Love Poems About Perch or Perch Love Poems
by Robert Lindley |
Categories: art, deep, growth, life, love, perspective, tree,

Shall We Recall Gems Reaped From Our Love's Tree

Shall We Recall Gems Reaped From Our Love's Tree

Should small differences tear us apart
Bringing sorrows, upset our applecart
Will we open our eyes to truly see
How truth and love's growth can still set us free
Surely life should be more than seeking gain
More than just gathering bountiful grain
Shall we yet again, our souls truly search
On higher and higher mountaintops perch
Learn to give and love to the nth degree
Bathe ourselves in love's deep romantic sea
Should such differences rip us apart
Causing those rash actions not very smart

Shall we recall gems reaped from our love's tree
Wonderful bliss, love gifted unto we?

Robert J. Lindley, 6-13-2022

by Johnny Rhinem |
Categories: angel, bridal shower,

A Beautiful Angel

Gazing from afar, amid still frame silence...
Watching her making way unto the parks bench
Blue skies taking a drag from my cigarette; sketching
Divinities staircase within my mind; transcending this Autumn's
Canvas but a silhouette her bridals path winding, through a breath..
Reaching out her gentle hand whileas a white dove, the symbol of love 
Descends from it's perch atop porcelain clouds to drink, from this her tears
Pangful spheres risen from a crystal heart; cast aside yesteryears cherub wings...
She awaits endless dreams; to awaken from this valley of broken things; her beauty.

by Timothy Brumley |
Categories: animals, faith, inspirational, naturelove, i love you,

Three Messengers

This morning I hiked a wooded trail
And while quietly strolling along,
I was pleased to hear a lonely quail
A singing his mournful song.

And then again this afternoon
While drawing water from the well
A loon began it's soothing croon
That echoed 'cross the dell.

And in the evening as I dined
While resting in the swing
A mockingbird was very kind
To perch close by and sing.

Then later, as I knelt to pray
In telling God, "I love You"
That, I wished to hear Him say
Just once, He loved me too.

Then Father spoke! "Don't you know?
My son of course I love you too!
I sent couriers today to tell you so
Did my three messengers not find you?"

                            Timothy I. Brumley

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: imagery, love,

Pulsating Sigh

his excited bright eyes, his laughter, the puckish way he draws me in. the moonspun prize he sought after — roses, champagne, candlelight…he wins. dawn in afterglow, birdsong on breeze, silent shadows billowing…lovers drowning in two cups of coffee…bright-zanthous trees in morning sun, yawning leaves, bare skin. salutations of solitude cleaving, breath to breath, before unbridling the door. perch of our souls, pulsating sigh, weaving its ebb and flow climax to the shore. 7/10/2021 What Makes You Sigh Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke

by Debbie Duncan |
Categories: dream, i love you, kiss, love, me, passion,

A Kiss

As you and I swim the same ocean 
I swim the vastness of it in search of you
There are no boundaries to what we can do 
If I love you and you love me

The hidden shores are awaiting us  
let us go then to paradise 

You bring me in like a love struck  dove 
sitting on her perch 

You have put a light in my heart that I 
never thought was possible 

Your love unwinds me like a ball of yarn
as we lay together as one soul

The love I have inside is just for you alone 
as I feel the softness of your words 

Your warmth fills my aching soul
I dream of your lips on mine 

I had a dream that we shared a kiss once 
It was a kiss that lasted forever

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: day, faith, light, thanks,

Redemption Day

Through open window floats orange sun,
blaze settling on my wrinkled brow.
Closed eyes spur visit from days done.
Dark thoughts escape to highest bough;
new freedom builds the here and now.

Past shadows meld into the clouds.
On highest bough I perch upon,
my teardrops fall with sorrow’s shroud.
As orange pulp bursts through misty dawn,
the burden of my shadows gone.

My spirit flies since freed from cage
with joyful love in morning light.
A songbird from the gilded age,
Sweet music lingers into night.
Praise drifts then clings to page of white.

With humble words, I thank the one
Who made this day and gave the sun.

by John Rhinem |
Categories: hope, life, love,

Warm Wet Kisses

Barren is the beach, as ancient stars gather in dreams; a sprinkling from above....

Twined amid eugenic moonbeams; beauty glowing within loving eyes; angelic

Brushed this canvas gentle waves; washed hither about the thirsting shore ~

Orgasmic snow white doves it seems; out of place, while they perch atop the clouds

Halos with open eyes standing aside, fruitful vines; the essence in this their love....


