Love Poems About Starfish or Starfish Love Poems
by Clifford Woodell |
Categories: love, nature, places,

Sandy Dreams

Free yourself from the pit that bogs down like marshes.
Run with me to a land of sandy dreams and starfish.

by Gregory Golden |
Categories: imagination, inspirational, introspection,

Sorrow's Wake

Slumber blue starfish
Cry baby for mother's milk
How does love awaken

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: corruption, deep, feelings, fish, heartbreak, holocaust, love hurts,

Madness Has Triggered the Pen

People are like lobsters crawling in dirt 
with brain cells less advanced than a jellyfish 
always digging in the sand without salt they would disappear 
They could not breathe the fresh air if it were poisoned by chemicals 
fresh water has a better taste unpolluted
Chocolate starfish slimy sea slugs
Silly cones, fake plastic barbies
Toxic people in toxic world
None the wiser
Modern day zombies
Yes men plugged into the machine
Greedy 1 % sharks living off the tuna only scraps to the bottom feeding mouth breathers poor bastards
Fed only bull they kindly ask
"Please sir may I have some more?"

A Liam MacDaibheid and Antonio Acosta

by Jeremy Street |
Categories: art, baby, cancer, love,

Mandated By Another's Maxim

Side stepping love's starfish sun bathing about, time's shores....
While amoeboid parasites these sponges in resilient, take up residence
Atop her capital hill; residuum's resonant evil kismet's, true, liverwort lobbyist 
Waterspout gargoyles autism's algae tortuous angleworms this, immoral's realities ?
Shuttered truths antipodes their view; his shad's tenement tete-a-tete's, voodoo virtuosity.

by Manon Boudreau Star Child Nebula |
Categories: blessing, father daughter, fathers day, funny, god, inspirational love, mentor,

Love To My Starfish

Who was granted his wish
A Happy Father's Day
I honor you and pray
Time to notice all you have done
To makes us as one
Life has been enjoyed
Filled my heart with so much joy
We still got silly you and me
Built such precious memories
Clearly sent from above
Has always been our love
Love you Daddy
You are my harvest tree that is kept within me
Watch as I have grown
Through every lesson you have shown
Proud to call you Dad
For you are the best I could of had

by Tania Kitchin |
Categories: appreciation, fantasy, sea,

The Tranquil Sea

I love to go to the tranquil sea
a special place with treasures for me

I walk the beach, feet touching the sand
feeling the waves tickle as I stand

I spot a beautiful blue starfish 
A sign of luck, I should make a wish

I want to grab it, but leave it be
Let it bring joy for others to see

As I walk away, I see it smile
I know saving its life was worthwhile

I look back, see it wink and now gone
I hope it has safely left, moved on

I realize the lesson today
To admire nature and walk away

Time to head back from the tranquil sea
Elated by what it gave to me


Contest: Couplet - any theme, any length

Sponsor: Dear Heart

by Chicano Eddie |
Categories: i love you, longing, lost love, love, miss you, romantic love, soulmate,

A Starfish On Dry Land


she’s filled in the empty
space of my bed.
she’s just given me all of 
her pain as she rests her 
head on my chest.
she’s here.
her hair is curled and full
of the love she thought was 
in a few minutes, I’ll kiss
her goodnight and we’ll be 
one again.
typewriters last and the 
owls fly tonight.
I hear the silence of our 
youth weeping in the chains 
that have been broken.
what took you two so long?
our lips touch.
our hands meet.
our eyes close.
goodnight, my dear, 

By: Chicano Eddie

by Jeremy Street |
Categories: baptism, love,

An Open Grave Unaware

Making they twice damnation's child than themselves ? When....
An evil entity leaves their abode left wondering amid the wilderness
Determing time's cost while weighing out another thirty sheckles be irony
What's the story morning glory need a little spot to wake up: naked atop her shores
Derriere due north his alabaster box's great divide; sand pebble eyes parched lips choking
Upon her starfish holding tight a golden statuette and how their west was won ? Champagne tulips
Running through fields of mars trekking about another seaside resort sparkling sails banners wavering
Blue red carpet rides gathering seven tides washing away flowers which never were in her hair: gray ghost.

by Tony Bush |
Categories: happiness, life, love, nostalgia, time, universe,


The majesty of starfish floated lithe, 
her bedded eyes of sapphire and seaspray, 
glanced a universe of promises, 
mystery in all the subtle interplay.

All the subtle interplay beckoned, 
teased of changing wishes and hooks, 
inserted the tingle in the flesh, 
her need in all the strata of her looks.

All the strata of her looks bedazzled 
a sunbeam on the emerald bay, 
bounced off the surface waves, 
commensurate in all it's ricochet. 

