Love Poems About Crocodile or Crocodile Love Poems
by Supraja Kannan |
Categories: chocolate, joy,


The dark brown color engrossed much,
        Soft beautiful skin melts when I touch
When I unwrap the cover,my lips cannot wait to taste
when I munch it,I am transported into a fantasy place
      and nuts sandwiched between chocolate bars backhaul my sensories
      Caramel inside the bar,revitalize the beautiful childhood memories
It recalls the fights for chocolates and the crocodile tears
Now,when I lick the chocolate off my fingers,I feel young
      and I love to savor the taste of the chocolate tang 
                        NOW AND ALWAYS

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: 1st grade, animal, cute, cute love, metaphor, nursery rhyme, smile,

Ryley Rhino

I ride on Ryley Rhino 
as down the river we go.
He knows things I want to know.

I said, “There’s a flashy fish!
Watch it swirl and swish!”
Ryley Rhino said, “I know.”

I said, “There’s a crocodile!
Look at its smug smile.”
Ryley Rhino said, “I know.”

I said, “There’s a sneaky snake!
I wonder if its name is Jake.”
Ryley Rhino said, “I know.”

"Ryley Rhino you're so smart,
I love you with all my heart!”
Ryley Rhino said, “I know.”

by Allan Kazembe |
Categories: words,

A Word

a word is like a pod
laden with a load
of meanings, narrow and broad
which if is to explode

could bite bitter like bile 
of a crocodile,
which goodies can curtail, 
and even derail.

that vivacity can dilute, 
misunderstandings, inflate.

it is chill, so cold,
so frosty, it freezes a flowing mood
a wicked discord
a bloodbath threshold.

yes, a word is like a sword

so sharp and vile, it ravages mighty hearts,
so cruel, it debases savory love.
it ruins. 
a word can curse.
but a word is a reward
that heals broken mood
which meals hearts devoid
that kills the art of  paranoid.

it is dripping dews of harmony. 
a word can bless.

by Charles Clive |
Categories: dream, travel,


I've yearned to cross the seven seas and visit Paris, Athens, Rome; or wander off to where I please with rucksack, very far from home. I'd love to see the Taj Mahal or plunge into the ocean deep; then watch a hungry leopard snarl or glimpse a crocodile asleep. One day I'll get beyond the hill to satisfy this wander lust; but then, perhaps, I never will. My distant hopes are less than dust. And now I'm old, I fantasize of trips across the seven seas. Each day I sit and close my eyes and travel - anywhere I please. ~
For Russell's 'Dreams' Competition - Written August 2012.

by Sarojkumar Khan |
Categories: dark,


Crocodile swallows body of human,
Devil kisses her organ.
Poisonous snake licks human.
See here perfect reflection.

 Vessel wants to touch barren of green valley.
Poisonous snake touches lingerie.
Devils forget lineage means ancestry.
See there refraction of sympathy.

  See tears of crocodile.
 Sigh of devils.
Poisonous forget to kisses.
 Keep my love and sympathy where no trace of Devils.

Saroj khan[sakha]

by Carolyne Lloyd-Hartley |
Categories: childhood, confusion, daughter

Thirteen, Who Would Want To Be!.

Your sure your thirteen and not twenty two. Your bra size grows, and your attitude too. Your bossy, judgmental and spotty throughout. Carry on with the lip and I'll give you a clout. Your only thirteen get that make-up of now, Oh here we go another darn row. You sulk in that room, I'll frown in here, you'd have more respect if your father was near. I'm only thirteen and this world is not fair. With her crocodile tears and her neatly combed hair. I love you Mummy, She sob's as she says, Oh my god I agree, It's only a phase.

by Victor Satekge |
Categories: depression, emotions, encouraging, feelings, heartbroken, hurt, pain,

Open Your Eyes

Why that I turn you murmur
Why plot against the innocent
Truly, the one you love
Is the one to destroy you
Coz death always smile at you

They're dear to your heart
They look feint and smile with you
Showing snowy, cruel kindness teeth
When you cry
They shed crocodile tears with you
But in heart rejoicing in your misery

Still asleep, open your eyes
Coz you're better off
Such two timing perfidious hypocrites 
Who defames you
Not all around you are on your side
Remember, you're on your own

by Keith D Trestrail |
Categories: death, tribute,

The Crocodile Hunter

He was in large life a force of nature
  and in barbed death a martyr to the cause.
Leaping madly on some croc or gator
  wrestling its mighty ancient tail and jaws.
A call to action for all to conserve
  that which threatens to be forever lost -
to champion, protect, cherish and preserve
  knowing in the end all life has a cost!
There is in Beerwah a place I avouch
  where the kid Croc Hunter grew as a child,
and returned a sick joey to its pouch
  and learned to love the demon crocodile.
If ever I see a ghost in khaki
I shall muse of one man and yell “Crikey!”.

