Love Poems About Weather or Weather Love Poems
by Ink Empress |
Categories: gospel, weather,

Hyacinth Hymn of Healing

In a hyacinth bed of seven stars, winter fairies waltz in pearl elegance~ a token of faith engrossed amidst scars, while skies drizzle rain in fruity essence. Angel of sleep seeks through frost's icy thorn, fallen feathers soar towards jasmine moon, when lotus light within soul is reborn, listen to the tree of life sigh and croon. Somewhere between daisy dusks and rose dawns, seeds of sun unfurl promises in gold, sowing herbs of hope across sequined lawns. In the realm of healing, love I behold.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: husband,

On My Threadbare Love

My love is like a worker's gloves grown old.
His hands are leather, roughened now with age
and years of work in weather hot and cold,
yet through the many years, he has grown sage. . .

My love is like a builder's pair of boots.
He's dusty and fatigued and still he walks
while trailing mud, but now his attributes
shine through despite life's many stumbling blocks.

My love is like a pair of jeans much worn,
a pair of socks with holes that have stayed warm.
Though time and all the trials he has borne
have left him frayed, he wishes no one harm.

To write a beaming sonnet would not do,
but threadbare love (in some ways) bests the new.

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: life,

Winter's Warm

Found a winter to hold, we two 
to share and not be so alone
with hearts devoted
kept away a world turned cold 
and hoped love grew, 
far as we knew.. 

Weren't taught the ways of loving another
yet learned to love each other    
I so hoped you could,  
love me.

The day has come I must away,
I'll always think on better days
when hearts held sway.

The weather turned warm in sun
turned my head, and you were gone 
left alone to go on. 

I'm keeping watch of time  
as I did much in life
for a moment.. 
a return.

by Anil Deo |
Categories: analogy, art, history, love, voice, wisdom, words,

Poetry of Love

Many march into a new month
Themes as old as winters warmth -
Love that is, no matter the weather
Poets write to heal, feel, reveal other
Ways to taste words, kiss reality
"Witnessing" not judging, that's poetry

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: nature, weather,


doves coo love notes songbirds sing nesting tunes.... temperature twenty

by David Meade |
Categories: love, weather,

Haiku 29 Wind Snow

wind snow – hard, cold, deep creaking trees, sagging power lines sheets warm next to you
David Meade 11/14/2014

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: love,

What Will It Be

There's a storm that we can't weather
There's a war that we can't win
But as long as we're together
We're together thick and thin
I know that you said things
I didn't like or understand
Then my reply would surely sting
Hot and dry like desert sand
So, I'll lay aside my pride
As you'll reach to hold my hand
Using love to be our guide
And respect to make our stand
'Cause there's a war that we can win
And a storm that we can't weather
Unless through thick and thin
We can learn to stick together

by Kiran Bantawa |
Categories: autumn, beauty, desire, earth, fantasy, first love, for her, girl, girlfriend, i love you, image, lust, nature, november, october, passion, relationship, romance, teen, teenage,

With You In Autumn Evening

The sweet songs of birds, We hand in hand across the lawn, Pansies white yellow and violet Tossing their heads in the breeze. Somewhere the sound of falling leaves. The sound of squirrel cracking the walnut. Calm weather warm sun, White fluffy clouds forming different shapes, A passenger flight in the blue sky, Sun born in the horizon and about to fade in the horizon, Both our heartbeats echo inside of chest, Shutting and opening of our lips, Your unkempt hair flying backwards, Yellowish west sky. Heart shaped fig leaf's shadow. If I could stop this world from spinning, I would do so, Just to be with you In this autumn evening.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: nature, weather, wind,

Clouds Haiku

zephyr winds blowing clouds kiss gently when they meet romance in the air Contest: Poetry Writing#1 Sponsor Broken Wings Jan Allison 12th December 2015 I had never written a haiku before joining poetry soup in February 2014. I love the traditional format of 5, 7, 5 syllables and the fact so few words can create such wonderful images in your mind.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: clothes,

My Thermal Vest

May not be very sexy
Yet I need you to keep me warm

Thin yet lightweight 
Hides my hairy chest
Every winter I cuddle up to you
Really snug
Makes me all cosy
Available in many styles and colours
Lovely next to my skin

Vital in this chilly weather
Extra layer of clothing
Silk ones are the ultimate in comfort and warmth
Thermal vest I love you

Jan Allison
23rd  November 2014

by Lin Lane |
Categories: lonely,

Calm Winds Over the Sea

Adrift in the darkness, canvas sail gleams,
night sky aglow with satiny moonbeams.
Calm winds tread over a nonchalant sea
the world revolves in perfect harmony.

