Love Poems About Race or Race Love Poems
by Honestly J.T. |
Categories: america, for her, for him, friend, friendship, growth, how i feel, international, journey, love, racism, school, social, together, truth, uplifting,

One World

Love is not a color,
No hue, neither a race.
All of our blood is the same, 
That runs deep within our veins.

If we could lift up each other,
And know that we all care.
If we help our sisters and brothers,
There's a bond that we'll share.

©2013 Honestly JT

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: beauty,

Don'T Skip a Beat

Love knows no age or beauty Love knows no rich or poor Love knows no religion or race Love knows no straight or gay Love knows no boundary or reason Love knows no distance or time Love knows only the rapid beating of a giving heart sublime

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

The Poetess

Words flowing like magic, explode off my page
Taking me on journeys, I didn't seek
My mind is just floating, feelings do race
Her spirit is leading, to heaven I think

Reading but living, each chosen word
Caught up in beauty, emotions I trace
My heart is a flutter, tears sometimes fall
In awe of her verses, as much as her grace

Passion and love, I can feel her heartbeat
Sorrow and pain, mistakes made again
Dancing with nature, you take me by hand
Simply you're beautiful, I'm in love with your pen

Spilling of emotions, out onto the page
Poems come alive, for sure they are real
Confide in me please, all that's concealed
My dearest poetess, you make me feel

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: thanks,

What Matters Most

What Matters Most

What matters most is obvious to me. It’s hearth and home, kin and family. Life is an hourglass and the sands of your time keep drifting down - drifting, drifting, drifting downward as you race to get in all the things you want to do! But take time to breathe in the things you love: fresh baked bread, roses, the petrichor of spring! Simple are life’s joys. Give all you love to all those you love, for that will be your legacy when your sands run out and the hourglass turns over. April 1, 2020 for Chantelle Anne Cooke's "What Matters the Most to You" Poetry contest

by Akkina Downing |
Categories: happy, inspiration, love,


Love is a thing

You can't see it nor can you touch it
But you sure can see and feel its effect

A deep affection that fills you joyfully 
You are drunk on happiness

It's always understanding 
To accept the good, the bad, and the weak

It has no cultural condition 
It sees no boundary nor race

It's fearless and flawless 
It just flows limitlessly 

It's God's love
Nailed to the cross for you and me

It's in you and me 
It's I love you and you and you and God

I am drunk on happiness 
Because HE loves me unconditionally 


  Akkina R Downing

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 12th grade, beautiful, feelings, imagery, love, stars,

Beauty Can't Compete

Lingering rays of sunlight slowly die as scarlet burns the sky, where clouds ignite. And while the birds roost, bats begin to fly, capturing elusive moths in mid-flight. Luna hangs high in an ebony sky, spinning dreams into beams of golden light. And twinkling stars, like fireflies in the night, confetti the heavens, dazzling the eye. Like gold filigree pinned to the darkness galaxies adorn the heavens above, and shooting stars unzip the black of space. But, Man stands unabashed in His starkness, for cosmic beauty can't compete with love, an emotion intrinsic to His race.

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: god, light,

Shine Forth His Light

Shine forth His light, dispel the night!
Spread love that's true, let hope glow bright,
May your words be seasoned with grace!
Looking up to Christ, run your race,
Unfurl His undying love's might!

Light your candle’s love infinite,
Reflect the Son, good deeds highlight,
May others through you God embrace,
                         Shine forth His light!

Let your blaze all around ignite,
If not a lamp, be a flashlight,
May your radiance help them trace
God’s peace that nothing can replace,
                        Shine forth His light!

16th March 2022

For Anoucheka Gangabissoon's "Being a Light to others" contest

by Mary Nagy |
Categories: angst, daughter, family, funny, happiness, life, love, car,

Princess Needs a New Car

Princess just wants a new car.
I have told her that hers will go far.
'Oh, it's really not cool
driving this crap to school.'
'Do I need that emotional scar? '

'The kids will all laugh at the rust.
When we race, I'll be left in the dust! 
I will save up some cash
then we'll make a mad dash
to the car dealer surely you trust'.

