By Jim Pemberton
by Gargi Saha |
We should love our neighbours as we
love our God,
We should not hate any one for this is
the advice of our Lord:
We should live in solitude
And bring happiness to the unfortunate
and livelihood!
We should be courageous and forgiving
We should be loving and merciful.
We should sacrifice our greed,
Which makes us perform selfish deeds-
We should avoid harming living beings
And also avoid eating at wrong times-
Such is a path which leads to good character;
Character leads to personality and
Brings happiness and success later.
by Anthony Scandrick Ii |
anniversary, baby, beautiful, beauty, caregiving, child, childhood, confusion, courage, dark, dedication, depression, devotion, freedom, goodbye, graduation, growing up, happiness, hope, humorous, lonely, lost love, love, mystery, passion, satire, slam, sorrow, sorry, success, suicide, teen, thank you, uplifting, write,
You almost had me,
I wanted you,
The way you stuck to me like super glue,
I was feeling you,
But I knew,
I could never have you,
But, the way you looked at me,
The way my body pleads,
We can never be,
Because I’m too old,
And your only thirteen.
by Masereka Amos |
sad, satire, success,
A cloudy, gloomy, cool, rainy morning
Fresh, transparent, and sparkling,
Muddy dreams pouring and droplets springing
And all my things left in an open to get dry
Love, trust, life, joy and here is none to supply
I place not a blame
They art wet all the same
Found it interesting as a computer game
To see these teardrops of shame
Sorrow shared is half the sorrow
But I have the audacity to see tomorrow
Rain has seasons
And also reasons
To bind boundless
For with time it will be cloudless
To strengthen strongly
When the atmosphere is misty
And words exchanged wrongly
by Ken Nwadiogbu |
people, metaphor,
The only one of my kind
The undisputed champion
I'm the one you need find
If you're not gazing for presumption
I'm the megaphone of my world
The gateway to success
The daredevil of love
The pioneer of my Highness
The panoramic view of paradise
Exalted the beauty of black
A paradigm of high class
Dominate like a spark
I am the synecdoche of mighty
The metaphor of wonder
The personification of Christianity
And simile of thunder
I am Kenechukwu Nwadiogbu A.K.A Kbillion
by Dan Keir |
allah, angel, angst, confusion, dream, education, faith, freedom, god, happiness, health, heaven, history, holocaust, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, miracle, nature, on writing and words, pain, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religious, sad, spiritual, stress, success, sympathy, teacher, time, write,
Beauty of nature
Why condense it down to God?
Isn’t life enough?