Love Poems About Accentuating or Accentuating Love Poems
by Katherine Braithwaite |
Categories: absence, peace, places,

The Peace of This Small Town Has Caught My Heart

I saw  the sun rise over the North Sea
Accentuating coloured fishing boats.
The beauty of the dawn gave hope to me
A restful pleasure made my soft eyes dote.
The peace of this small town has caught my heart.
Scenes from ancient times  come close again
The gulls swoop down and  sketch their flying charts
Remote as ever from the realm of man.
The shingle beach, the  Church  where Britten lies
The in and out of tides  of salty sea;
An exact match of houses, hill and skies;
The amber shop, the chip shop, the oak tree.
In my mind I walk in love again;
Though of the two, a single one remains

by Sara Chansarkar |
Categories: bird, spring,

Sylvan Beauty

Spring unveils the vibrant sylvan beauty
Lying quiescent under winter's mysterious tranquility
The honeybees, suddenly sharp with visibility
Land on peonies with an honest predictability.

The larks and jays hopping with agility
Recite ancient melodies with renewed ability
The merry robin aplomb with fertility
Flutters away, skirting unbound virility.

The verdant leaves smile with humility
Accentuating the bulwark trees dignity.
The nascent buds sway with such fragility
Filling nooks and crevices with love and sensibility.

Basking in venerable nature’s nobility
My heart knows no limits or stability.

Written on 05/07/2016

by Katherine Braithwaite |
Categories: happiness, love,

Has Caught My Heart

I saw  the sun rise over the North Sea
Accentuating coloured fishing boats.
The beauty of the dawn gave hope to me
A restful pleasure made my  soft eyes  dote.

The peace of this small town has caught my heart.
Scenes from ancient times  come close again
The gulls swoop down and  sketch their flying charts
Remote as ever from the realm of man.

The shingle beach,the  Church  where Britten lies
The in and out of tides  of salty sea;
An exact match of houses,hill and skies;
The   amber shop, the chip shop,the oak tree.

In my mind I walk in love again;
Though of the two, a single one remains

by Allison Kinzy |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, passion, dream, dream,


i dream of you
in black and white
but your eyes
are always blue
and they look into me
with a touch of fire
turning my soul
into exquisite flames.

but these dreams
are like old-school movies
they are gray tones
only accentuating
the harmony
in which we live.

and here among
vibrant hues
that blend and mix and shout
we are quiet, simple, solid
and i long to return to that solidity
that simplicity
that quietude
or to bring it here
to this world of colors
where i dream only of you
in black and white.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: spiritual,

Zen Mode

our body signals
flickers of life’s flow
mindfully feel the waves 
that leave wabi-sabi stains
as we are thus uniquely shaped
in the womb of the universe
entwined with existence 
adding to it a flavour
accentuating love


by Marty King |
Categories: future, growth, i love you, i miss you, truth,

Attempting Accentuating Activated Aftermath

soft to the touch
your return is so addictive yet so right
i am reborn here
you grind so thoroughly over me
tears are a new ocean with all impurities swept clean
oh how i missed how you knew me
oh how i missed how you responded to my knowing you
maybe after this reunion we will show how we both have learned to be more honest with our feelings and ourselves
this is only the removal of the bookmark
it is up to us to turn to the next page and write the rest of the chapters as we truly want them to go
perhaps our current, continuing story will alas be....soft to the smooth motion

by Phillip Knox |
Categories: absence, beautiful, beauty, friendship love, innocence, lost love,

My Desert Cassia

Among the shadows of the night  

I hear your footsteps  

the scent of jasmine  

on your henna-dyed hair.  


I remember how you looked then 

as I ponder upon twilight summers 

two hearts engaged with passion  

underneath light rainfalls.  


Beauty is her essence 

dreamless, floating on crimson tides 

I touch her tresses 

composed perfectly, accentuating her eyes 


The curves of your thighs  

like jewels touched by sunlight 

exotic, held captive- intrigued  

by this Desert Cassia. 

by James Mclain |
Categories: 12th grade,

Your Hips

Your hips sway like the ocean's gentle breeze,
Curved and supple, a sight that truly frees.
They dance with grace, a mesmerizing sight,
In every step, they emanate delight.

Silk and satin cling, accentuating curves,
Invoking desire that the heart preserves.
A rhythmic motion, a sensuous display,
Her beautiful hips, a celestial ballet.

With each sway, they ignite a fiery desire,
A magnetic pull that sets souls on fire.
Oh, how her hips whisper secrets untold,
In their embrace, a love story unfolds.