Love Poems About Hotel or Hotel Love Poems
by Jan Oskar Hansen |
Categories: celebrity, chicago, chocolate, city,

The Muse

The Muse 
I remember it well when in the summer evenings
I went to see her we drank wine and made love
Embraced we slept to morning light.
Stay with me she said to rest a bit longer I will serve you tea
No, I wanted to go home savour the night in privacy 
Feed the dog, go for a walk and write about my love for her.
It ended like a morning dream; she had found a man who 
Drank her tea and stayed with her till he was too old
And she sent him to an old people’s home.
She had been my muse lives in my poems, but no,
I didn`t want to stay with her a painter rarely marries his model 
But she will always be there hanging in some gallery 
Or on the wall in the lobby of some hotel.

by Raul Moreno |
Categories: lost love

Victim of Love

Your projectile language,
Has shattered my porcelain soul.
The ballistics of your words,
Trace back to your beautiful performance.

An arsenal of lethal…language,
Spoken from the chamber of your heart.
Targeting my virgin emotions,
…Piercing my self-esteem,
……Ricocheting your madness in my life.
“I love you”…dissipates in your smoke of lies.

I can still taste the gunpowder residue,
Off the barrel of your moist perpetrating lips.
The evidence still remains at the scene of the crime.
Stained sheets keep…dirty hotel secrets,
My wounded spirit collapsed to the floor of my body,
As the echoes linger within my shattered soul.

by Carol Bowen-Davis |
Categories: love

Au Bade To Monogamy

Slipping from the sheets,
her feet touch the carpet with regret.
She tips to the shower.
In, then out.  Leaving last night’s sins
spiraling down the drain.

Dressing quietly and quickly,
she applies her red lipstick.
First, heavy.
Then tissuing off some so
it doesn’t look too fresh.

Her keys are where she left them.
She sweeps them up as she throws
her purse across her shoulder.
Without looking back
she leaves.

Checking herself in the rear-view mirror,
she touches up her hair.
As she pulls away, she catches a glance of
the hotel room door.
And she knows that every number before that
no longer matters.

by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: appreciation, food, fun, international, truth,

Food For Life

We two Indians went to the hotel Storartad Sweden
                   And ate lots of Munkers , Æbleskiver and Poffertjespan
                      Coming back home we landed well on a chapatti
                           Kuzhi paniyaram Daal Sabji Bhaji and Roti
                And a Japanese Takoyaki   all they are love cuisines man

by Faye Gibson |
Categories: funny, marriage, vacation,

Honeymoon Vacation

Just a honeymoon beach vacation,
a fine nuptial love celebration;
   we arrived a night early,
   we would find hotel surely:
“No rooms” was the sad proclamation.

“An hour away you might find one.”
They were right for we only found…NONE!!
  We got off beaten path.
  too tired then to laugh,
looked for a place “mom and pop” run.

Well, it must have been close to midnight,
exhausted the lady and her knight;
  we found Motel Warwick,
  a guest house illicit,
and christened our honeymoon site.

Copyright, July 13, 2014
Faye Lanham Gibson

by Kacey Greenlee |
Categories: loveme, me,

''Bad Behavior''

When you walk out the door.
I wonder if you love me anymore?
My mind says stay.
Checked your pockets,a hotel receipt falls.
Fist to the walls.
My mind says stay.
Question you for all you've done.
Answer me now for there is none.
My mind says stay.
Truth be told,your heart remains cold.
The lies you have sold.
My mind says stay.
Stupid girl,who made you her world.
Fixed with diamonds and pearls.
My mind says stay.
Get a grip,reality check.
Wish we had never met.
But,my mind says stay.

Play Me A Cheatin' Song Poetry Contest...

by James Fraser |
Categories: beautiful, boyfriend, girlfriend, love, people, places, world,

Our Meeting - Nighttime Musings

in flight my thoughts dreaming, I wander to view she, whom has captured to see her my heart flutters on arriving my eyes see chatting we now walk soon amidst our wanderings hungered moments flow hotel door now closed, we're close eight thousand miles diminished

by Gary Dye |
Categories: baptism,

Three Cups

2 cups
1 one for Ale
1 for butts
1 for Love
   The 3 of us
   Two cups
   innan hotel
graydye the god poet

by Hidden Sister |
Categories: boyfriend, dance, dark, girlfriend, women,

In a Hotel Room

In A Hotel Room

In a hotel room, she lies, literally to herself.
Their meetings filled with desire are brief.
How can she put her dignity on a shelf
Lost, between the crumpled sheet.

