Love Poems About Old or Old Love Poems
by P.S. Awtry |
Categories: christian, heaven, song,

I Sure Miss the Old Hymns

I sure miss the old hymns of ages past.
With tattered edges their message still lasts.
Those five stanza’d jewels I know by heart--
“The Sweet By and By” and “How Great Thou Art!”
And “Count Your Blessings,” I love that one, too.
And “This World’s Not My Home, I’m Just Passing Through.”
But when I’ve done wrong and need to get right,
There’s “Just As I Am” and “Why Not Tonight.”
I swear I can hear my folks who have gone,
on “Vict’ry in Jesus,” they sing along.
Someday all the saints will stand and join in
As Heaven’s choir sings those songs once again.

Those old, yellowed pages worn soft by tears—
Oh how I miss the songs of yesteryear.

August 22, 2022

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, nature,

The Rose Bowl

The sky is a gigantic bowl of pink turned upside down, spilling soft rose petals that peeked out from beneath snow white billowed clouds till - fully blossomed - they burst forth. Growing radiant at the edge of twilight, they’ve scattered as rubescent streaks falling, lush and luminescent, as we watch in solitude. No parade this evening - just you and I aglow, wishing for an eternity to be like this: so splendidly in love. . . in the pink. Title and first line changed back to original Submitted Oct. 5, 2021 (#8 word - Rosy) for '''R'' Contest, New or Old' Contest Info Sponsor: Constance La France

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: art, friendship, meaningful, nature, symbolism, tree, writing,

Retreat To Heed Our Honest Deeds


Two old oak trees weathered by winds and rain
with fallen leaves, branches and toughened bark
to shield a core of grandeur, and sustain
the wisdom borne to see the light from dark.
Two noble men aware of twilight time
both face evil world with courage and grace
Love and Nature gifts each, a life sublime
all standing with courage none can erase.
Each rooted within mother earth's great fold
weathering this world's darkest raging storms
images show lives lived regally and bold
tho' existing in weakened earthen forms.
With words of wisdom written in our seeds
we seek retreat to heed our honest deeds.

22nd June, 2018
T.J Grén & Robert Lindley

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: devotion, faith, religion,

You Took My Place

Amazing love,
Amazing grace,
You gave Your life,
You took my place.
I should have died,
On Calvary's tree,
But You stepped in,
And died for me.

What can I say?
What can I do?
To show my love, 
My gratitude?
To You my Lord,
My Savior King,
For becoming my
Sin offering?

Here is my heart,
Here is my soul,
Come Lord Jesus,
Take control.
The old is gone,
You've made me new.
You died for me,
I'll live for you.


by Leo Larry Amadore |
Categories: angst, childhood, death, depression, family, father, hope, introspection, life, loss, nostalgia,

Things That Seemed Poetic

Things that seemed poetic were
always sad, though I yearned for
glitter and my dad's guffaw, which
never came. Familiar things were 
always drear -- repeated motions 
in the same old game. There were 
only distant glimpses of budding
Spring, fleeting views of daffodils. 
The strongest poems dealt me 
death and dying. Still, I always 
hoped, never went under to gray 
despair, forever dreaming of a 
garden of love we could share -- 
but those forbidden delights 
faded quickly away. The only reality
I understand is the ever-looming
and final one. Nothing's changed.
The strongest poems deal 
death and dying.

by Kp Nunez |
Categories: child, dedication, love, mother daughter,


Can a child ever forget, how deep a mother’s love abides

All those days since birth, till now I’m grown she guides

Remembering her smile, so tender, so warm as her embrace

More than soothes away my pain, my fear of failure and disgrace

Even in my dreams she comforts, her voice, her scent would stay

Never will her being mother stop, till when I’m old and gray.

26 March 2015
Contest : Acrostic on Mother's Day - 1st Place

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: love, relationship, thank you,

Forever Loved

You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see
You were there when I needed you
Just a young child so full of life
Causing many an adult strife
If I lied you could see right through 
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see 

Because of you I changed my ways
Have respect till my dying days
You were there when I needed you
If I lied you could see right through
You could never be mad at me
Wise old man whom my heart could see

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Dr. Mehta Contest: Sonnetina Rispetto

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angst, loneliness,

Living Hell

Damned by the devil's curse upon my heart
I pace the lonely bridge twixt love and hate
Stalked by death's shadow from the very start
Forsaken by the guiding hand of fate

My restless soul sleeps in the tangled thorns
Nursed by the acrid milk of bitter weed
Tormented nightly by old lovers scorned
And haunted by a score of sinful deeds

Pray, take me now to storm the gates of hell
Confront the wicked one and question why
Twas reason for my birth under his spell
To live a loveless life until I die