'He will make us a wonderful deal
and I'm sure you will know how I feel.
I will love you so much, 
My siblings... I won't touch.
Just get me behind a new wheel'! 

Now she'll be cruisin in style.
She'll be happy for only awhile.
There will always be better
and we'll try hard to get her
a car that will make princess smile.

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: beauty, love, lust, sexy,

Dampened Sheets

I am the sultry silence
the wishbone
of your dreams
feel my warm breath
slither down your throat
across your chest
feel my transparent tongue...

We rage the erotic battle
I feel your pulse race
my fingers of flame
caress all that is yours
I am your imagination
arching above your feminine form
I sink slowly into you...

Just so you know my love
you will never be able
to shake me from your dreams
I will seduce you to a place
beyond mere thoughts and words
tonight, dream of us...

by Richard D Seal |
Categories: woman,



The stars bestowed your eyes
The moon, your cherry red lips
The sun, that light in your mind
Heaven, those gold finger tips

The oceans surrendered your hair
Your form, fashioned by tides
Rivers tempered the spirit
Where patience and love resides

Strength, came from the mountains
The wind, sweet  lullabies
Volcano’s forged the Passion
That lives in soul filled eyes

But where, oh where is completion
Makes the pulse race and dart
For this, woman must wait
Till a man, gives her his heart.

Written 7 Oct 2013

by Jessica Arteaga |
Categories: happiness

Greatest Transport

I like to be somewhere were I can't be traced
I world of magic or stuck in the replay of my outtakes
A thousand pictures saved and phrases enjoyed take place
I could be a mystical being or an animal having race
I could be a goddess, or remembering when I ate Daddy's plate
Pretending I'm kissing a movie star or the kisses of my love; can't replace
O yes, my funnest and greatest transportation, are the ones that my mind would make.

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: life,

Kindness and Grace

Life is like a gentle sigh Breathing out a heartening reply Coloring the thoughts in laughing gold Silencing worries and struggles so untold Whispering peace into the heart and soul Lighting up the spirit so it’s alive and whole Easing the broken heart with warm hope That comforts the solemn, helping them cope Breaking through the worry and pain Soothing the heart who knows the rain Life isn’t about who will always win the race It’s about who will love with kindness and grace Inspired by Jo Daniel’s poem, Life is not – which I dearly loved

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: life,

Why Can'T We All Just Get Along

“Why can't we all just get along” Rodney King once uttered these words As current today as it was back then Our “head in the sand” thinking, it disturbs We're all just members of the human race Why divide us up, us and them Brothers that will meet our maker one day What's so very important until then In the overall scheme of earthly things Only love should rise above all Colour, language and religion all secondary Co-existence must be installed Maybe I'm just whistling in the wind But if my small voice does make a difference Then hear me loud and clear as I shout To reject it is a display of ignorance

by Jim Dunlap |
Categories: appreciation, celebrity, england,

A Golden Brooke

He lives upon a printed page,
marching golden in a dream.
His words described a brighter age --
which quaffed the milk and lapped the cream.
Fate brought him forth to love and live --
scion of a proud and noble race.
All he sacrificed and all he'd give
was deeply marked upon his face.

No gold survives the final frost:
in his prime death carried him away.
In wars, a nation's best are lost;
as then it happens still today.
    His home was England, vale and hill;
    across the years, he's with us still.

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: courage, humanity, love,

Enemies We Were Never Born

No, my loving friend,

Enemies we were never born but we were made

By all those evil men who had the most to gain

Thus I implore you ready to be each other to embrace

Forgetting to which religion we belong and to what race!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     12 January 2022

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: god, love, moon, prayer, song, stars, wedding,

Just a Song

   Just a song, a melodic tune
     She’d heard that June  
   Arm-in-arm, lips locked tight
     the thrill of night
       O, Lord, it seemed so right

   Her fair breast nestled in his chest
      golden tresses tumbling down 
   ‘Twas just a song she’d heard that June
      embroidered on a wedding gown 
   When love sings as it did that night
      arm-in-arm, lips locked tight      
   The moon, the stars, the cosmos race to see ~
      Glory to the One who answers its plea

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: africa, america, community, culture, earth, race, self,

This Is Not a Poem--- a Singled Out Page


Hey, Poets stop by, give me a shout out.
Tell Me Where You Are From;)
I promise I won't show up on your doorstep.