In all it's ricochet her echoed view 
mesmeric as a child about to fall, 
infatuates the sealing fate of love, 
the eye perceived that she become my all.

by Robb A. Kopp |
Categories: nostalgia, seasea, life, love, sea,

Sand and Sea

I love to walk with the waves lapping my toes
cool wet sand beneath my feet
walking this way is long, but not tiring
Along my walk I find many treasures
cool wet sand beneath my feet
enjoying the sea life on my trek
Along my walk I find many treasures
sometimes I get to see a starfish
enjoying the sea life on my trek
walking this way is long, but not tiring
splashing sand and sea feels neat
I love to walk with the waves lapping my toes

by Sotirios Skoufis |
Categories: freedom, love,

Our Love Is Free

I'm a sailor 
in my bathtub 
With my periscope 
On my head there's a paper boat

Looking like an envelope
You're my lighthouse 
My love whale
Love made from 2 cancers

Life's beautiful 
There's no disasters
A dog on a dog
And a big boat

Our love 
It does float
There's a starfish 
Our love

It won't perish 
It will last
As our love 
It is vast

It is huge
It's enormous 

King size

Our love
It is wise 
There's a bird
And three fishes

And two trees 
And two changing rooms 
Two and three
Our love

It is free

by Sotto Poet |
Categories: analogy, appreciation,

Ominous Riddance

My shadowy quondam radiated a crimson hue was alive and moving now it is a ghost emotionless colorless and lethargic a heart rimmed with marigolds the sharp color of bloody mulberry weeps like a crowned raven, on sealed lips, scarlet wine dews succulent but stifling smell of chains is addictive I am enslaved guilty of a deadly love star-stained soul to succumb to luscious vindictiveness. the heart sleeps in flinty rain Lime-scented leaves drip starfish-shaped leaf drops.
Written: January 27, 2023 You Decide Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Brian Strand

by Bobby May |
Categories: romance,

Ocean of Romance

Once upon a midnight, night
With stars twinkling in the sky
The moon appeared up above
And all saw this kiss of love

The oceans waves moved the sands
hitting the rocks while clasping hands
Starfish wished to see this kiss
While the fish were swimming in bliss

Lighthouses spinning around
A guiding light of this love abound
With castles built and frisbees thrown
This ocean of love a clear moonstone

When one wished upon a star
The sky and oceans obliged them
Ever lasting never to be forgotten
The oceans and sky's
Romance and love

by Johnette Loefgren |
Categories: adventure, love, sea,

After the Wave

After the windstorm
after the wave
I wander the beach head
for something to save

  something of value
left on the shore
something that Neptune
can't use anymore

  There you were standing
alone on the sand
fragments of starfish
holding your hand

  You turned with the wind
and the sea in your smile
the laughter of gulls
flew around you beguiled

 your hair swirled around me
and tangled in mine
you said to yourself
what a wonderful find

  so we both collected
each other today
washed up on the wave
of emotion at play.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

I Love My World Book

The bass and perch are both spinny-finned.
Whereas sand dollars are spiny-skinned.
Sea urchins and starfish are spiny-skinned too.
I love my world book which is totally brand new!

by Kai Michael Neumann |
Categories: love,

Passionate Shore

Sea shells nestle a virgin shoreline

Caress dreams in luminous strands

Cuddle starfish and foamy desire

Of togetherness in silent breeze

Footprints take on illustrious shape

Stepping stones on two journeys

Wedded in tomorrow's drift sands

Waiving and weaving the path

A flock of seagulls mock gravity

Rise from the ocean and laugh at

Heavy sorrows and grave storms

One step at a time earthlings move

Draw hearts into muddy waters

Scribe promises and adventures

Watch the light house keeper

Guide a fire into the rising moon

28th December 2019

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: appreciation, earth, environment, nature, ocean, poetry, sea,

Oceans Surprises

I love collecting shells at the ocean; below the pier, I find the tiny ones, sharks teeth and teensy starfish, from which I enjoy making jewelry. They wash up in the waves and lay there; piling up over time. I don’t have to dig very deep, to find them; they’re small enough not to sink down in drenched sand. Ocean offers many surprises, such as these. ocean gives up her gifts her offspring- captivating jewelry.

by Sabrina Millicent |
Categories: anger, anxiety, betrayal, conflict, emotions, evil, hurt,

Lost Love

Plunged in the bleak jet sea 
waves swirl indigo pain,
haunted by sharks' treason;
lost soul in nightmare phase
chilled by icy season.  

Plunged in the bleak jet sea
algae reality,
starfish harmony dims;
searching for fairytales
conceivably red sins. 

Plunged in the bleak jet sea 
ebony surf seeps eyes,
mind shaded by grim lies
polluted with regrets
pleading to self-love rise.

Plunged in the bleak jet sea
desiring birds' light joy,  
weeping automatic;  
flying high is my goal 
love is problematic.  


by Bobby May |
Categories: moving on,

Phone Message

I hear your soft voice on this moonlit night
As I you look into you sparkling eyes 
Then looking upon the starry sky’s in wonder
A love we have shared through this lifetime
Memories captured by the moon
Ocean waters displaying a free show
Sand on once we lay upon, tickling our thoughts
Starfish crawling upon a rock as you wish on a star
Nights never forgotten being alone with, my love
Capturing our youth together hoping and dreaming
To live forever pictures placed on paper with
Large books to look through
Now turning the pages thinking of you
Sitting alone listening to this message
That you had left on the phone
Over and over again missing the days of

by David Crandall |
Categories: love, moon, ocean, stars,

The Moon

The moon glides way up in the sky. 
Every night, he goes sailing by,
Before he dives into the ocean. 

Slowly, he gets a little fatter, 
Growing from a sickle to a platter,  
So dependable his motion. 

For dinner, on stars he likes to munch, 
But he will eat starfish for lunch 
When he gets the notion. 

You can always see him after dark, 
Gently following a graceful arc -
Such is his devotion. 

His chief job in the starry dome above
Is to make lovers fall in love,
Inspiring deep emotion.