...."Warm Wet Kisses" *

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: bird, song, spring,

Songs of a Feather

A robin holds her verdant perch
La primavera song
Now fills the air of nature’s church
As I stroll along

I stop to try and catch a glimpse
To witness her refrain
Beheld in beauty lush and green
So sweetly does she reign

Her heartfelt chorus carries me
It is suggestive of
What I would call, this morning
A feathered song of love

by Johnny Rhinem |
Categories: art, baby, cancer, love,

Autumn's Legacy

Gazing from afar, amid still frame silence...
Watching her making way unto the parks bench
Blue skies taking a drag from my cigarette; sketching
Divinities staircase within my mind; transcending this Autumn's
Canvas but a silhouette her bridals path winding, through a breath..
Reaching out her gentle hand whileas a white dove, the symbol of love 
Descends from it's perch atop porcelain clouds to drink, from this her tears
Pangful spheres risen from a crystal heart; cast aside yesteryears cherub wings...
She awaits endless dreams; to awaken from this valley of broken things; her beauty.

Categories: appreciation, beauty, bird, song,

Blue Bird

Blue bird, you perch on trees, by the forest's far rim. Dressed in silk robes of sapphire hues, with tapering tail and a bill so sleek, singing in melodious strains, your sweet notes ringing loud. How I love you, Blue bird. July. 18. 2022 ~ Placed First~ Rictameter Sponsored by Caren Krutsinger

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: nature, spring, sweet love,

Natures Nursery

Let the sparrows sing and perch as they land on their birch Let the squirrels swiftly search for their acorns as they smirch Let the swans softly stray as they beautify their passageway Let the trees swing and sway for their grandeur they display Let my love be reborn again as it did before way back then Let nature drip its poetic pen as it recreates a zestful Zen. March.30.2019 Writing Challenge 6 Sponsored by: Dear Heart Placed 5'th...Thank You

by Lu Loo |
Categories: dark, deep,

Preying On Death

the ravens rest upon the graven cross,
                for it is time to guard death with their wings-
they prey on souls who endure love and loss,
                as a demon weeps and an angel sings;
barren branches wither to ash and bone…
                               one ebon raven longs to perch alone

I chose #2 (black ravens on a cross in a graveyard)

Make IT Six Poetry Contest
Joseph May
October 1, 2019

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beautiful, emotions, feelings, imagery, imagination, love, valentines day,

Hearts and Souls Entwine

As dusk adopts a scarlet hue, cerise ribbons package the night. And an owl bids daylight adieu, silhouetted by the last light. Our hearts hitch a ride to the moon, on the wings of a turtledove. And shining like a gold doubloon, Luna smiles down upon our love. Our spirits rise above the Earth, untethered from their mortal perch. And we learn love's actual worth lies in the finding, not the search. We kiss below a blushing Mars, letting our hearts and souls entwine. And as the moon outshines the stars, golden beams crown my Valentine.

by Sukmawati Komala |
Categories: father daughter, feelings,

A Chance

there are questions
which i never plead
for a reply
all those memories
closely sewn
in my thoughts
touched me softly
with its beauty
and ruined me deeply
in its density

i deluded myself
in somehow
you were
lit up in every moment
though it might be rediculous
but i feel your love
that never fade

I knit
every piece of hope
and collect
the fragment of wishes

to turn myself
into a peachy butterfly
fly up to heaven
perch on you
and see you

how i am waiting
for a chance
to tell you once more
how much you are loved

just think
for a chance
to finally
come true

~(c) Sukmawati Komala
Feb 2014

by Albert Price |
Categories: imagination, nature

My Nimble Moon

So lovely you grace the height of  glory,

Repeating nightly to the listening earth the wondrous story.

I read in your looks a knowing judge of love,

A knowledge acquired by eyes peering long from above.

Then, with pretty flight, you perch the throne

And listen to the musings of the owl in his somber tone.

His song to you makes the crickets sing,

And a harp plays as God tunes the strings.

Gleam forever, moon of my fancy dreams,

For never are the droplets of sunlight as sweet as they seem.

by Hashim Nizamani |
Categories: love, me,

An Ode To a Young Lady

As a youth of 
fourteen, I saw you 
With silky hair 
waving, waving 
along the cheecks,
You nodded, talked, 
moving hands, trod,
I could not hear, but 
lovely lips played.
Fancy I more, and 
more lose sense,
What charm, what 
what power you 
This sight I sought 
whenever I drearmed,
Nothing I want, if i 
see you once again.
Alas! What I call the 
destiney, that takes 
you far away?
The void feels ghastly, 
and mush is in tumult;
Wherupon I seek u? 
Whereupon I perch?
Loneliness my 
destiney, I am robbed 
of the rest, 
How long I live alone? 
How long tolerate?
Let me go 
unconscious, let me 
annihilate .


by Kayod5 Kayode |
Categories: home,

Sweet Home Lagos

Solitude?Come not to us our is not a ghost city.
Fun seeker? Come not alone our canopy is big .
Our fresh oceanic cuisine is surplus and honeymixed.

