Love Poems About Acacia or Acacia Love Poems
by Maximilian G. Wolf |
Categories: crush, feelings, for her, heart, lost love, love, sad love,

Acacia Trees

We are lost in the fog rolling over river waves, intoxicated with waters music. 
I can see you only, and you can see only me,
while passion between us turns into endless blue.
In a flash, I can see
yours jump into the hug of insectoid past.
Dreaming fingers of mine and my long dark hair.
You are chasing your shadow while dreaming of me.
You will catch her only on the horizon.
The great wall protecting my soul is collapsing,
hit by your lips and words.
Frightened, my soul emerges out.
My flying words towards you are frozen
by dead bodies.
Our shoes are in love with the path
through the cemetery acacia.

by Beata Agustin |
Categories: appreciation, birthday, child, encouraging, mother son, true love, uplifting,

Purely From the Heart

Blissful, but verily a peace-filled encounter… …Such was a “date” with Pogi-Bear, his favorite stuffed toy… Neath acacia tree in the kids' park, reminding me of a vital truth: Genuine relationship-bonds’ rejuvenation can happen as we work for it. Yes, bonding moments are essential; quality time matters though… Which I experienced as my special son’s birthday treat for me Devoid of glamorous complexities, wondrously simple… Yet full of love, expressed purely from the heart!
May 10, 2019 1st place "Free Verse or Rhyme Poetry" Sponsored by Eve Roper; judged on 5/12/2019.

by Glenn Mccrary |
Categories: love, romance,


From the moment we shook hands
By subtle vibes I’d been eclipsed
Distinct your voice ever so grand
From the moment we shook hands
Upon your palms illusive strands
Blending with such beckoning lips
From the moment we shook hands
By subtle vibes I’d been eclipsed

by Romeo Naces |
Categories: introspection, life, love, music, nature, old, old,

Adrift In Rain Puddles

Darkness is darkest
beyond the wan street lights,
and yet the rain still falls through it.

With every gust the acacia trembles,
sways its branches imploringly,
its leaves pulled down, torn, 
randomly strewn
on the puddles


My fingertips ache
and falter on these guitar frets,
but my head sings on and on:

"maybe the old song can
bring back the old times,"
as torn pieces of the card
she sent me drift about
in the puddles


by Trudy Schrader |
Categories: recovery from, trust,


They looked into 
Each others eyes
LOVE was all they knew
Til shadows
On the border
Placed black over blue

The ground was green
The sky was black
Rain fell to flood
The wood was acacia
The nails were iron
The price reined as blood

War in the heavens
War on earth
Nothing at peace
Doomsday looming
The enemy grooming
For the Kracken's release

"Are you disconcerted"
Seeing, she saw
The history of man
Judgment of defense
Not knowing how to fight
They stopped trusting the plan

...of Restoration

Written by Trudy Schrader on 10-14-2023

by Kathy Anderson |
Categories: joy, love, nature, truth,

Love Bust

The only real thing is love
In fields of jade leaves,
Heliotropes sweet scent
Between cracks in concrete streets.

The only reality comes from love
In the butterfly blue houses
Of acacia lined roads,
Singing our bluebird songs.