I curse this lonely life given to me
The fire of hell is all t'will set me free

  an original poem by Daniel Turner

by Peter Rees |
Categories: age, dark, death, feelings, old, sad,

Speak of It Not

Speak of it not,
think of it not,
lest regrets may 
cloud the failing light,
and weariness
a shroud becomes.
This little thing,
once proud in love and lust,
now hides its face
and soon it will be dust.
Gone is the lustre
and delight
of fond imaginings,
as shadows deepening 
enfold what once
seemed ever bright,
impervious to
encroaching night.

by Deb M |
Categories: grief, loss, sad love,

Fractured Soul

Shes sits in her worn out familiar chair
As the sun wakes for the day
Her being weary before the day begins
From wishing her life away

Nothing matters anymore
Old now, completely bereft
He’s been gone a few months 
Alone , nothing left

They lost their only child 
As a beautiful young adult
A lifetime of grieving 
Being the result

It should never be that way
Your child leaves earth before you
Their profound,pure love for each other
Is how they got through

She sits motionless ,eyes closed 
Her mind consumed of days gone by
Her whole being aches , tears fall
She breathes one loud , last sigh

by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: introspection, joy, love, romantic,

I Got a Love

I got a love that's never gonna die
Your love has breathed new life into me,
has filled my heart that was once empty
I got a love that's alive and spry
A fragrant violet voice has revived the old bones,
turning back the clock is a good thing
Gave me a pep in my step, a soul zing
Your love rekindled the flame that was long gone

How could you know that you would affect me so,
make me to rise up from my slumbering deep
Go walking to the garden of orchid waking dreams
A shower of kindness make the seeds of your love grow,
blossoms of smiles move my undressed heart to weep
My love for you will never die, for it has been redeemed

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: husband,

On My Threadbare Love

My love is like a worker's gloves grown old.
His hands are leather, roughened now with age
and years of work in weather hot and cold,
yet through the many years, he has grown sage. . .

My love is like a builder's pair of boots.
He's dusty and fatigued and still he walks
while trailing mud, but now his attributes
shine through despite life's many stumbling blocks.

My love is like a pair of jeans much worn,
a pair of socks with holes that have stayed warm.
Though time and all the trials he has borne
have left him frayed, he wishes no one harm.

To write a beaming sonnet would not do,
but threadbare love (in some ways) bests the new.

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: encouraging, family, humanity, life, love, truth, wisdom,

Bit of Truth and Wisdom, Found In Old Age

Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age

At that age wisdom says life is a joke
consider blindness of other poor folk.
Stop to ponder why on earth we exist
you may just find giving on that big list.

To live well, love hard and thus procreate
easy to see easier to relate.
Living life together with your soulmate
should be a part of everybody's Fate!

Finding life is not about what you got
should be holding solid, number one spot
Tis more about life lived well and deeper
with one you found, knew to be a keeper

If long life, happiness is your great aim
if reaching not for it, you are to blame!

Robert J. Lindley, 1-16-2017

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: seasons, me,

Autumn Memories

Spring chased old man winter from his place
And silenced him with her capricious face
Sometimes a tear, sometimes a smile;
She would beguile
My lazy feet
To dance in some leafy bowered retreat.

When dreamy delightful summer flies
And looks at me with laughing eyes;
She draws me to her clover fields
And my heart yields
To her winsome wooing
And her siren song is my undoing.

One day I saw the sudden flare
Of autumn's wind blown crimson hair;
She stirred the whispering leaves and then
I felt again
A yearning glow
Of years remembered long ago
And I lived the dream I never knew
Of lost memories and my love for you.

by Joseph May |
Categories: lost love, relationship,

Words Left Unsaid

Words left unsaid as teardrops fell
 The price of love, their hearts would tell
 And so they parted, love took flight
 And left their hearts to lonely nights
 Each unable to break loves spell

  Distant sound of the old church bell
 Rang through seasons they knew so well
 Winter to spring, summer shone bright
 Words left unsaid

 Each had a broken heart to sell
 As fire within they tried to quell
 Memories fade in Luna's light
 Stars wished upon twinkle in sight
 Love's distant star, flickers farewell
 Words left unsaid
 Contest Name: Form U- U pick 'em
 Sponsor; Broken Wings

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love, stars,

Anticipation of Love

Fireflies danced amongst the shrubs,
Nocturnal fragrance filled the garden,
Sweet melodies of violin
Wafted into the serenity 
Of our quiet neighbourhood.
How could I not dream of my love?

On the hammock beneath an old oak
I lay swinging gently to the tune,
A rhapsody weaving a magical spell. 
Thoughts drifting into night's allure.

Will she come to me to count our stars?
Would she regale me with many a kiss
As passionate as each nebula
That adorned so heavenly our sky?
There the trill of the nightingale
Suddenly hushed as she approached.
I felt elated with the anticipation of love.