Inside a heart, waves crash upon a shore
turbulent weather lasts forever more.
A love that once breathed life into her sails
was but a flurry, pretender of gales.

Treasure lies deep beneath the salty brine.
A wounded heart waits to cast off the line.
When high tide ebbs at the moons direction,
a forgiving heart forgets rejection.

Sea will spill upon the shore its treasure
in a wealth of love that knows no measure.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: environment, love, rain, weather, winter,

I Love My State of Oregon

Oregon’s, wildlife, mountains, lakes, and bogs
Fields of green, awaken refreshed at dawn
Where salmon runs the rivers blue to spawn
Drawn wandering above the sea of fog   

Black-tailed and mule deer birth their newborn fawns
Where shaggy mane elks labor their spring calves 
Rustle sounds while they graze off open paths  
Wander under the full moon of predawn

Sea of umbrellas on rainy season
Fireplace frames warm sputtering ember flames
Snow cold, in fella’s embrace with no shame
Turning me into shades of pink  crimson  

Savoring the earth's nurturing labor 
Giving my heart to the verdant nature


My home for 36 years

by Christopher Thor Britt |
Categories: betrayal,


Oh, innocence of trust unchecked
How stare you back at me?
T’was you who fled this heart laid bare
Oh, barren calamity

Empty now the heart ill used
So used to gentle dreams
No more to see the flower’s bloom
No song but silence’s scream

Tell me true, reflection mine
Convince these naked eyes
What errant way or walk or word
Did scorn this heart and thine?

Does not love, our love, true love
Still soar above the weather?
Or like Iccarus, did we dare too high
Then, fall to earth unfeathered?

I cast my lot on winds of change
Though the end be hard to find
His siren muse did have her chance
Now...I shall have mine.

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: love, romance

Winter's Last Gasp

1st lover

winter’s last gasp
bone chilling loneliness ....
warm scent of your coat

2nd lover

reaching across miles
sending balmy loving thoughts
returning with spring
distance of  no consequence
cold weather unimportant

For Debbie's " Lover contest"  won no. 5

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: dream, love, romantic,

Without Love

It would cloud the sun forever
in one instant the sea would dry
shift the axis of the earth
as a weak crystal
all of this would happen!
resulting in death
cover me with its funereal crepe
but you could never shut me
from the flame of your love...

Last night I dreamed
we were standing in cold grey weather
under the proudest stars
no escape from the ocean breeze
we looked beyond
as the pale moon put on a white cloth...
~ ~ ~ ~

by Helen Reimer |
Categories: faith,

Aging Gracefully

Senile and silly are the woes of sage.
Broken on the altar of age.
But the children care not,
They enjoy the silliness a lot.

No matter the weather,
I thank God, our Lord and Father
For the fun
Smiles, water and sun.

But even when all seems lost,
No hope to regain the cost
I'll not regret nor dread the pain;
For in His joy and peace I remain.

Now, let Love abide!
Never to leave His side.
Overflowing from the Holy Spirit forever
I will not fail; not ever!

Aging gracefully, I'm ready
To step into Eternity; it's heady!
Happy and excited to be
With my Lord, eternally!

by Lu Loo |
Categories: love, memory, missing you,

Warm Memories

There are frequent thoughts of a special place, and you are there with me, and we drink coffee and believe in each other. Time and time again, I've said it before- no matter how cold the weather gets... ~your memory will always keep me warm~ 10 February 2015

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: tree,

Long To Be

For often through the way I feel
An idea to try and win your heart,
Unspoken action this the deal
Of simple mind no a la carte.