As a friend I helplessly watch 
As her happiness turns to shame 
All the joy before is lost
Falling for this hoodlums game.

There is no love in a hotel room
Used for trysts and rendezvous
As she leaves she's filled with gloom
Not the girl that I once knew.

Players play for keeps 
no conscience they can sleep.

by Sneha Rv |
Categories: humor,

Choosing a Hotel

I had a lot of trouble
In choosing a hotel,
'Cause with my expectations
Nothing went too well. -

There's one right up the cliff,
But it stands up way too tall
It might just break and tumble,
And what if we all fall?

There's one that's in the ocean,
And it's good, I've heard before
But what just if the tide comes in,
And washes us to the shore?

I love the one that's high in air,
It's called the "Cozy den",
But what if we face breathing troubles,
'Cause there's no oxygen?

All these places aren't too good,
They all just leave us dead
The only thing we can do right now
Is to stay back home instead.

by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
Categories: candy, funny love,

Vacation Sex

it was few weeks away
the hotel we would stay
it was nices
we didn't think twices
a largh bed
haveing sex was in my head
we checked in
 the bed just blend
we rock and sock
it was all night lone we got it on
thinking of it am still wet
it was

by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
Categories: caregiving,

Check In

\let him 
he''w ature friend
let him in
it hotel call love
from high acout
that call love
ther's no sin

by Julie Heckman |
Categories: absence, lost love, drug,

Who Is Your Neighbor

September sun beats a downtown hotel,
For skid row children the heat is hell.

Mother drugged and father out to score,
Their children play alone, on the lobby floor.

They play with no one watching them,
Growing up without roots or stem.

Outsiders of the swollen hotel lobby,
Don't show up, its just not their hobby.

Their crimes will soon pay the price,
Parent's example leads only to vice.


by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: home,

Home Thoughts From Abroad

The half moon shimmered wanly as she wrote
“Dearest, do you realize how much I miss you?
How long will your trip abroad take?
Here I am in empty rich, luxury mansion.
A hovel with you would have been better.
Or perhaps you do not love me anymore?”

Thus the letter arrived in my posh Rome hotel.
I could not help but let a lonely tear drop down
And smudge the words written there.
Why can’t I find the courage to write a full letter?
Only fragments have I written, not worth sending.

The show goes on and all around me were the so-called friends.
Yet I have none, absolutely none.  One day I’ll disappear, 
Leave Rome and go back to my home sweet home.

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love, me,

Love Me Tender

Oh! baby let’s play house
no one sided love affair here,
you’re so young and beautiful
and that’s all right, when the
next step is love. 
I Hope darling you’ll always
wear my ring, I’m sure you know
I’m playing for keeps,
although i am just a 
poor boy, from
Memphis Tennessee,
no heartbreak hotel for us,
just a promise of love me tender
whilst I’m loving you.

© Harry J Horsman  2012

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: beauty, cool, love,

- Fall In Love -

let romance flourish

                                            experiences in ice

                                             at a snow hotel

                                    a hot date with your partner

                                             everlasting memories

                                        Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
                                  Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: love, passionme, kiss, me,


I fantasise about when we would meet
What will happen at the point when we’ll greet
Will we first shake hands and then a kiss on the cheek
Or a passionate kiss that will make me  legs weak

What happens from there, do we go out in the town
Or to my hotel room till breakfast, seeing you in my gown
Do we meet up with friends and talk poetry
Or do I hold you tight close next to me

Do we go out to a club, to drink and dance?
Or cuddle at home in a champagne romance
Ask me this question “What shall we do?”
Come into my arms and let me guide you 

** I cannot tell you who this lady is that has inspired me.**

thanks Wilma

by Tamal Kundu |
Categories: dark, life, light, love, lust, marriage, sunset,

An Affair

Distilled sun invades
to project on whitewashed screen their 
chintzy-hotel love,
melding the serenading shades.

