by Ramesh Deshpande |
body, care, health, life,
Of all the wealth under the sun certainly
Nothing can match good health definitely
It is health and health alone undoubtedly
That describes the living quite eloquently.
Certain simple rules define healthy living
Abstinence, plain food and honest earning
Coupled with exercise and sound sleeping
Keep all medication as a far away thing.
Even though the above things are foremost
More central than these, I count the most
Is love of the Creator through which alone
Serenity of mind, so vital, one can attain.
by David Smalling |
love, longing,
Each day you become more beautiful to me
I drinking more of loneliness
And you drinking more of the sun's sweet milk
As though through a glass behold
Your cream turning to the desired gold
Your songs softening into silk
I would drink you and find true happiness
But could not exist after your history
So let me pine and claim another joy
The joy of longing that make you sweet
Or race the heart at the sound of your feet
While our love finds opportunity behaving coy.
by Hudhaifah Siyad |
boyfriend, girlfriend, joy, kiss, life,
With hopes to get ya glance
I came, all way from France,
Left out, all my intended plans,
Forgot about all my vast expenses,,
To just prove my myriad romance,
On 21st September, i did commence,
A journey of a thousand miles,
To a far world to advance,
To show love of great allegiance,
To express mine, not a mere pretense.
It was a persistent diligence,
An earnest persistence,
It was an evident obedience,
A significant vigilance,
It was a concordant promise,
To never leave ya heart in open space.
Dear, don't be one of disobedience,
Don't initiate an undesired process,
Don't bring down our love's great success,
And from others maintain an abstinence
by Patricia Henriques |
allegory, angst, life, love, passion,
made you accustomed
to my love
with daily and intense doses
of passion, enchantment
beauty and magical chaos
one day
I could kill you
like an addict dies;
in pain.
Patricia Evans
by Ken Bennight |
death, heartbreak, love,
Crippling truth I found her love,
the sentence for my death.
Pounding heart sweating hands,
with abstinence of breath.
Thought to thought by thought for not,
she's everything Im thinking.
The hole her lies bore in my heart,
has all my soul a sinking.
She's the one that bares the guilt,
for all that I do suffer.
Like a wall that has been built,
more lower down than upper.
I could not wish on any man,
the suffer that she left,
Crippling truth I found her love,
the sentence for my death.
by Hilo Poet |
allegory, boy, character, destiny, friendship love, girl, life,
In the doldrums of a hushed space,
Of a part of vacuous open to silence,
Undisturbed stares party to patience,
The essence shared natures reticence,
Lies a formidable barrier of hinderance,
Unseeable with a naked eyes abstinence,
Choose to remain adamant in forbearance,
At times happens between friends ignorance,
As we part our ways oblivious to circumstance,
That this started out to be an odd happenstance,
For it went so out of hand it led us to imprudence,
And sort of panned to us both losing our innocence.
Date: 06/02/2019
by Angela Crabtree |
love, perspective,
L-ove is one of the most enduring things
E-ndurance means abstinence from flings
S-trength requires staying away from the games
S-taying means to be aware of the flames
O-penness is not to be mistaken for invitation
N-ecessity means only to come with affirmation
S-acrifice comes with these words spelled above
*These lessons are my thoughts on staying in love
by Paula Larson |
love, truth,
This timely scourge as fastened way,
did weigh it not, as thinking flay.
Though lightness' breech is not away
like waiting to dismiss obey.
Thy abstinence takes its noble curve,
and truth in thee, I cannot swerve,
still love, thee follow, nerve by nerve,
thy spirit 'round me, filling verve!
Sought wisdom, disregarding serve,
Thy pure, thy pure, my love thy pure -
is truth about us, not demur,
is hope to route us to observe.
Thee love, thee sanctity's concur
thee hope, thee love, thee pure . . . thee pure!
by Marguerite C. Anderson |
culture, desire, emotions, sensual,
Society sure has a lot to say
on how middle-aged women should behave.
Who dares to sanction that fire still alive inside?
In this her fiftieth year, she curses her sex-drive.
For she has prayed for years for someone to love,
Imposed voluntary abstinence to honour the Man above.
Perhaps, she shall marry at sixty-five
Until then, the fight continues for she must thrive.
So on behalf of all hot-blooded women, she scribes.