             Written: October 2006

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: friendship love, irony, rose, sensual, voice,

Laughing Eyes

Round and round we go,
the day won't last.,
it keeps a secret you can't hide..
no, can't hide it.
Eagle sent to eat my liver-
renewed each night..
Will Zeus feel remorse and forgive
giving her my fire.

Round and round again,
a captured cuckold heart..
touching that crocodile smile,
left behind right from the start.

Bring those baby rose lips..
you know I never blame them.
Eyes to breast lie fixed, 
Winking laugh knowing,
there's no shame in.

by Jack Horne |
Categories: animals

I Wish I Had a Crocodile

I wish I had a crocodile,
Our walks would be such fun;
I’d keep him on a metal chain,
And let him off to run.

He’d play with other crocodiles, 
And chase the balls I threw;
At home he’d sleep upon my bed,
Or curl up with my shoe.

I’d take him to a training class,
He’d walk and never pull;
I’d love a cuddly crocodile -
My ‘gator’s rather dull.

For Francine’s Pick a Pet contest, 4th July

by Christopher Flaherty |
Categories: dad, death,

Dads Home Made Record Player

What have I got to do to make you love me 
Why won't you love back 
How am I supposed to love me
When you won't even look at me back 
I am starring at the man in the mirror 
And no 1 is starring back
It's like I am a vampire
Awash in cold blood
And crocodile tears 
The years have been unkind to
Like sad songs and the rights of those I have wronged
I wrote on the back of a postcard to my Dad
How wonderful life is with you in my world
When the Doctor had given him less than a month to live
Stealing every intake of breath
Loved to death
Leader of our family rag tag band
If only I could hold your soft hands
One final time
I could love myself again
Love Like your everything

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, angst, anxiety, break up, emotions, image, love hurts,

Share the Same Fate

He struggles with the words, and she can tell fake emotions are attached to each one. For tears immediately start to swell as he confesses to the damage done. Crocodile tears declare his heart is broke, crushed by a mix of guilt and second thoughts. But the dream’s over; it’s time she awoke and started connecting the trail of dots. The feel of remorse, like an aching hurt lends believability to his words. And yet, this wasn’t an innocent flirt, and so she frees him, to fly like the birds. Lost love doesn’t have to morph into hate when disillusioned hearts share the same fate. (Sonnet) July 22, 2018

by Julian Scutts |
Categories: animal, earth, nature,

Love and Respect

Crocododiles have their place too

You can't cuddle a crocodile
I strongly advise you not to bathe in the Nile.
If cuddle you must
out of affection or lust
choose a bunny or teddy bear.
Of big bears like grizzlies beware!
This world's a  very big place,
for all sorts there's plenty of space.
So what does Mother Nature expect?
That to crocodiles we at least show respect.

by Yonah Jeong |
Categories: love,

For You 1

We are traveling the safari zoo
with loved ones
there are several the families
we ask them quietly
"don't know what love is?"
they yelled at us
"why are we here".

by Sayeed Abubakar |
Categories: death,

A Day After My Death

The sun has risen and the dews no more
On grass. Birds are singing, farmers working, 
Housewives cooking and beggars on the door.
Seeing unknown people, dogs are barking

And the naughty boys playing in the field
Fleeing from school. Newsreaders are reading
War-news on TV and showing people killed
By air-attack. Some people are bidding

Farewell to someone with their cry and tears; 
Some are welcoming the newborn with smile.
Someone proudly denies God, someone fears
Him with love. Leaders are like crocodile

Are dealing with men. Who are in this time
Recollecting me and my fiery rhyme?

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: funny love,

In a While Crocodile

Writing Limericks in the last wee while In my own inimitable quite naughty style Hope I get by those censors Nothing gained nothing ventured Might be singing “in a while crocodile”

by Tony Bush |
Categories: forgiveness, friendship, life, lost love, love, philosophy,

Two Great Tragedies

The meander of twilight descent, 
hard-boiled at the daylight close, 
belief and desire impotently fail, 
misfire the charge of the lost. 
Life has no yen to relent, 
savage dwelling on worries and woes, 
a message delivered of no holy grail 
only crocodile tears turning to frost. 