Because life I know soon to fade
Token symbol of you and me,
Somewhere to muse, feel love in shade
Of our moments together free.

Oh I know I could never be
Yet try I must stand in your life,
Sturdy foundations yet still free
Throughout all kinds of weather, rife.

Powerful touch of kindly prune
Such dignity with bloom the key,
When snipped away to nature's tune
Oh how I long to be your tree.

© Harry J Horsman  & Mandy M Tams 2013

by Jay Del Fierro |
Categories: hope, lost love, love,

Starcrossed Love Affair....

Path lost...starcrossed
on the wings of an albatross

Flying through such stormy weather
battle elements,but not together

Sun setting....upsetting
deprived of love they should be getting

Alone they walk on different oceans
stormy seas disrupting motion

Soulmates....never too late
two lovers fate as must they wait.... mind gets ahead of me
since you're the only one I see....

by Sandra Hudson |
Categories: inspirational, love, mother,


Mother, you're the lighthouse
That illuminates my path
Mother, Your the advisor,
and consoler of my wrath

Mother, you're the toothpaste,
that keeps my language clean
Mother, your the glasses
that keep my vision keen

Mother, you're the walking cane
that guides me along the way
Mother, you're the crimson rose
I stop to smell each day

Mother, you're the safety pin
when things won't come together
Mother, you're my rainbow
right after stormy weather

I thank God for all you do
and what you mean to me
I love you Mom, I always will
For all eternity

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Stroll Slowly

Stroll slowly along the beach with me
Together under the brilliant stars
Come listen to my heart songs
I'll love you just the way you are

Be my one and only
The answer to my prayers
Come and walk beside me
The rest of our living years

I'll gaze lovingly into those caramel eyes
Stroke lightly on your lambent cheek
Whisper sweet poetry in your attentive ear
My heart will tremble as we speak

Wrap your arms securely around me 
Make me feel safe and warm
Comfort me with hugs and kisses
Together we'll weather the storms

by Sukmawati Komala |
Categories: imagination, me, me,

Favourite Thoughts

blow me wind
o blow me away
To my favourite thoughts

dress in white satin
meet sweet jasmines
kiss red roses

white clouds 
come alive 
in their flapping tender wings

delicate drizzles
drop on my face
feel  with
glittering loves

kiss me wind
o kiss me wild
ruffle my hairs
 till i tickle giggle

blow me wind
o blow me away
to meet my sweetest memory

when i drank his first
stupid words
said “ i love you”
in a quite beautiful  nuance

blow me wind 
o blow me away
weather wise
such a lovely day

My favourite thoughts
i worship and adore

~sukmawati komala~
21 March 2013

by Sisi Bels |
Categories: beauty, creation, flower, love, rose, roses are red, time,

The Rose

One ready for pictures
Always in a pose,
Photogenically prepared
Stands The Rose

With the depthening and bolden
Color of red,
Appear it’s strong petals
Without the despairing thought of shed

...The association of love
Under any weather,
Only for the purpose
Of making her day better

...So perfect and so steady
Is the Rose that you see,
But what some don’t recognize
Is the mess it used to be...
With beauty comes time
With time comes love,
And with love comes patience
And that patience has sprung.

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: dedication, love, marriage,

I Pledge To Love You

With this ring I promise

To care and comfort you

Treat you warm and tender 

Go hand in hand life through

Come stormy weather

In gray skies or blue

My home's forever... to be close to you

I pray you’ll love me... as I say I do... 

At the altar I stand... pledging heart to you

by Stephen Kilmer |
Categories: love,

Is It Going To Rain

The wind calls your name
Dark clouds on the plain
Gusty wind in my heart
Blowing us apart

Is it going to rain?
Can you feel my pain?
Is it going to rain?
I think I’m going insane?
Tell me is it going rain?

Calm before the storm
Chance upon a breeze
Whisper in the night
I want to hold you tight?

I can feel the weather 
In my bones
It’s telling me 
I’ll be alone 

Tell me is it going to rain?
Tell me can you feel my pain?