Fear not when baby whales are washed to the semolina beach
Or when little children are basking on  zebra and horses' manes
But jump on a tusker and have a whale of the tamer of  forest.

The angels shall alight with the rising of the sun
With awesome fry-pan or leaf-cutter backyards,
Perch on love  like butterfly and enjoy our moonlight rock and roll.

by Shadow Hamilton |
Categories: allusion, dark, night,


The still night seemed to amplify each sound
until each soft noise vibrated loudly. 
The torrid air mystic as it hovers bound
above the lake and leaping perch gleam ghostly. 

A night of light mist that distorts shapes
tricking the eye as I pass on my way.
Daggling leaves and branches like grapes
brush my skin leaving a smell of hay.

Now it darkens, clouds cover the moon
the wind whips up sending all flurrying.
In this wild tempest I find a boon
that is filled brim full of loving.

The terrors of the night fade
blinded by the blazing rays,
old fears, to them bye I bade
time to welcome back love filled days.

by Peter Lewis Holmes |
Categories: love, passion, romance,

Desire's Menu

Eat me first, I am the entrée,
My pink, sleeping prawns
Lie in wait

Tempt my main course, dancing
As in summer buds, flowers of
Goujons, acrobats of love

Fire your lust, washed down with 
Blood-red wine,  stirring midst
Medallions of beef and more

Then leave the cloth, the dish, the 
Opened summer wine, to merry moth’s
Dance around the candlelight and

So we’ll not forget this menu’s 
List, this line of straining chariots, 
These happy concubines who wait in 

Line, as if by sentiment’s dessert;
Perch your ruby lips and tongue’s
Pink tip, and make a kiss on mine


by Sarah Seraphin |
Categories: love, passion, romance,

Warm Wet Kisses

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  

Barren is the beach as ancient stars gather in dreams; a light from above...

Twined amid eugenic moonbeams; beauty glowing within loving eyes; angelic

Brushed the canvas gentle waves, washed hither about the thirsting shore ~

Orgasmic snow white doves its seems; out of place while they perch atop the clouds

Halos with open eyes standing aside, fruitful vines; the purity in this their love...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
...“Warm Wet Kisses” *

by Vera Duggan |
Categories: beautiful, bird, how i feel, nature,


Always it is heavenly
To be wandering oh, so free
The Magpies as they perch up high
The lovely river running by
The sweet humming of the bees
The trees, all waving in the breeze
Listening to the songs of birds
Such a sweet melody is heard
All this action stirs my soul
I really love to play the role
Of this lady; loose and free
Drinking in this ecstasy

Oh how pleasant, life it is
I love it all, I tell you this

by Sukmawati Komala |
Categories: words,

I Know How To Catch Butterfly

he thought 
I were a flower
Then he alighted on my arm

a very beautiful butterfly
as if
talked to me

I painted my admiration
to his charm
through out my smiles

i asked
"Why do you perch on my arm
Don’t you looking for sweet nectar"

then he replied
"darling dear....
my wish is to drink all the sweetest words
that came out from the cocoon behind
your skin
for that was the sweetest nectar to my soul”

my silence torned my thought

words are sweeter than the sweethest nectar

how beautiful 

i know 
how to catch butterfly...
i know how to
have thousands of butterflies
perch all over my body

i know how to catch 
my love 

~ (c) Sukmawati Komala
24 January 2013

by Seth Diamond |
Categories: love,

Love Scene

Lie back wounded Cavalry
Let the moon shine upon you blissfully
Let me perch upon you gracefully
Above your muscles soundly
Yes. Stroke my breasts ambly
Yes kiss my shoulders passionately
Rest and peruse my flesh slowly
Yes now, yea may freely

Let yours out freely
Let your sweet words 
All pour over me
Expel your gift's glossy tea
Let my rain glisten upon you nobly,
In my flower is a spirit
It is thus our child to be.

by Sukmawati Komala |
Categories: life, love,

The Feathers of Love

The feathers of love

they say that
february is the month of love
and it is pretty lovely
to know 
its color is starting
to paint the serenity
its feathers are flapping
the beauty

we all carry
such feathers
the feathers of love

if only
we would perch
the feathers of love
on this lovely world
and let them
it would be 
endless sunrise
timeless sunset

and i confess
nothing is more elegant
to see one
is touched by
at least
a piece 
buried ourselves
the feathers of love

~(c) Sukmawati Komala~
Feb 2014

by David Dowling |
Categories: children, friendship, funny, happiness, love,


Mya, if you were a ladybug, I wouldn't step on you.
I'd scoop you from your flowery perch and make my home your roost.
You could bask in morning sunlight streaming from outside.
I would feed you watermelon and an apple slice. 
And you could keep me company when no one else is there.
Or be another set of ears to hear my little prayers.
Mya, if you were a ladybug, I wouldn't step on you.
I'd watch over you day and night in hopes that you would to.