Two great tragedies all there must be 
a dissolute poet surmised: 
the wanting of something one never can own 
and the getting of it in the end. 
I wanted and got you, you see? 
yet dreams remain unrealised; 
lost you and know that in this life alone 
I can never replace you, my friend.

by Christopher Flaherty |
Categories: baby,

Runt Litter

You were the runt of the litter 
Both sweet and bitter
With pretty blonde hair 
Without a care
Yet painfully aware 

That being born in the middle 
Was to play second fiddle 
Neither the older or the young 
You have overcome

The 24 year's of crocodile tear's 
And countless scar's 
With angelic grace and stoic face 

When all the star's and time align 
And all the smile's and laugh's you've left
Are counted up
Every love you never felt

Will forever be yours to keep
When your asleep in cotton blankets
Finally I love you thankfully 

It's not your fault that growing up 
You failed to matter 
You brought the noise kid
Unfortunately we were love deaf

by A Yorkshire Poet |
Categories: birth, confidence, conflict, courage, dark, life, love,

Crocodile Cries

What do you do when they burn your loyalty?
What do you do when they kill your pride?
Straight faces but inside they are laughing, laughing as they turn their knives.

What do you do when the choice is set out?
The love of your life or your family pride?
What do you do when they manipulate those feelings deep, oh so deep inside?

You pull out your blade and cut the ties they have on you. You walk away never again to look in their eyes. They tried to stop you from having your chosen life. Make yourself deaf to their crocodile cries.

by Joan Charleston |
Categories: lost love, time,

When Your Well Runs Dry

i know you miss me

that's what they say about your water when your well runs dry

I've got you thirsty 

and all you can do ask is why, why, why?


but when a sistah knows she just know

and when its time to go shes gotta go

its now time for the after party

end of the show


so you can cry your crocodile tears

and reminisce through all the years

you never thought i'd ever leave

realizing one of your biggest fears


and though you may beg

and try to hold on tight

its now the twelfth round...knock out

the end of the fight


will i come back?

not even maybe

look in my face i'm for real

its all in the eyes baby

by Anthony Amero |
Categories: life, recovery from...god, god,

Goodbye No-Man's Land

Why did I
Give all I had to a God in a can
Why did I
Take all my crap and hurl it into a fan
Why did I
Take all love and shove it away
Why did I
Worship a tin God every day

No more do I
Cast an eye in a backwards glance
No more do I
Blame all things on happenstance
No more do I
Cry crocodile tears to the caring people
No more do I
Turn my back to the always open steeple

Now I can
Face the world with my head up
Now I can
Turn away from an offered cup
Now I can
Look in the eye and offer a hand
Now I can
Turn my back to that No-Man’s Land

by Sayeed Abubakar |
Categories: death,

A Day After My Death

The sun has risen and the dews no more
On grass. Birds are singing, farmers working,
Housewives cooking and beggars on the door.
Seeing unknown people, dogs are barking

And the naughty boys playing in the field
Fleeing from school. Newsreaders are reading
Warnews on TV and showing people killed
By air-attack. Some people are bidding

Farewell to someone with their cry and tears;
Some are welcoming the newborn with smile.
Someone proudly denies God, someone fears
Him with love. Leaders are like crocodile

Are dealing with men. Who are in this time
Recollecting me and my fiery rhyme?

by Damian Keady |
Categories: fun,

Rabbit-Probably Not


Poems are just words?

Yours and mine and planet earths

Poems though do make us think

Like who said that and did you wink

I though care not for my words

I do though care for yours and yours

And if we can just make life happy

Then I for one will be less snappy..

Like the crocodile I can be

Slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea...

As happy as happy can be..
Because you are now a happy bunny 

(I love rabbits..  That's another POEM)



by Imran Nazeer |
Categories: heart, literature, love, poems, poetry, romance, romantic love,

Sarmentous Melody

A sound is spreading around me
I can barely hear this spondy
This is in rhythm and constant
It reminds me my past
When I didn't know,
How to blame anybody
How to make a smile phony
How to make crocodile tears
Why someone speaks lie
I made this melody in my childhood
I used to sing this in my courtyard
Today it is sung by my neighbor child
This melody has beautiful memory
I can't get back my childhood time
By hearing, for a while I feel calm

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 9th grade, animal,

no one bothers her now

She will never fall out of love with her crocodile
He followed her home from the River Nile
The old folks home won’t take this wench.
So she and her crock sit outside on a bench.

Does she need to go to a home? Someone asked.
I doubt it, no one bothers her now said Flat McGlasked.
The croc is her protector and keeps her occupied.
Sometimes in the near bushes he will hide.

Bandits have left here without a knee, leg or arm.
But you’ll be okay if you do the old lady no kind of harm.