Love Poems About Sunburst or Sunburst Love Poems
by Tim Smith |
Categories: beauty, song,

Sunburst - Made Into a Song

Sun brush slow as dawn's light breaks
kiss gently on this heart that wakes
warm up days   til night stand guard
when breeze blows brisk and mighty hard

Tap lightly on her peeked cheek this morn
where thoughts of love and life are born
bring forth to her    peace and hope
and faith in man from words God spoke

Impart comfort and ease in rays you share
lighten our load on that cross we bare
Rise up high and in blue skies do rest
soothe our souls with loyal hearts abreast

Sun brush slow as dawn's light breaks
Paint with grace 'pon swan still lakes

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: destiny, grief, heart, heartbroken, imagery, longing, love,

Hemlock and Ivy

You and I, we are,
two polar petals, laced with
arctic blue moonshine
of soft sweven-hymns
and sunburst apricity
of aqua-gold tides,
reminiscing mauve
hours, when our love waltzed in teal
faithful lakes hued with
ivory ink of
coral kismet, shimmering
in wine-auroras,
but now we just trace
poisoned pixie-dust, upon
each other's frail fate,
sinking in folklores
of shaded red canopies,
as I bleed stardust
in ebonies of
hellfire heavens and we fade
like smoked-ash comets;
for you and I, are 
we Hemlock and ivy, swathed
in swan-shaped ballads, 
floating like hail on smudged graves?

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, imagery, imagination,


At the edge of the sunburst horizon sketched by the tinge of celestial hue on your verdant meadow aglow I imagine I’m a sparkling dew. In the space of the seamless void the canvas of azure gets unfurled in your enticing sky enveloping I imagine I’m a soaring free bird. On the bank of the crystal stream cradled in the reclined terrace high in your luring rose garden abloom I imagine I’m a fluttering butterfly. Under the star-crowned amorous sky you come to me through moonbeam blue I imagine I’m an entranced poet lured to write fervent lyric of love for you.
August 21, 2019

by Laura Leiser |
Categories: fantasy, feelings,

Bubble Dreams

I climbed a moonlit bubble to touch the midnight sky
slipped into tie dyed memories of carefree days gone by.

I bathed inside the prisms of soapy bubble dreams
and floated through a tranquil, iridescent scene.

I flung the baggage of reality over the crescent moon
embraced visions of utopia and began my life anew.

I exited excuses to experience ecstasies of hope
hunted truth like a monk on a mission to meet the pope.

I soared upon a seagull's wings to hear a sailor's song
euphoric in my jubilee while dolphins sang along.

I touched the outer edges of a sunburst flame
spread sparks of love to everyone on that enchanted day.


by Leon Enriquez |
Categories: feelings,

Lonely Together

Morning delight
Fiery sunburst;
Elegant conversation

This paradox
Black upon white;
Yin-Yang contrast

Busy street corner
Each person alone;
Crowded solitude

Mall spectators
Browsing and looking;
Yet not seeing

I style a smile
To greet a stranger;
Sparkling sunburst

Valentine shoppers
Seeking to buy;
Love now barters

Leon Enriquez
13 Feb 2014

by John Rhinem |
Categories: hope, life, love,

Amours Psychogenic Forest


Annunciations renascent bird in verve, upon an amulet wire my eyes do see!?

Animated, amid the sunburst branches as fluttering its tiny little wings ~

Chirping aside heartens amiable fertile waterfall, so joyfully splashing 

Its springtimes radiant colours into the wellnigh river refined; interpose....


....“Amours, Psychogenic Forest” *

by Alistair Bain |
Categories: hope, love, music, passion


one day working
the frets
i discovered the song

and I played
it over and over
hoping she would

hear it in her distant
land where she
had sea and beach

long bush tracks
and a bike for
the lake’s perimeter

i dream that she
will hear it
still on an evening

sky and a darkly
hidden verandah
breathing my fingers’

lilting on my buzzing
sunburst axe  and
love’s discordant harmony

by Tim Smith |
Categories: body, desire, love,

So Much More

Pulses repeated pulses 
ripping to the core 
I ache for so much more 

Body spent  content 
but raging to be  pushed hard 
towards a wreckage lain lost 

Thrust forth with tiny fingers 
anchoring an aging frame 

Enticing gasps of pleasure 
tittered through the night 

Pulses repeated pulses 
take hold my weary might 
squeeze past the apprehension 
caress the sunburst light

by Ernest Robles |
Categories: art, passion, poems, poetry, poets, writing, universe,

