Love Poems About Suggesting or Suggesting Love Poems
by Desiree M |
Categories: sadme, me,

I Am Bored With Melancholy

I am bored with melancholy
This feeling poisons my tongue
And keep suggesting me I am wrong
I am trapped in deep agony,
a sensation that I am living in treachery,
when words are touching me like a sad song,
as hope is telling me to move on headstrong
I am bored with melancholy

When our love burns all the obstacles,
melancholy strives to knock me out
It paints my world to a deep brown color
and severely suggests me to wear spectacles
so that I can perceive the real feelings sprout
Melancholy forces me to soar higher and higher

Désirée Meunier

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: hope, love, love, strength,

Burning Embers

B urning embers growing dim
U sually would be suggesting
R esulting love affair diminishing
N ot in this case, the embers are making
I nteresting visions of love with their coals
N ow love is deep within their souls
G oing from strength to strength with no control

E ndless nights of breathless moaning deep
M aking love until saturated, too tired to sleep
B ecoming as one in mind and soul
E ntwined forever in lust and love, now are whole
R esulting in two becoming one
S ensually and sexually the battle for love is won


Penned by Seren Roberts

by Zamir Osorov |
Categories: love,

My First Love Quantum Dance

My first love? 
Seems I couldn’t remember precisely
the starting point 
of such great occasion
in my biography.

It’s gone out,
and vanished forever
in kaleidoscope  of whirlwind
of my early recollections, visions, fantasies, 
and dreams and dreams in dreams.
Or that love just plying quantum trick with us
suggesting  multiple options, 
when we are with fear and surmise
coming for  great choice again? 

Input, output or kaput? 
The question is still open.
My first love preffered eternal dance?
How could I acted with discrepancy? 

From  novel "Eleanor Rigby"

by Iris E. S-Lewis |
Categories: life,


It's love suggesting:
"Never mind certain things."
Fire and ice, and breezy rain, and dust,
They are not false
And it is true, God is...


by Seren Roberts |
Categories: love,

Shadow of Delight - Seren Roberts and Dave Woods

Shadow of Delight

Whisper of a fleeting kiss
awe of gentle breeze 
Dimpled smile, suggesting
fragrant shadow of delight 
Images of what could be, keeps
moonlit hope aglow.. 
Floating prayers
catch the air of her appeal 
Waiting for that special moment
as she fades into the night.

Penned by Seren Roberts and Dave Wood

by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: love,

Forbidden Fruit

Red and juicy, 
sensual shape, 
sexual by nature, 
they drip promiscuously 
on my prurient lip!

Tastes of summer, 
girls in flimsy cotton dresses 
flirting shamelessly, 
and sinfully suggesting 
assignations in the park, 
in the darkness, for a lark!

Their flavors captivate, 
make me hunger 
for an intimate embrace!

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: love, nature,

Your Slender Frame

Vegetation verdant midst vapor-laden valley
  Misty cloud-mountains mask mansions' mirage
Time trembles, delicate, teasing tender tree-shoots
  Feathered flyers beat fast, beat furious, beat breathless  

Oceans ooze overhead, omnipotent orchestration, oh so
  Sonorous, solemn spectacle suggesting celebrations
Both beatific and bemused, beckoning bewitching
  Doe-eyed denizens of languid, listless deltas ---
When my eyes alight upon your slender frame
  Your swanlike grace freezing me
     ~ In the orb of your luxuriant gaze

by Robert Pettit |
Categories: literature, love,

Olivia Thinks Sebastian Is Cesario

I have seen some unusual things going around. There is this woman named Olivia I have found. She is someone I absolutely don't know. The strangest thing is: she keeps calling me "Cesario". Here I am in this unusual land named Illyria. I still don't know the fate of my sister Viola. Olivia is a noble woman and quite fair to me. Out of nowhere, she is already suggesting matrimony. How convenient to have a priest standing nearby. This way, the clergyman can unite Olivia and I. Based on the play "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: heaven,

Fogging Up the Windows

Assuming we're both heading to Heaven When our days on earth are done Save me a seat beside you dear lover To continue with more naughty fun Not suggesting anything out of line Just some naughtiness, well you know Like our times in the back of my Chevy What a blast... we put on quite a show Don't think I've ever thanked you enough Here's how I intend to repay Promise to make love to you for eternity Believe these words that I say Remembering how we were obsessed You were the absolute bestest by far The downside, it always seemed like night Kept fogging up the windows of the car

by Serge Lyrewing |
Categories: allegory, emotions, evil, feelings, lonely, metaphor, miss you,

Come Down

Come down to me I'm really begging
I know, my power's not enough
And Faust's Guest as Fiend was faking
his own suggesting life and love.

I do not like, there's no believing
I am so shy for own harm
I guess, Im looking with misgiving
The sky of Dark Lord's risen charm.

The Heaven's darkened in its leanness
Rain doesn't fear to let its drops
And trees are stooping under meanness
The wind is evil taking hopes.

Don't make me hurt like Guest of Faust
As you can see I'm not a fiend
Come down to me, don't make me oust
And look at me through rain and wind.

