by Charlie Smith |
giving, love,
Love neither gives or takes but from itself.
Be not wiled by fantasies of arrogance.
Take no more than is offered by yourself.
Leave nothing trapped in tortured irrelevance.
Seek not a barter for desires that sue your heart.
Worthiness is the only tender that comes due.
Suffer willingly the melody of pain it may impart.
Bleed joyfully from the wounds that will ensue.
As tree branches lift their hopes towards Heaven's door,
hands together reaching higher than alone will seek
heights that love's imagination most beautifully implores
that from a poets words unending ecstasy must speak.
Whatever you desire your life to be,
may loves reflection be all you see
by Carol B. |
absence, anger, depression, loneliness,
Prick me with your vivid green awareness
Let the white pins that needle me
Diminish into their foggy sham
The bridal wreath that scented our commitment
Now doused in unkept hopes and promises
Moss sprouting venom from hurts battled
Like a fish floating in space with no oxygen
I swam in currents without you
The tank occupied with endless dark clouds
Fraught with fear and loneliness
Love now submerged deep in the recess of my mind
Unclear what is sacred what is trash
I prayed you would see the light
That my white knight would return
This battle is fierce and yours to fight
by Richard Lamoureux |
break up, desire, lost love,
I wanted to hear your whisper
Yet I could only hear you shout
Your soul filled with all it's turmoil
Filled my own heart with so much doubt
By holding tightly to our pain
Silence became extremely loud
The softer notes within reason
Couldn't be heard above our proud
Were we lovers of the darkness
Cutting through silence with our knives
Shredding perceived insecurities
In hopes of saving our own lives
Some dances were not meant to be
I heard the anguish in your voice
You took a walk, didn't look back
Loving another was your choice
Then I heard a different whisper
Bubble up, from inside of me
Lessons learned, from a broken heart
Meant freedom from insanity
by CayCay Jennings |
change, corruption, freedom, inspirational love, love, peace, prejudice,
Transitions towards a worldwide truce
Highlight our hearts, hopes, hymns and
Inspire us to embrace peace as a truth
Spread globally strong from love’s roots.
All prayers seek universal peace,
Love-filled hearts breathing ease and
Living life as freedom guarantees.
Corrupt power holders need be
Outnumbered by justice seekers,
United in faith to crumble cruel
Leaders and their false rule, to then
Determine all lives harmony soothed.
Blessings of equality could be as they should be,
Enjoyed by all brothers and sisters of humanity.
... CayCay
September 2, 2019
by Emile Pinet |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th grade, how i feel, i love you, love,
An outpouring of happiness,
love surges up from the heart
and splashes against the soul;
an emotion exclusive to humans.
More than a ubiquitous word,
love is an overwhelming desire,
that burns in your heart
and merges with your soul;
defying logic and reason.
The heart entertains a multitude
of inexplicable feelings,
beyond all hopes and expectations;
love is both ethereal and physical.
A heart filled with love forgives
what a prideful heart will not;
for love's a knee-jerk reaction,
that requires no thought.
Love can bring excruciating pain;
or a euphoric rush;
either way, it will not be ignored;
nor ever lead you astray.
by John Gondolf |
loneliness, lost love, sad,
A hollow heart devoid of love
is like a night no stars above,
or like an old abandoned well
whose empty echoes speak of hell.
A lonely heart will gently weep
as raindrops through her veins will seep,
and cascade down a pallid cheek,
and leave a weary spirit weak.
My broken spirit aches with pain
when sun sinks low at end of day,
and darkness douses hopes thereof
as midnight chimes amidst the rain.
These sad forsaken dreams portray
my hollow heart devoid of love.
June 17, 2020
by Victor Buhagiar |
lost love,
The truth is cruel,
a blurred reality.
The truth is in my heart
carefully hidden from prying eyes.
Don't sigh my friend,
you cannot read it in my face,
'tis well concealed, rest assured
as a secret newly found,
hid from curious eyes.
So, I hide my truth,
I do it on purpose,
keep it veiled for it is mine.
Don't ask: a futile plea.
I once told the truth
that led to a beleaguered life.
Ah, I had high hopes then.
Now I've had enough.
I keep my secret.
A pack of ravening wolves
gnawing at my insides
will never pry away
that which I carefully hide.