I Was As I Am Now

i touched you  In all these things
CALLED     Heaven
  Spoke there gently   My Love
-ly sunBURST pink lips did
   i say kissed me dearly
t'was three by the village clock
  i pulled all the heavenly stars
onto your heart --whispered me:

"i count a universe upon your
breasts but see only one love;


if only then by Angel's nudging
she(you) become my soul-partner
    //in our fleeting life!\\

:: ~~ ::

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, dream, fantasy, imagery,

Dreams of Dew Drops

Night lifts dark veil from the face of silk sky,
sunburst horizon blossoms golden dawn,
on flushing meadow dreams of dew drops glow
while on the dancing blades of grass they lie.
Dense shadow of dark cloud melts on my face,
where you see my yearning grows wings to fly
like a butterfly flitting on rapture,
makes an enticing motif soaring high
on the first sunbeam trailing the night gone.
Dreams of dew drops glow on flushing meadow
where the buds unfurl my love you descry.

April 10, 2021
Syllable count per line 10
Checked on
Rhyme checked on
Contest : AbracadabRa March Magic
Sponsor : William Kekaula

by Sandra Elliott |
Categories: love,

Loves Tenderness

Falling so deeply into love's sunset
Sunburst of laughter never to upset
Enjoyment of loves tenderness is my advocate

Time approaches ever so fast, for loves last embrace
Burning desire only for lovers paradoxes
Taken so fast in your strong arms of grandeur

For each question is how long can lover's endure
Together we will glide through out each detour
Only to find their is no others touch so pure

Author. Sandra  M Elliott

by Jay Loveless |
Categories: friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, husband, life, love, wife,

Another Perfect Day

A pillow rests beneath wavy locks of sunburst hair,
eyelids shallow, folding closed over ocean deep eyes,
porcelin arms, as ivory as the snow cross over a warm white bear,
little pouting lips purse and twitch with a hidden smile as dreams take over,
simple words, sweet and true slip from them with a breath,

                                   "Tomorrow will be the best day of my life, 
                                     because it will mean that I get to spend 
                                     another perfect day, with you by my side."

                                     a gentle sigh escapes "Goodnight my love."

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: flower,

Ode To the Straw Flower

A soft excited glowing sunburst center shows her love to flying things
a cheerful strawflower shows love to grasshoppers whose legs zing
Papery bracts pose as petals, fooling beetles falling from forest trees
Her patchwork quilt attracts butterflies, humans, and native bees
Butterflies flock to the quilt of the meadow, enjoying strawflower reveal.
Reveling in the happiness of the day and the joy that they now feel

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, love, song,

Sunshine Song

I sing allured the sunshine song for you, 
night lifts silver shroud from curved satin sky.
The canvas of draped dawn sunburst hues dye, 
embellish pearl meadow with dulcet dew.
I float on day dream in fervent morn new, 
an enthralled nightingale flying you by,
I sing allured.
Radiance flows on your face from the blue,
to echo my song in your heart I try. 
Twilight golden dusts all around me fly,
in the whistling wind rippling gently through,
I sing allured.


October 15, 2022
Syllable count : 10 per line (HMS)
Rhyme checked at
Contest : Rousing Rondine
Sponsored by : Jeff Kyser

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: beautiful, day, morning,


DAWN dazzles divine show. Sunburst horizon leans on radiant lake, glow silhouettes the love-locked. “Surreal visage of new day.” ______________ June 7, 2022 Syllable count checked at HMS Image : # 4 Contest : Pyramids Sponsored by : Joseph May

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, butterfly, love, spring,

Your Fragrance

Spring breeze whispers in my ear 
Colors spread on sunburst sky 
Your floral fragrance wafts near 
On latticed wings of lured butterfly.


February 10, 2022
Syllable Count : 7 7 7 9 (Checked on PS Counter)
Contest : A Poem Crafted In The Various Lind30
               By Robert Lindley
Sponsored by : Chantelle Anne Cooke

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, desire, lost love, passion,

Remains of Passion

sunburst sky we’ve spanned
     you fly away what remains?
memory feathers in nest

in dream of passion
     i sip your sigh what echoes?
silent music of fusion

July 14, 2021
Syllable count : 5/7/7/5/7/7(HMS)
Contest : Ni(2) Katuata
Sponsor : William Kekaula

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: fantasy, flower, journey, love, sunset,

My Last Flower

At sunrise I sailed on river called youth,
meandered to search for lonely life's truth.