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: love,

Leather Jacket On Shoulders Contest

January 1st. It's cold and raining. 
His leather jacket's on your shoulders.

They say it s cold
But am warm as toast
Wrapped up in your jacket
Then I realise your wet
Rain soaking your shirt

Looking up i whisper
Cant we both share 
Together we snuggle
Your shirt soaking my blouse
The heat of your skin
Making me shiver with hope

We stop to kiss
Slow passionate embrace
We look into each others eyes
Love, lust smouldering there
Lets go home 
Initial row forgotten

Suitcase packed in anger
Kicked aside
Jacket lovingly placed to dry
Love 1 silly row 0
That walk in the rain paid dividends
Thanks mam for suggesting  it.

Happy New Year

Penned 27 may 2013

by Charles Coon |
Categories: confusion, sad love, storm, words,


(from a Poe story)
Can imply
The end of what
Seems as control
Perhaps a
Sordid deed..
A one-word
Suggesting the
End of choice...

by Brian Johnston |
Categories: love,

Wind Chimes

Have I need for tuned wind chimes to know that you're near?
Or a president's pardon to feel in the clear?
For anxieties vanish like rain on spring's grass
With our turquoise, soft skies, and love filling my glass.

Oh, a day like today seems to conjure a kite!
The scant string that restrains me helps add to the height
Of the visions you show me! The breezes you bring!
"If I had a real heart," I think 'Tin Man' might sing.

Like a 'Strad' played by Menuhin! Purposes meld:
"Meditation on Thais," lofts notes that get spelled
As by plane. All see "L-O-V-E!" The truth floats in the sky!
Music's 'goosebumps' suggesting a sound bye and bye!

Brian Johnston
April 9, 2018

by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: love

Forbidden Fruit?

Red and juicy, 
sensual shape, 
sexual by nature, 
they drip promiscuously 
on my prurient lip.

Tastes of summer, 
girls in flimsy cotton dresses 
flirting shamelessly, 
and sinfully suggesting 
assignations in the park, 
in the darkness, for a lark.

Their flavors captivate, 
and make me hunger 
for an intimate embrace!

by Cheryl Eldridge |
Categories: death, loss, lost love, time,

Horrors Taunt

In illusions
        senseless disorder
illogical reasoning
        embeds reality.
A lonesome
        improbability drapes
inner struggles,suggesting loss.
        Holding on to you.

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: life, nature,

Steel Gray

Steel gray clouds suppress the dawn
Maybe rain hides up there
At least a damp coolness hovers
Suggesting autumn almost here

The sun is behind the dark clouds
There's a glimmer seen
A hole in the mass has pink streaks
And in the woods deer dreams

A few barn swallows dart above
Catching the early bugs
A Red Cardinal sings love songs
As roosters crow proudly smug

Like the man who struts along in time
To an internal beat
Roosters' breast extended plumage
Arrogant on the street

by Carol Mitra |
Categories: humor,

Quitters Never Win

A frog fell in love with a stork shrewd
Suggesting a kiss she wooed her food
Trying to swallow him, how rude!
The frog rung her neck, eyes protrude
He hopped on out, limping like a dude!

Sponsor: Margarita Lillico

by Charles Coon |
Categories: beauty, i am, love,



Seems as

A process of


Life appears

That way..


Yet decay is


Life and death..


The absence 

Of both...

by Terry Ledwell |
Categories: deathme, life, me,


Just to be re-born suggests,
This life is nothing but a test,
So karma or a resurrection,
Disguises truth for our protection...
Are ones who leave us truly gone,
Though we believe that they moved on,
As writing on a granite stone,
Secure the plot of land they own...
Why question what is consequence,
Suggesting it may make some sense,
While others sit and contemplate,
And hoping chance is found by fate...
But somehow death seems to explain,
Just what is left and who to blame,
Bringing us but one conclusion,
Based on faith but no illusion...
So I ask the ones here after,
Fill me with your love and laughter,
So when the life from me is torn,
The soul in me can be re-born...

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: friend, friendship, friendship love,

Lifelong Friendship

sharing herself
saying the right things
extremely generous
glad to give time that you need
listening without suggesting
listening without interruption
a lifelong friendship cemented with love

by Eric Ashford |
Categories: poetry,

Not Made for Hallmark

We took a break,
fortunately, it was a time
when we could not stand each other.

Whirlwind romances
spun like dandelion puffs
in a thin, just barely breathable air.

I knew retrospectively
that she was three years younger than I
and I was five years younger
in puppy dog years.

When we met once more,
we argued over some bitter bones
we thought we had long buried.

After a prolonged snarling match
we had a cataclysmic coupling
that lasted to the following Sunday.

A priest blessed our union,
suggesting that from now on
we only contaminate each other -
and none other
with our dog-eat-dog love.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

I listen and listen and listen

I ask them to tell me something good about themselves
If they cannot, I ask about their best day
Their favorite relative, things they love to do
Still empty?
I ask how they are feeling.
What is happening?
Then I listen.
And I listen
And I listen
And I listen
And I listen
Without interrupting
Without suggesting solutions.
Without trying to save them
I tell them what I admire about them
You are courageous, brave, a great story teller,
And I thank them for trusting me
It is a start