Date: 13 / 01 / 2017

by Lara Wash |
Categories: baby, celebration, home,

Flowers, Diamonds and Candy

Maybe it’s the Moscato
Maybe it’s the Tequila
Maybe it’s just me
After drinking drinks from the liquor sea

I’m waiting for my Sugar to come home
He's been gone for so long
Two minutes is too long
So I’ll play another love song

We don’t go out on Valentine’s Day
But this weekend we’ll celebrate in L.A

He made reservations at a Five Star hotel
So that I can hear his chime
And he can ring my bell

Ding Dong
That’s my Baby
And he’s home

by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: grandson,

Sharing a Swing

We're at a hotel and here is the thing -
Henry and Nana discover a swing.
It's more like a bench but suspended on chains;
The stress disappears and pure calmness remains.

We sit and we rock and I sing every song
While Henry just listens or hums along.
Whoever walks past tries to get a "Hi!"
But tucking his head, Henry's stranger-shy.

The world could explode and I wouldn't move.
It's Henry and me - nothing more to prove,
For love and contentment have taken hold;
It's my one compensation for getting old.

by Anita Harris |
Categories: dream, music, success,

Dream of Success

She, the dream of prosperity and success, beckons, Enter into Jed Clampett's world, California-- Swimming pools, movie stars, and instantaneous wealth. But nineteen sixty-nine's ideals of freedom, truth, love, Are lost in the dark halls of materialism. The Age of Aquarius cannot live on under Pressure to beat the competition and make money The dream had a lovely face; reality was cold. We forfeited our souls for sex, drugs, and rock and roll, Prisoners now in the Hotel California.
Inspired by "Hotel California" for entry in Silent One's contest Iconic Songs 26 August 2017

by Mariana Pavlich |
Categories: friendship, love, people, places,

Breathy Theatrical Silky Oak Voice

Hotel terraces art nouveau  ironwork  and  interiors
Mother of pearl cufflinks painters actors musicians
Scooters racing around an antiquity filled Italian city
Mediterranean charm "How do you like your breakky?"
Feeling faint she lay on the comfortable chintz couch
And began to doze off to sleep...two cherubs red hair
Sea-green eyes  turned up  frecked nose sniffed  air
Clove cigarettes perfume of sandalwood musk rose
Fresh  strawberries  slithered  onto  his awaiting  lap
Beautifully chiselled shaven jawline elegantly  poised
Handsome  blue  eyes  dazzled  like secret treasures

by Judyth Vary Baker |
Categories: death, family, children, forgiveness, inspirational, life, mothersong, grave, me, song,

Poem Written At the Sussex Hotel, London,04/04/04 After Death Threats

Because I have so little time, I only hope, for what is mine-- in my blood so dark and hot is a bright and fevered spot-- O let me be, to sing again without the penalty of pain, lest I, before my time, be torn from life, and to the grave be borne-- my nostrils full of soil, my ears stopp'd by grave and ritual tears-- O let me be, lest they will tread --my children-- on their mother's head before my song for them is done, before my course on earth is run, before they learn the song I sing: that love can conquer everything.
this poem is written in the shape of a funereal urn

by Sha'Ntez Jefferson |
Categories: america, conflict, deep, environment,

A Rant

Searching for divine intervention but finding only tainted intentions..they enter our lives to destroy and we give them permission..wreckless christians..minds never becoming as one always division..I believe they lack vision causing awkward decisions..physically right here but mentally imprisoned..this can't be what we do with this life..undercover brothers plus they got a wife..trying to recover sisters 2 sizes 2 small on their tights..hotel room *** shots that explode in the middle of the night..smh..ugly ducklings that never have a more love just sex for more freedom black lives on more change just a constant rotation....

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: memory, romantic,

Romance Is In the Air

romance ricochet off the walls
odes of love abounded,
mixed with gooseflesh emotion
all depicting memories of how love
nurtured by the sun, sea and sand
treated to a romantic interlude
in a secluded hotel.
Changed my life...