Love Poems About Abd or Abd Love Poems
by Gordon Alexander |
Categories: birthday, girlfriend, love,

My Good Lady's Birthday

Yes it's that day again my dear
A day we sing and cheer
I love you bird for all you do
So here's a Happy Birthday just for you

Happy birthday josette you are the best
Definitely better than all the rest
So sweet and kind and full of fun
Open the curtains feel that sun

You bring laughter and happiness to us all
You are the queen of the ball
Have fun and relax you deserve it
Chill out enjoy abd  on your bum please do sit

I mean it jo this is just for you
Happy birthday from us just  too you

Love you sweetheart

by Dani Sousa |
Categories: imagination

I Am

i am a flower
growing tall and green
a tree filled with beauty and love
but easily cut down
i am a mouse
shy and sweet
a cat, 
ready to pounce
i am the oceon
i sway to the beat
a stream
through rocks abd debrise
i can make it

i am a girl
nothing more
but if i use my imagination,
i can believe
though my imagination
shall flourish and perish at times
i shall still remain
a mere shild

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: emotions, hate, love, meaningful,

Love and Hate- Minichu

Love is a wondrous gift. The joys of sharing love, with give-and-take, inflate Hearts to lift. But when reversed- The bitter scourge of dismal hate- If nursed, Will top The saddest fate! Stop! Love is a wondrous gift- The bitter scourge of dismal hate- Stop! February 8, 2021 Contest: Let's Minichu on Love and Hate Sponsor: Mohan Chutani
Minichu Format: 12 lines (4 stanzas of 3 lines each) Rhyme scheme: Aba, cBc, dbD, ABD. Syllables: 6 12 3 4 8 2 2 4 1 6 8 1

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: dog,

A Pet Minichu

A Pet Minichu
(original title) Dearest Pet

Long ago - dearest pet -
a miniature cute white Eskimo doggy
I would get.

Great joy unfurled.
A light my doggy came to be -
my world!

Lots of
this he showed me:

Long ago - dearest pet -
a light my doggy came to be -

April 26, 2021 
for Mohan Chutani's A Pet Minichu Poetry Contest
Checked by

 Minichu format: Total 12 lines (4 stanzas of 3 lines each) Rhyme scheme: Aba, cBc, dbD, ABD. 4th stanza consists of repeat of: 1st line of stanza 1, 2nd line of stanza 2, and 3rd line of stanza 3. Syllable count : Stanza 1: 6,12,3, Stanza 2: 4,8,2, Stanza 3: 2,4,1, Stanza 4: 6,8,1

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: inspirational, jesus, love,

His Psalm

He picked up the lost chips
Of a heart who had broken – it would abide
With eclipse

His love stirred
Hope that gives light on the inside

His calm
Lights to provide

He picked up the lost chips
Hope that gives light on the inside

Let's Minichu on love or hate Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mohan Chutani 
February 9, 2021

Minichu format: Total 12 lines (4 stanzas of 3 lines each) Rhyme scheme: Aba, cBc, dbD, ABD. 4th stanza consists of repeat of: 1st line of stanza 1, 2nd line of stanza 2, and 3rd line of stanza 3. Syllable count : Stanza 1: 6,12,3, Stanza 2: 4,8,2, Stanza 3: 2,4,1, Stanza 4: 6,8,1

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: husband, wife,


Love, laughter and learning The one with whom you can agree to disagree Sweet yearning Partners for life Loving each other is the key Man-wife Transcend from me to we Blend Love, laughter and learning A li'l adjustment is the key Blend
Form: Minichu (Aba cBc dbD ABD) Syllables: 6.12.3 4.8.2 2.4.1 6.8.1

by Debjani Mitra |
Categories: fear,


Acrophobia, the fear of heights, yet falling in love, faith wins.

A  MlNICHU Rhyme Aba, cBc, dbD, ABD. Syllable count : Stanza 1: 6,12,3 Stanza 2: 4,8,2 Stanza 3: 2,4,1 Stanza 4: 6,8,1.

shadowy silhouette
uncertainty ripping through unravelling mind
cheeks get wet

tears roll in fear
acrophobia grips confined
comes near

falls in love, blind

shadowy silhouette
acrophobia grips confined