Love Poems About Pike or Pike Love Poems
by Neldy Jolo |
Categories: life, loveme, me,

Great Poets To Thanks!

Carol Brown  shall take the crown is now I found
Ernilando Tugaff to tap the top guides me to craft 
Deborah Guzzi to teach me the piece in the ocean sea
Jayne Eggins as my lens to lend to capture the good ends

Ruben Ortellao for me to bow and how to plough the romance of brow 
Adeleke Adeite I gained a solid bit to write a simple pit
William Kershaw shown me hope that shines through
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen moving me to a den of gent  

Ciara Aiyana Gomez  never I missed what she said go far beyond ordinaries
Sara Kendrick thought me to trek the trails of diamond creek 
Jared Pickett inspired me to love a great vast of pike  
These great poets I shall owe the humble thanks!

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: beautiful, introspection, dance, dance, sun,

Dream, Dream, Dream

Let the sun dance on your bodies
Dream, People, Dream
Let the sun dance on your bodies
A new song comes down the pike 
We'll be ready for it!
Ready for it!
Dream, people, dream 
Love is coming to you 
Listen to our music 
Listen to our music
Let dawn dance
Let dawn dance
We'll find peace
Dream, people, dream

by Kevin Shaw |
Categories: fish, funny, humorous, silly, true love,



Colin the Crayfish has been dishing up the dirt, 
Saying, Little Polly Pike is an outrageous flirt. 
Tim Trout’s going to be her new finned friend,
She hooked him by a rock pool, on the river bend.

by Lary Houston |
Categories: feelings, love,

Kathy Pike-Houston

Autumn leaves are falling
as I look back on life.
Never thought I'd live this long
through the trouble, toil and strife.

The road has been a rocky one
mostly scary, dark and grey
and God sure had to carry me
many times along the way.

As I watch the wind blown leaves
tossed wildly on the ground;
I'm reminded of the way life was
before your love I found.

You have no way of knowing
how your love has changed this man.
So I will strive in every way
to be the best I can.

by Pat Adams |
Categories: crazy, food, poetry,

I Love To Eat

I love to eat most everything
Once I start it's just hard to stop
Almond milk's good on cereal,
Without the almond cream on top!

I love to devour those pop tarts,
When Pepsi is the pop you get
I'll take a hot dog any time,
As long as it wasn't a pet!

I'll never forget the time when,
Mountain oysters came down the pike
Before I ate, I saw one whole
I'd hate to say what it looked like!

Thinking of food I tell myself
I must not get over excited
By the way, I love hot peppers,
But the love is unrequited!

by Cassidy Kee |
Categories: friendship, life, love, love,

Key To My Heart

I can't stop thinking about you
You're always on my mind.
Your eyes, your heartbeat, everything you do
I think of all the time.

I can't imagine my life without you
Your smile, your laugh, your embrace.
If you left I don't know what I'd do.
But I would never forget your face.

Is this what love feels like?
Why does it hurt so much?
Like the jabbing teeth of a Pike
In my heart without your touch.

I think I love you
But I don't know.
Like a bird you flew
And I have nowhere to go.

I wish for your heart.
Friendship is all you give me.
But from the start,
I gave you my heart's key.

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: humor,

Dads Favorite Child

Our brother up stairs we don’t like.
This Chip he does love is a pike!
     He plays with him games
     forsaking us dames.
Computer you go on a hike!
