Love Poems About Summon or Summon Love Poems
by Anson Decker |
Categories: hope,

Blank White Paper

Blank white paper
Infinite hope, endless promise 
An inspirational instrument

The artists canvas and lawmakers device
How an absent lover expresses love so precise

So much to say, I’m intimidated by its potential
Fearful to express my true self to you
Or to people exponential

Fear is a disease
A disease impeding me from being me 

Blank white paper
A horrifying shrill to action

Blank white paper
My call to create
Channel your optimism
Divorce your pessimism
Summon the courage, others will follow

Allow your new future to begin today
Reveal your dreams hidden by white ink on 
Blank white paper

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, summer, sun,

Children of the Sun

Tomorrow's dawn will start the longest day
When summer takes the torch and starts to run
He'll summon all the children of the sun
His followers that love his warming way

They'll laugh and celebrate in outdoor play
It is the greatest time for water fun
Each claiming to be summer's fav'rite son
Absorbing every ultraviolet ray

And when the sun lies down to take his rest
Their celebrations go in to the night
Cavorting with the moon, who's unimpressed
He knows they only like him 'cause he's bright
They'll fall asleep their backs toward the west
As children of the sun await first light

   by Daniel Turner
  Miltonic sonnet #2

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: happiness,

Searching For Happiness

I love to wander
amongst meadows and fields,
the sky's like blue satin
the lake's like a sheet.
The air's pleasantly cool,
as birds chirp and glide
and crickets, as is their wont
invent an orchestral chant.

There in a bower
two young lovers meet,
their arms are entwined
in a sweet embrace,
and quickly the sweethearts
with a lingering amorous kiss
seal their secret loving retreat.

Bells suddenly summon
a flock of white sheep,
I dare not count them
Afraid I'd go to sleep.

The spring is still gushing,
thin reeds in abundance
on the uneven edge.
Serenity surrounds me
All's beauty and grace
For Lord, you are everywhere
Giving us hope and care.

by Aiyah Torres |
Categories: absence, depression, dream, emotions, heartbreak, lonely, love hurts,

The Pain of Night

Caving tears in the moonlight's shadow. 
I wash the pain of yesterday's wound. 
A shade of happiness drifts in the darkness. 
I start to breathe in a crowded room. 
I run fast, 'til I reach the horizon. 
Eyes glare at me, I have nowhere to go. 
I screw up all the pain this heart kept. 
I'm giving up, I'm tired to blend. 
Kneeling down, I summon love. 
I searched for love myself, and I failed. 
I am broken, impaired, can barely bend. 
Bring me to life, where love exists. 
Lay down my soul barely naked. 
Grasp the thinnest air, I'm suffocating. 
Sooner or later the pain will be gone. 
The night will soon meet the sunshine.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: dog,

My Dogs Are Magical

My dogs are magical
They have more than a sixth sense
They are mystics and healers
They summon twilight

The world would not be complete without them
They are humble, having no idea of their power
They are like demi-gods to me, with a small g.
I cannot fathom life without them.

They delight the morning dew
Reveling and rolling in it, honoring it
Their playfulness is uninhibited.
They bring my childhood self out daily.

They heal me and love me.
I would not want to live in a world where they do not exist.
Which is why I have to believe in the rainbow bridge.
And a link between it and heaven.

by Iger Rolyat |
Categories: bereavement, black african american, eulogy, friendship, grief, loss, sorrow,


It is a fallacy to imagine
I could know your pain
The depth of loss for one we love
And who's loved us
Could never be transposed.

But I do understand...

Your loss is very great
And very distressing
I offer all the sympathy..
I can summon.

I'm hear to give... 

Comfort and companionship
Through these terrible, difficult days...
My thoughts and prayers are with you
As are my time and attendance
You are never alone.

Copyright 2016   Iger Rolyat   All Rights Reserved

by Mike Martin |
Categories: love, sexy, simile,


You have to shake that thing
You have to let it reel
Hear me jest the way I am
And know the way I feel

Do you hear me any way
Or any time at all
Tones reflect different shade
Cast upon a wall

Pity, if the wall is blue
And that looks good on you
Better than a window shade
Keeping out the view

Only bare the heart
Save it for the toll
Spare it for the mind
Add it to the goal

Look into your eyes
Beckon to your spirit
Summon to your dreams
Drift into your soul

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: destiny, emotions, feelings, imagery, inspirational, love,

Broken Parts

When wishes and dreams summon it back, you hope lost love can still find its way. And should it freely return to you, it will purge itself of doubt; and stay. Cupid's enchanted arrow may yet unite two lonely hearts into one. And steer trust toward a shared future, intertwining fates as they get spun. Hope fuels hot smoldering embers till they erupt; in a searing kiss. But lust is the bastard child of love, equating sex with heavenly bliss. Passion's exquisite flame forges the molten metal of fledgling hearts. And melds souls for eternity, creating one; from two broken parts. (Quatrain) 9/1/2015

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: dark, death, love,

Death of Love

This night
darkest night
dressed in black
to please your sight.