Which really is a pity,
for 'tis agony for me
not to reveal openly
the love I harbor for ye.
by A.O. Taner |
august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,
Don't rush to wash off the sea salt
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
faith, paradise, prayer, religious,
Unique is the discipline of love
Understanding God's law
Faith holds supreme commander
Sometimes we have to fight
our way through a concrete jungle
stone cold dreams nightmare evaluates
Rocking the cradle unworthy desires
no peace or rest for the wicked deeds
in order to find the answers to hopes prayer
Truth pointing us directions
within our code of moral conduct
which supports us in our voyage
In the walk of life chaos grips hearts consumed with hate
Without faith our souls identity will become dust
Needing hugs from heaven to survive
A Collaborated Poem 19.11.2015
Anne-Lise Andresen, and Liam Mc Daid
(tercets unrymed)
by Tim Smith |
flying, journey, love, places, travel,
Fly to me my love
on the wings of hopes and dreams
come and be my passion
a lover's symphony
Be my guiding star light
show me all of nature's best
come and be my pillow
where my weary head can rest
Take my hand and walk with me
on life's ever winding road
keep me safe and steady
hold me in our home
Let's sleep beside the moon tonight
camp inside the corners of my heart
be my one and only
my desire, my love, my start
by Barbara Gorelick |
hope, introspection
A wish is hope, all dressed up
A heart that needs to sing...
And I have 3 songs today,
Hopes and wishes, that I bring...
I wish yesterday was today
So I could change some things...
I seem so much wiser now,
A different song I'd sing...
I wish I had the power
To make my fellows see...
That hate wont set the table,
But love is always free
I wish that I could write a poem
That everyone would read...
Something with a message,
To plant a fruitful seed
We all would like to think
That magic might come our way...
And that some Genie just might grant,
Our hopes and wishes for today
by Mark Woods |
heartbreak, hope, love,
She sits alone with her distant stare
He visits daily but she is unaware.
No future hopes to speak thereof
Yet still husband, wife, and deep true love.
Love Without Hope Contest
Sponsor Sara Kendrick
by Carolyn Devonshire |
confusion, love,
That sad day when you said, "It's just not there"
Such sentiments seemed pulled out of the air
For many months we'd loved and lived as one
Sharing dreams under the Florida sun
Our hopes were cast like nets into the sea
Never did I think they'd come up empty
What caused this shift was not for me to know
As 'neath the rays I wallowed far below
Searching for answers, wiping tears from my eyes
I longed to make sense, but reason defied
Until I found the hidden doctor's note
And learned your survival now seemed remote
I fought my way back into your strong arms
To stand again with you and ease the harm
by Emile Pinet |
feelings, heartbreak, love hurts, relationship, sad,
Why not say you’re mistaken,
it was the wind that you heard?
And when I dropped to my knee,
I hadn't uttered a word.
Why don't you just shrug it off,
and admonish me out loud?
Let’s pretend, 'twas but a game
to amuse the passing crowd.
If we say it didn’t happened,
can we not forget this eve?
And should you feel offended,
just ask me to, and I'll leave.
But, what if I did propose,
and those words came from my heart?
And now, I'm crying inside
cause you tore my hopes apart.
by Carolyn Devonshire |
mother daughter, thanks,
The rain that seemed to wash my hopes away
Left an amazing gift for me to find
Beyond the puddles that remained behind
New signs of life revived one summer day
I had not planted anything at all
'Twas Mom who wanted me to find this prize
Her efforts surely took me by surprise
Three decades passed; her smile I can’t recall
But in the yard where she drew her last breath
A bed of Four O’Clocks awoke one day
It was as if my Mom were there to say
“My love for you survived beyond my death”
*Written November 7, 2018
“Thankful Poetry Contest” hosted by Tania Kitchin
by Francis J Grasso |
death, emotions, sad,
willows weeping
white doves wail
wild wind blowing
black clouds sail
broken dreams
torn and tattered
tomorrows hopes now
trashed and shattered
dying love
don't give up
pray to god
and be tough
Written June 13, 2016
by Tim Smith |
"Brightest diamonds shine in darkest rooms,
willing hearts bleed out love for me and you"
Whisper close towards a frightened ear
soothe a shaken soul scared tonight
hold onto hopes of flight filled wings
where a painted rose will rise and sing
Carry my crutch just a little bit more
for when the south winds blow again
across flowing strands of love and care
my heart and spirit will be right there
Living moments in locked up dreams
no longer a little blue penguin burrowing
freeing fairy tale fantasy finally come true
glowing in the dark because the shine of you
by Charlie Smith |
love hurts, sad love,
I've dreamed of things and might have beens
with hopes and love in back lot shadows.