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: flower, husband, i love you, love, marriage, rose, wedding,

Two Roses

On our wedding he gave a crystal rose
Flowering forever, enrobed in glass
Ballerina's grace in delicate pose
Guardianship of tradition, of class

Witness of first years, of paper, cotton
Commitment held, her thorns learn to forgive
Pain polished away, stains dimmed, forgotten
Like love immortal, death she will outlive

Ten years on, he presented me her twin
Silvery spring caught; his honor, my gift
For old promises kept, new ones begin
He is still my rock amid rivers swift

Two roses, bloom in space the heart allows
Two roses, as eternal as our vows.


by Jess Opperman |
Categories: death, dedication, grief, loss, love, miss you, sorrow, wife,

To My Darling

If I could will my heart to stop
and breathe a final breath
I'd sit beneath an old oak tree
and trade my life for death

The pain in life of losing you
is more than I can bear
how can a man be happy when
his better half's not there

Life's meaning's gone when I lost you
no purpose can I find
for you were but the reason i
loved life and cherished time

I cannot will my heart to stop
I'm waiting for the sign
from God to show His mercy to
unite us one more time

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: age, baby, cry, food, life, old, youth,

From Young To Old

The story of life from young to old is the same old story told over and over.
We start out and end in diapers.
We start out and end with no teeth.
We start out and end eating soft foods we do not like the taste of.
We start out and end falling down.
We start out and end needing care.
We start out and end crying day and night. 
We start out with nothing and end taking nothing with us.
We only have the precious time between young and old to live a life of love to others.
The story of life is the story we leave behind.

Date Written: 6/7/2019
A contest on aging Poetry Contest  sponsored by  Emile Pinet

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: autumn, love, nature, sweet love,

One Special Yew

I want to merge with this old Yew,
To travel through its rings of time.
Back when it's sprout had just begun
Near Blarney's river so sublime.

Where ivy climbs the castle walls,
A quaint sized foot bridge leads to where,
The old strong Yew still charms today
As autumn chills with crisp clean air.

I felt compelled to climb it's limbs
To sit embraced by its sweet love.
To its spirit, in whispered voice,
I then professed the same thereof.

How strong that memory still keeps
As other trees I've come to know
Bless me with their cool umbrella,
I see that Yew in vigil glow!

© Connie Marcum Wong

by John Gondolf |
Categories: loneliness, lost love, sad,

A Hollow Heart

A hollow heart devoid of love 
is like a night no stars above,
or like an old abandoned well
whose empty echoes speak of hell.
A lonely heart will gently weep
as raindrops through her veins will seep,
and cascade down a pallid cheek,
and leave a weary spirit weak.

My broken spirit aches with pain
when sun sinks low at end of day,
and darkness douses hopes thereof
as midnight chimes amidst the rain.
These sad forsaken dreams portray
my hollow heart devoid of love.

June 17, 2020

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: care, friendship, judgement, love,

True Warmth

Please don't mistake a smile for warmth, it's not
   Behind the surgeon's smile sure lurks a knife
That pal at work you hang out with a lot
   Will cut your heart out, ruin your very life

When young, we think we have a million friends
   We laugh, we play, we think that life is great
Though really they pursue their selfish ends
   So easy for their love to turn to hate  

True warmth won't turn you out in winter's cold
   It cooks a hearty meal for you at night
It also will take care of you when old
   It sympathizes with your every plight

Look past that smile, my friend, and see the heart
   ~ The best advice to you I can impart

            Iambic Pentameter

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: angst, autumn, goodbye,

Saying Goodbye To Autumn

It seems we said hello, just yesterday
Do you recall the night you came to town?
You blew in silently, I hoped you'd stay
Time really flies when old friends come around

When you leave here, I guess you'll be southbound
I love the pretty blanket left for me
Those yellows mix so well with red and brown
It will make such a treasured memory

Yet when you've gone, how diff'rent things will be
So cold and bare, your warmth will disappear
It happens ev'ry year so let's agree
We'll plan a longer visit for next year

Sweet autumn it is time to say goodbye
I wish you'd come next year about July

   by Daniel Turner
Spenserian sonnet  rhyme scheme

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: hope, love, peace, uplifting,

My Dream

tears fall from our eyes
universal hugs of love
peace reigns in our world
Entry: "Any Poem About Dreams" (Old or New) Sponsor: P.D. 3rd Place Winner For the "Dream Land Contest" of "Olajide Adelana" By: Carol Brown 01/18/2012 7th Place Winner

by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
Categories: africa, inspirational, patriotic,

I Feel African In Every Vein

I feel African in every vein
the arteries pulsate with love
this continent is so dear to me

I feel African in every breath
the challenges the world paints
I see not but beautiful Africa

All Africans here and far away
join me to hold Africa together
no piece should go to the winds

The unity of the land of Africa
the resources of the land of Africa
are gifts no humans brought here

Patriots of Africa come hold hands
this land you owe loving service
dust off yourselves to build Africa

Old Africa where is your wisdom?
come out of your boxes and unite
the world is vibrant, lets wake up

I feel African in every vein
Africa my sweet-heart duty calls