Dance and drink
just to summon
your approving wink.

Seeking your gratuity
attention from you
to ease my insecurity.

Then the fight begun
blaming each other
pointing fingers at everyone.

You could not let it go
bathing in my pain
wanting you to know
the ache I feel below.

You claimed you loved me
losing my breath
your noose around my neck
sensing my death.

The death of our love
death of affection
gasping for air
doomed in devastation.

Barely alive now
I reminisce
of a love
that was cancerous....

by Ralph Sergi |
Categories: adventure,


 Cherish all the good times whence
Love and Laughter did abound
Summon them to live anew
Savor once again
(Dodoitsu form)

Carpe Diem
I contemplate my image
In the mirror of my room
To put my plan in action
I will sieze the day
(Dodoitsu form)
Your favorite poem form contest
Nadya Ivette Negron  October 27, 2015

by Rachel St.Cross |
Categories: cancer, love,

My Kindred Spirit

Asking, 'Shall we summon fire from Heaven to consume them ?
Gazing deeply into their eyes, saying, 'Ye know not what manner of Spirit you are.'

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: dream, feelings, heart, imagery, love, sleep,

Adrift In Time

Giving in to the promise of peace; I remove all distractions from sight. And closing my eyes, summon release, welcoming night, a refuge from light. Embracing the composure of sleep, reality ceases to exist. And dreams begin a sensual sweep for forgotten feelings, love had missed. Exploring fantasies in my mind; my libido's allowed to roam free. And there's no way to tell what I'll find; or what kind of heartache awaits me. In this realm lies tranquility, a place of shadows adrift in time. Stripped of all responsibility; egos suppress anxieties climb.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: emotions, feelings, imagery, love,

Love's Hypnotic Trance

Striking hearts without warning, love's something you can't contrive. And you cannot summon it nor schedule it to arrive. Once ignited, passion's flame shatters perceived glass ceilings. And fledgling hopes soon take flight, fueling fragile feelings. A blend of raw emotions, love includes regret and shame. And works in tandem with pain and Cupid's uncanny aim. Desire fulfills fantasies, of everlasting romance. And two souls morph into one, under love's hypnotic trance.

by Jeremy Street |
Categories: baptism, love,

So, You Wanna Rock Joey ****

Well, then hit me with your best shot ?
Truth is we're just a breath away from this
Your gray grim day, part two: summon the kings
Tis urgent hurry please bring me my ancient armour
That their pagans can pray as consecrate an age's final fate
Elijah, crossing time beckoning fire and flames paving, Love's day....
Stand tall go proud, Freddie Kruger: You see all this glory it's, kingdoms: Remember,
                                                                                             ....Dreamscape's, nighttide nightmare.

by Peter Onyancha |
Categories: i love you, imagination, love, memory, miss you, tribute,

Before My Eyes

I watched her walk away
My mind wondered away
Do I or Not
Count the fading heels
Count the healing strides
The fast passing past
Finger after finger

Never stopped I cursed
Atop the last floor
How do I or Not
Steal tomorrow from the day
Beam with joy coy me
Look back and see you seeing me
Like children hiding nothing

The fire is gone
The bush is growing on cinder
Will it or  Not
Shoot each foil and flower
Summon you who lights the fire
Pretend nothing ever killed
The whole generation of Love

by Danny Stinson |
Categories: lost love,

Every Sunrise, Every Sunset

Medusa, no longer do you have my eyes, For you've turned my love to stone. At the bottom of the sea it lies, But I can't breathe when I'm alone. To the tree, I'll tie the rope, And bury our picture at sea. Though at this height I cannot choke, Please summon your thoughts to me. "Hour by hour, day by day," My heart for you stops beating. At this depth, my lust will stay, For everything is fleeting. At your feet adoration starts, While "dead hands clasp my heart."

by Jun Tumalad |
Categories: faith, life, romance, heart, heart,



SUMMON the deity of love to become visible
HEAR the cry…of a man’s lost soul!
ASCEND and occupy the throne of my wishes
KEEP all the stars together to fulfill my dreams
EVICT the forces of loneliness and heartache
SUPPRESS the strength of sorrow and grief
PERNICIOUS intentions must be cancelled
EVEN our self-serving and selfish motives must be deleted
ACQUIRE all the divine power inside your wholeness
REAP all the feelings of a good harvest
EXTRACT the juice of a good heart and pureness
	“let our heart and soul be nourished!”

by Francis J Grasso |
Categories: love,

Strange Feelings

Strange feelings came and gathered me
and brought me to your door.
Strange feelings came and lifted me.
Now I see once more.