Replaying these cold-heart wrenching scenes
that will bring no dawn to my tomarrows.
And as this play plays out each act,
my role fades from lead to second best.
Mere words no longer cause effect
to cure the faults of love's ill rest.
I pray to God, re-write these lines
that I might toss aside regrets
and bring the peace for which I pine
to a closing scene no one forgets.
I'll take no bows, of that I'm certain
as stage lights dim on this final curtain.
by Phyllis Babcock |
devotion, faith, inspirational, father, father,
All things come from the Father above
Our hopes, our dreams, our love
Our purpose in this life
Our toils with daily strife
We are nothing without Him
Our lives would be insignificant and dim
We need something to believe in
So we can live without sin
All things come from the Father above
He shares our hopes, our dreams , our love
He shows us the glory of His ways
So we can follow all of our days
He leads us down the right path each day
So we will no longer stray
He will not let us stumble and fall
It's simple all we have to do is call
by Tim Smith |
beautiful, love,
Long before the whisper's
falling down --
upon your shoulders
as with dew's droplets
dangling so delicately
I've heard all about it
resting within your beauty
vision's quest --
speaking through the shimmers
right out in front of me
Slight touch curls to sight
enfurled in mystery
elegance flows --
blinking under seas of blue
filling in the guise of you
Before the tumbles
where fingers adjust height
hopes hinge --
passion's melt is spinning
sated lips just beginning
by Silent One |
Two Sedoka's on addiction.
I think we all know someone who suffers from addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, pills or gambling.. Sadly too many judge from the action and do not see the reason behind many fall into it.
fighting addiction
chains of control solder hold
held captive to corrupt brain
unhealed trauma screams
judgement offers no respite
soul hopes to escape prison
warfare addiction
mind battles intense craving
brain hellbent to find next fix
without compassion
do not judge - support through love
save a soul that's still alive
by Bill Baker |
god, hope, love, rainbow, romantic love,
Your love is like a rainbow that arches through the skies,
It gives my life a purpose and answers to my why’s.
Like God’s promise throughout eternity, it’s your promise just to me.
That with God’s help there’s no limits, and with your love I can be free.
Stick with me my rainbow, and just you wait and see.
I’ll give you your dreams and precious things as our hopes become reality.
by Curtis Johnson |
Love is being humble and selfless, caring and kind to all
Love hopes and trusts; is protective but not possessive
Love perseveres, going the distance above and beyond
Love is forgiving and keeps on giving without taking
08062018 Poetry Soup Contest, A four line poem on what is love, Faraz Ajmal, 2P
Each line with a maximum of 14 syllables
by Fading Star Silence |
blessing, love, spiritual, spring, true love,
The sparkling spirit of your love,
merges with mine,
dwelling in passages of time, as
my heart sings symphonies of
ethereal lanterns,
beaming upon golden poppies,
while drifting across haloes of
glittering stardust.
Our divine souls flutter full circle,
when light meets dark;
a sacred union amidst
cherry blossom petals,
swirling in a helix of
devoted scintillation,
towards the sanctuary of
our blooming dedication.
This faith in you
is my heavenly glow,
a paradise of hopes and dreams,
swaying to your deific verve—
the gilded moon my spotlight, as
celestial lullabies serenade
this blissful twilight,
sheltered in your cherubic love.
by David Crandall |
love, poetry,
I sought the words for you, my lovely dear,
to live in lines of melodious hue,
especially chosen for eye and ear,
in hopes they’d ring so glorious, so true.
I fear, my love, such words do not exist.
These truths reside outside the realm of words.
Instead, these tender feelings do persist
between the lines, or in the songs of birds.
In life, as in verse, does meaning not lie
outside visible lines of daily life
where things that matter do not meet the eye?
So, let’s pierce these lines with the sharpest knife.
In the space betwixt when my heart will beat,
someday, somewhere, between the lines we’ll meet.