Love Poems About Puppy or Puppy Love Poems
by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: best friend, fun, love, pets,

The Dog of My Life

Shakespearean Sonnet

I remember the day I picked you,
With your sweet little puppy dog eyes.
For my heart was searching for love too,
When I looked down and heard your soft cries.

Your brothers and sisters were running,
They were after a fallen clothes peg,
But there was a puppy so stunning 
Trying hard to get up on my leg.

Four years it has been since that moment
And I thank God daily for his gift
Each day you give me such enjoyment 
Your love has given my heart a lift.

Today I know as clear as can be,
I didn’t pick you; rather you picked me.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Sponsor Shadow Hamilton 
Contest: Pets

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

Of Love

How foolish humans are when puppy love
consumes us! It can happen any time -
most often in our childhood. Plenty of
such crushes happen long before our prime!

How silly as adults can some be too.
Folks marry for wrong reasons, then get burned.
They do it all again and stay so blue.
Life’s lesson for such people is not learned.

How fortunate are those who find “the one!”
They navigate life’s ups and downs and feel
love deepening before their course is run,
then pass away while knowing love was real!

April 12, 2017 for Eve Roper's  Puppy love vs True love Poetry Contest

by Verlena S. Walker |
Categories: angst, celebrity, encouraging, freedom, irony, metaphor, simile,

Of Love of War

of love of war
the staff of a prophet, seen fairness not imagine, sings shouting out, obscenity recognized, yet in search of fame, seeking stance the moment arises, seek of voice of power, godsend renown supremacy, yet prophet not acknowledged, kept desire of a great life, sought skill of voice, articulate hardly ever, cheek no longer free, famous self seldom bite snarls dogma, link of country of faith, kinship all that’s true, fair play desired fame acknowledged, pent the home front, covetousness war or peace love or hate, just yelp puppy love, nice _________________________| Penned on September 28, 2014!

by Jan Allison |
Categories: dog, humorous,

And They Call It Puppy Love - For Contest

How could I not forgive you? Just one look at your puppy dog eyes Thaws the heart of this ice maiden Contest - Micropoetry ain't that tweet – Sponsor Casarah Nance (105 characters with spaces) 07~31~15

by Lu Loo |
Categories: dog, silly,

A Happy Hound- Nursery Rhyme

Once upon a time when no one was around,
A lost puppy was born in a hole in the ground.
When he ate scraps, he made the strangest sound,
A high pitch whine that would always resound. 

He found a blanky in the streets that was profound, 
And used it to hide to avoid the pound. 
It soon became warmth when he was cold bound, 
And made him the happiest when he frowned. 

One day a girl saw him, and love did surround, 
Took him home with care; he was a happy hound!
In loneliness and sorrow, he no longer drowned,
No longer was he lost; he was finally found!


Nursery Rhyme 3 Poetry Contest
Eve Roper

by Brian Anderson |
Categories: love

Who Loves You, Baby

who loves you
if i don't
tell me, who's going to fix this
if we won't
don't nobody miss you
like me
and i know don't nobody kiss you 
like me
not with lips and tongue
but heart and soul
with sweat and tears
been in my blood for years untold
incurable and uncontrolled
this thing of ours
the passion worth enduring
the painful hours
this puppy love
got dog balls
cat claws and
church halls
echoing wedding bells
pulsing through each blood cell
trust me, baby
i know the difference between heaven and hell

by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: 1st grade, animal, cute, dog, love, pets, silly,

Alt-Lyrics Galveston

Licky butt, oh, licky butt
Lick your bum my lovely puppy
Gonna feed you a dead guppy
It's belly up
So feed it to the pup.

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: dog, parody, pets, scary,

He Comes a Laying

In the dead of night, he comes a laying
     up against my side
When a witches’s brew has chilled the air
     with a frigid tide

He comes in stealth, a quiet pace
     in a tip-toed creep
With me in dreams he finds his place 
     a way into my sleep

I wake to find there is no room
     i’m inches from the edge
 I see a fluffy monster
     has crammed me to a wedge

Though numb from lack of motion
     my heart just overflows 
with love for my sweet puppy
     despite his cold, wet nose

The warmth that he possesses
     and brings into my bed
will stay with me forever
     no monster here to dread

by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: love,

Love In the Time of Covid

Although other news Covid’s somehow upstaged,
My friend called to tell me her son got engaged.
It felt like a beacon of light in a storm
For news that is good is no longer the norm.