You came on board holding my hands firmly,
through storm surge we navigated sternly.

At dreamful dawn when sky donned sunburst hue,
love weaved in heart spectral tapestry new.

The river will flow to the senile sea,
where the sunset splendor we’ll wait to see.

At journeys end I’ll give my last flower,
you’ll see its tinged smile in the twilight hour.

May 1, 2020
Syllable count : 10 each line
Checked on
Rhyme checked on
Contest : Couplet-Any Theme, Any Length
Sponsor : Dear Heart

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: love, summer,

Summer Serenade

The spring when it departed left for me A bunch of rose I kept in my wet heart Drenched with love as tender as dew could be So, they won’t wilt in the heat of sunburst. On midsummer moonlit night I’d take you To the bank of a brook through the star dust, I’d open my heart, the roses you’d view Make bouquet of my love for you to last. In musical murmur of sparkling stream For you I'd compose my love’s symphony, I’d see in your gleaming eyes grow my dream I’d keep in heart as I meet destiny. After I end my summer serenade Nothing for me would remain to be said.
May 15, 2018.

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, poems, river,


A poem lovely as a stream
Rhythmic flow creates fluid dream.

Resonant vale curved in jade hill  
Draped by ornate trees standing still.

Golden sun seeps through canopy
Current shines gems of fantasy.

Water drops from cascade soar high
Toward the musing serene sky.

Pebbles are lured by tuned murmur
Ripples make lyric, heart charmer.

Suffused with sunburst dawn sky’s hue
I float love in the stream to you.


March 1, 2022
Syllables : 8 per line (HMS)
For A Brian Strand Form Contest

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: joy, love,

Gift Of Sunny Day-TRI

You gave me a sunny day,
as the gloomy sky fell on me.
I wasn’t drenched cold in rain spray,
like a bird I didn’t seek cover of tree.

As the gloomy sky fell on me,
the day held my lonely hand,
took me to an emerald island.

I wasn’t drenched cold in rain spray,
got draped with sunburst silvery hue, 
with the gifted day, joy in me grew. 

Like a bird I didn’t seek cover of tree,
my love grew wings to soar far away
with you on this lovely day.

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: imagery, life, peace,

Blissful Plunge

Life cascades
Stream of time free
Journey trail destined
Unwrap petals of heart
Love flies on butterfly wings 
Sunburst sky colors dawn of dream
Sluggish flows river of contained joy
So, take the blissful plunge in sea of soul.

January 19, 2020
Contest : Jump
Sponsor : Sheri Fresonke Harper

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: loss, lost love,

I Lost You

I lost you in ruins of the past
In distant quicksand you collapsed
You made no deep footprints to last
Faded before the time elapsed.

You didn’t come home at sunset
I lost you in ruins of the past
You froze with night I hadn't met
Dawn didn’t reach you the sunburst.

In woods you were shadow trees cast
You didn’t come out in meadow
I lost you in ruins of the past
You still wait for my hands I know.

In trying journey you did stray
The storm hit you hard in full blast
The sky fell on your lone pathway
I lost you in ruins of the past.

September 30, 2017
Form : Quatern. Syllable count : 8 each line.

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, butterfly, love,

Butterfly Returned With Dream

Star-starved opaque night condensed in darkness petrified cold niche of my stone carved mind. Flattened sentiments accreted numbness layer on layer until the time came my horizon rose from cauldron of mist with sunburst passion fervent hues painted the sky of your heart in dark debris bloomed a new dawn for me. Garden of desire lured the butterfly disappeared for long. Flitting on yearning it returned with dream. On its latticed wings I flew enraptured in your fragrant air.
April 11, 2021 Syllable count : 5 per line Checked on Contest : Anacreontic Vese Sponsor : Silent One

by Tony Bush |
Categories: life, love,

Live To See the Day

In the heartswell of night, I clasp the key 
and treasure the light that shines on me, 
through glistered flecks of drifting snow, 
and starlit dark and moonbeam glow.

Holding my breath and biding my time, 
in the back of my head plays a nursery rhyme, 
'till gradient clouds of indigo hue 
herald the fade to skies of blue.

Awe and wonder reflects in my eyes 
that squint against the sunburst rise; 
all shadows of doubt then chased away, 
that I might live to see the day.