If you are having a bad day, let me have it
If you have awesome news, don't be greedy 
By all means  --- SHARE THE NEWS!!!

.................  LOVE THE POET DESTROYER

by April Gabriella |
Categories: celebrity, film, for him, how i feel, love,

Leonardo Dicaprio

Dedicated to my love: Leonardo DiCaprio

For how many years have I loved you
I think it has to be about eighteen
We were both so young in those days
But I still longed to be your queen
With each film I fell more in love
With each role you reminded 
"This is what true talent is made of"
Beautiful Leonardo
How keenly I feel
How much I love you
Probably too much, but still
You have shown true beauty
You have shown true grace
You're a perfect specimen
Of the human race
You are of the greatest actors 
Of this generation and more
For there will never be another
That I so much adore

by Sasha Nathan |
Categories: black-african amerbaby, me, baby, me,


Kiss me,
Lick me,
Taste me,
Chase me,
Make me,
Damn baby just don't rape me.

Love me,
Miss me,
Hug me,
Deeper baby I want you too rub me.

Tuck me,
Touch me, 
Harder baby suck me

Irreplace me,
Race me, 
unlace me,
Dont be scared too face me 

Rule me, 
Chose me, 
U got me now baby don't lose me 

                                                                       By the one and only
                                                                             Sasha Nathan

by Betty Harp Butler |
Categories: international, religious,

Nothing Can Separate Us From Gods Love

Nothing Can Separate Us From God’s Love By Betty Harp Butler There is no mountain high enough, And no valley deep enough To separate us from God‘s love. This Coronavirus is not strong enough To overcome all of us, If we trust in our great God above. God is big enough to bring us through Any trial that we face. When we trust in Him, He is Faithful. He’ll give us the strength, To run Life’s long race. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 KJV Ref: Romans 8:35-39

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: birth, christmas, love, peace,

A Serving of Joy

A Potluck of People can be hard to Digest or assimilate

 Different customs Different taste

 Only One dish can truly Satisfy the human race
 A Serving of Joy  placed on the table by Love  on Christmas Day

by Neldy Jolo |
Categories: dedication, education, history, life, love, nature, nostalgia, peace, people, philosophy, political, sympathy, visionary

Back To Origin

People are commonly different
Symbol of diversity piece
Pure race doesn’t exists

Color and creed are just an identity
Believe only in human history
God sculptured them from clay

People are equally created
Having many opposites
But respecting others taste

When everyone is treated equal
Nothing appears but peace in hand
Discrimination, disunity and, suffering won’t be born anymore

Written to advocate to suppress racism
Bandar Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
10:30-11:00 am, November 13. 07, Tuesday

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: adventure, best friend, cat, crazy, cute love, friendship, funny,

Staircase Race

March 21, 2015

you shan't win
not this day my furry friend
watch me run

head start - yeah!
close to end he leaps down ledge
watch him fly

staircase race 
wins and rubs it in my face
prissy proud prance

by John Gondolf |
Categories: desire, longing, love,


Temptations teasing in the night as embers glow within the pit just you and I in pale moon light that begs our passions to submit I see the look within your eyes and tender smile that beckons me a promise of love’s sweet surprise I know this night was meant to be and as you reach and touch my arm my yearning heart begins to race with longings just to know your charms and feel your sighs upon my face temptations prodding to pursue as stars peek down from up above; our time is now, I beg of you ...please don’t make me wait for love.
April 17, 2021

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beautiful, emotions, feelings, love, romance,

Lost In Your Eyes

Lost in your eyes my passions rise. Emotions burn as flames ignite your heart beating in time with mine toasting our love with champagne wine lovers celebrating the night. Your heart beating in time with mine we dance in enchanted moonlight embracing till the stars take flight toasting our love with champagne wine. Lost in your eyes your heart beating in time with mine pulses race as feelings excite toasting our love with champagne wine my passions rise. My passions rise lost in your eyes.