The newly betrothed also let their friends know
They adopted a rescue dog; photographs show
Happy grins on their faces and maybe the snout
Of their puppy, although there is room for some doubt.

I picture a wedding and all it entails,
The planning reminding us hope yet prevails.
The future is hazy and up in the air
But love conquers everything, even despair.

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: child, dog, food, humor, love, sleep, smile,


Quote By Poet "Puppies and kittens are what little kids dreams are made of." 

My puppy is tan and small,
she likes to sleep in mommy's shawl.
She loves to play ball,
while I play with my doll.
We like to play outside,
where she will run and hide.
I will put her in my doll buggy for a ride,
her smile becomes a mile wide.
It's time to go inside,
dinner is ready with chicken that has been fried.

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: autumn, emotions, imagery, lust,

LUNE LANDING - series of lune haiku

sun highlights
the bod of oak bark -
Autumn knight

won’t let go -
cling to puppy love,
its branches

cleaves to old
relationship vow -
storm shakes loose

the leaves land
amidst the old maids’

the children
jump in old gals’ laps
living loud

circle round
sing, “ashes…ashes…”
and fall down

life up there
in the lusty air
now seems strange

the old bats’ ashes
to the wind

phoenix lands
a bitty wiser
and lighter

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: age, humor, uplifting,

- My Silver Gray Ferrari -

Never give up, fight if you can

Rheumatism has already attacked joints all over the body

Hands, shoulder, elbow, hip, ankles and knees are not as they once were

You have to fight on ... but is not easy getting old

My brilliant car ... so raw and simple ... a cure for depression

It is not difficult in any way

I just love it ... a real Ferrari puppy

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Mary Rotman |
Categories: heartbreak, sad love, word play,


prairie lighthouse desert ship arid ocean soothing whip ugly sunset healing pain somber puppy fiery rain gentle windstorm happy wail righteous sinner see-through veil eternal love random fate marriage vows fleeting hate

by Timothy Brumley |
Categories: dog, friend, innocence, love,

My Dog's Eyes

When I look in my dog’s eyes
My soul pales to compare,
No sign of vice, or pride, or lies
Or sin reside in there.

If eyes are windows to the soul
That show the heart inside,
Then puppy eyes are love filled bowls
That splash from side to side.

When I meet my best friend's stare
And her eyes start to shine,
I only see those things in there
I pray God sees in mine.

Timothy I. Brumley

by Raffy Relator |
Categories: dedication, dog, feelings, funny love, kiss, memory, smile,

A Puppy Love

I met you in the city
I introduced myself as Raffy
How glad I met you
Since I don't know what to do..

Each day had passes
And I thought that was the last
I tried to search you again
But the city is vain

Hoping you will see
I search you with glee
At last, I saw you
Kissing to others as much you do

Seeing you in that way
Feels me hard even though your a DOG anyway
But now I don't know what to do
Coz your OWNER is much beautiful than you.....

by Cherie Fleming |
Categories: animal, children, cute love, daughter, dog, pets,

The Naughty Little Puppy

The Naughty Little Puppy

She's lucky she is cute!
All day long she's chewing things.
I've yelled so much I'm mute, 
still she's chasing kids on bikes.
She's lucky she is cute!

She chewed my favorite boot 
The first night on Christmas eve.
She even pooped on route
To our home that fateful night. 
She's lucky she is cute!

My daughter's in cahoot
With this naughty little dog.
They yell and bark and hoot.
She feeds her from the table!
They're lucky they are cute!

The leash works to recruit
The children to her side, but
Her training's in dispute.
Surely guidance is required.
She's lucky she is cute!

Oh that naughty little puppy...
She's lucky she is cute!

by Laura James |
Categories: animals, friend, friend,

Doug the Pug

Once upon a time there was a pug who's name was Doug.
He wore uggs, and played with slugs.
Doug looked like a bug.
Also doug has a favorite rug.
The pug always dug and sat in a mug.
Then doug took a bath in the tub.
Doug has a friend who's name is cub.
Doug took cub to the tub.
Doug took a nap in the tub with his friend cub.
Doug the pug tooted in the tub.
Doug lugged everything in the tub.
Doug and cub met a friend named stug.
Doug, Cub, and Stug fell in love.
Rub oh dub oh dub.
That is what we call puppy love.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: angel, beautiful, dog, love, , cute,

My Little Girl Yorkie - the Free Flow Style

~My Little Girl Yorkie~
( Free  Flow )

I just love my very beautiful little dog
And my puppy just loves me
She's with me be  sunshine or fog
And she's just the greatest  friend to  me

Misa Victoria Marie,  loves to play with her toy
And she can outrun us all  O boy!
Everyday she plays with me
And with her I  enjoy  just to be

She's so very beautiful and cute
As honey well,  she's   so very  sweet
She's like my little shadow  every day
And I just  love her so much all the way.