Strange feelings never questioned me.
They knew they were right. 
They left me where I could be washed
in the pureness of your light. 

I never thought I would be freed
from the penance and it's pain.
I never tried to look beyond
the thunder and the rain.

The ashes from a darkened past
left me helpless, bound with chain.
Strange feelings came to summon me -
Now I live again.

written 3/28/2016

by John Gondolf |
Categories: longing, love,

Doleful Dreams of Love

Across the floor I watch you slowly dance;
your arms around his waist while cheek to cheek,
and lost so deeply in his soft romance
while swaying to the beat of love’s mystique.

And here I’m standing lost within this crowd
of all the lonely men that you’ve dismissed;
my ardent feelings hidden by a shroud;
I’m sure you’re unaware that I exist.

If only I could summon up the nerve
to walk right up and ask you for a dance;
perhaps my inner feelings you’d observe,
and you would give this yearning man a chance.

Alas, these doleful dreams so grandiose,
but only from afar I’ll hold you close.

October 8, 2020

by Flora Mae Gudez |
Categories: death, deep, desire, love, lust,


Be careful when you sleep,
She will summon you.
Like a poisonous apple
She will tempt you to taste your death.

As you lie on your bed,
She will sit on top of you
‘Til you penetrate your sleep
Inside her world.

Darkness will be a jail
You won’t love to escape.
In her arms, you’ll be paralyzed
And fall to a sweet death.

She will put your blanket on fire
Where burning feels good.
Pain has never been satisfying
In a heavenly hell with her.

There’s no escape
From a lovely agony,
She is the nightmare
You’d love to die from.

by Richard H. Dunsany |
Categories: peace, rain, romantic, summer,

Leo, 2016

Lions cherry blossom tea-loam eyes,
Your eye is the dandelion.
Beau plasir not as Orion,
Moons aloft on these tireless sighs.

E'en the trees quick-summon Thee
To fill their roots 'ere drenched from "love"
As laughter keeps the carefree dove
From feckless crowns to help them see:

A wasteland whirls its hollow rake--
A tell-tale wind's an owl's cast;
Come mill the hour, warm-mend my mast,
"Abiding" All sewn roads We make.

by Joshua Luebke |
Categories: absence, heart, love,


There is a string from my heart to yours.
Once strong as steel, now dwindled down
to feeble wool.
Eroded into something so simple,
so intricately delicate
that mere proximity can bring torment or alleviation.
Every inch of distance between us
brings my heart to whimper
of the string pulling it from its place in my chest.
Yet our languid disregard for what has become so agonizingly painful 
keeps us moving farther away in search of “things”.
Things which can only bring pain.
This pain which, someday, will summon us back together;
Or snap,
Like a too tight rubber band

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, friendship, hope, love,

A Net of Tears

While chasing after my beguiling muse
I fell into the bottomless abyss
Free falling into darkness does confuse
Despair replaces fragile happiness

This chill of loneliness I've felt before
No longer does the darkness summon fear
Cause hope is like a beacon on the shore
And love of friends provides a net of tears

But getting out is not an easy task
It all depends on just how far I fall
And when I reach the top I'll don my mask
To hide the shame and stigma of it all

Then once again I'll strive to reach my goal
To find a cover for this damn manhole

   an original poem by Daniel Turner

by Folajin Ademola |
Categories: love,

Libel Or Slander, I Love Thee

...And so once more I summon
this courage to write of thy frame...
Though I wonder if this time I would
not be seriously charged for libel.
Albeit the last time I spoke of thee
just like this one the very same,
I was adjudged for slander...

But still, the courage to conceal
how much it is I think of thee,
Has never found a root in my heart;
Then how could it the least grow
to take thy thoughts from me?!
It matters not what thou thinkest...
Someday thou might well understand.

"Name as many allegations in the book of law:
none of them has right over a faultless love!"

by John Rey Canon |
Categories: hurt, irony, lost love, mystery,

You To Me Look Like a Fool

You to me look like a fool
Grinning a heartless welcome
To a lost soul,
By the king’s summon

What prize was paid?
Or by pity have you offered
A silly kindness
For a lonely stranger?

You to me look like a fool
And you fool me now
For I cannot understand
Your sudden affection.