Love Poem: Where's My Needle and Thread?
Jose Ramirez Avatar
Written by: Jose Ramirez

Where's My Needle and Thread?

That smile
It just makes me feel wanted
And the fact that I'm doing this to him
Oh god why?
Why must I be like this?
One lie leads to another,
Lead to me screaming at myself w/ my mouth sown shut!

If I didn't need it to caress yours I would probably cut out my own tongue.
Because then maybe you'd love me....
Because ,even if you feel strongly about me now
I would be hopeless
Because you don't know me..

You know someone else.
Because I don't show me very often.
I hide myself in lies.
But maybe if my mouth was sown shut,
You would at least know me by my actions, not my words.

Maybe then you could love me..
Well maybe not you, but someone 
because my actions I trust
My words HORRIFY me...
So maybe if I just stood there and smiled 
You'd smile back and we could go from there...