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


by William Darnell Sr. |
Categories: appreciation, character, confidence, dedication, dream, family, grandchild, grandfather, grandparents, grandson, growth, husband, i love you, inspirational, meaningful, memory, missing, poems, poetry, poets, relationship, surreal, tribute, wife, wisdom,



My grandsons,
Lee, Eoin, Christopher, Rowick.

A boy needs a Grandpa, 
for man-to-man talks. 

To go hand in hand, 
on companionable walks. 

To fix up his toys, 
when they no longer go. 

To tell him the things, 
little boys want to know. 

A boy needs a Grandpa, 
to show him the way. 

To handle a puppy, 
to teach him fair play. 

To impart bits of wisdom, 
he's learned through the years.

That it's no disgrace, 
for a man to shed tears. 

A boy needs a Grandpa, 
to sit on his lap. 

And if no one is looking, 
they take a wee nap. 

Each wrapped in an aura, 
of love and esteem. 

Each smiling gently, 
at some special dream.

by Emily Forsman |
Categories: cute love, fairy, garden, nature, nice,

A Fairy Kiss

A fairy kiss of cherished love
is frequently forgotten of,
for fairies hide in secret grounds
where no one thinks to run around.
Their elfin homes are found above

the earth on which the humans love.
The fairies frolic with the doves
on Mother Nature’s holy bounds.
	A fairy kiss

is nothing like a puppy love,
for when their love is not enough
they only beg for your rebound.
The fairies make the best propounds
of worships for the feelings of
	a fairy kiss.

by Janice Canerdy |
Categories: children, valentines day,

Valentine's Ellip--Puppy Love

I love you.
				You're great,
				you cutie!

				Won't you please
				be my sweet 

				Tonight I'll
				dream of your 
				big blue eyes.

				you'll get the 
				card I sent.

				I got yours
				today. Thanks.
				I love it.

				Mom says I
				have to end
				this long text.

				Hope you call
				or text me

				See you at
				school next week.
				One more thing:			

				Without you,
				sixth grade would 
				be so BLAH!

posted in February 2016

entered in John Hamilton's Your Best Free Verse Love Poem on
February 4, 2017

by Stephen Barry |
Categories: celebration, childhood, desire, hello, high school, longing, love,

Text Poems

Text Poem #1-afternoon

Park bike ride Random
Puppy Playdate creek
Romp with young Hippy
kid with boxer and California
hash crisp fall breathe
Dappled sunlight
Sherwood Forest

Text Poem #2-midnight

October full moon wheeling
Search for werewolves in the mire.
Tell a tale at Robin Hood’s fire.
Make a left at Sycamore pool.
At the door for a Dollar;
I’m a disco fool…

Text Poem #3

English grad
Council meeting
Turned into Irish
Fesh banshee 
Pub Scout weed
Debates unknown
Live rock n roll still

Text Poem #4

129-minute hellos
Where you been’s
And how’d it goes
So much time
so much space
soon  remedied
face to face

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: angel, beautiful, dog, love,

My Yorkie Tea Cup Puppy -Septolet

~My Yorkie Teacup Puppy~ (Septolet) Playing with toys Chewing all she Can get Playing's something "Misa" loves to do. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2013

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: animal, dog,


He has been beside me for fourteen years Compassionate and wise, he always cheers Once, as a puppy, he played happily An older dog, he’s a sleeping beauty He snuggles close to me when I’m sleeping Always aware that we’re both now ageing Giving up longer walks for shorter treks Growing old, it seems, is a bit complex He still wags and nags for bits of good food Hoping for the bites that I always stewed He has his treats, his sleep and he is loved More than words could reveal he’s beloved With all of my heart and all of my soul I love this little guy who's my console
Pets Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Shadow Hamilton Date: November 21, 2014

by Richard Breese |
Categories: animal, cute love, funny love, giggle, humor, humorous, pets,

puppy love

to market get a carrot

sneak it home never share it

this our spaniel does

every day because

his lady friends a ferret.