Love Poem: Us
Robert Ball Avatar
Written by: Robert Ball


Us, a term meaning together whether family or friends or total strangers.
Us, you see’ we are on the only thing that provides life, earth and all it’s dangers.
Us within an earthly circle mere thousands of miles round, and that is it.
Us, put here by God to believe in His way of “Love” and to have faith in His Holy Spirit.

Us, who have to figure a way to survive if overpopulation doesn’t do humanity in, plaques, will.
Us, who face annihilation by ravishing God’s earth while earthquakes are more frequent still.
Us, looking as predicted for the heavenly signs abound all around.
Us, who heed our Father’s will, to love Jesus is very profound.

Us, make no bones this earth concerns man more so then most know it’s all we have.
Us, all on earth who hasn’t heeded God’s laws and disobeys the “Word”. We fail to behave.
Us, who are blessed made in God’s image disobeying our Spiritual souls, continue to kill.
Us, when we should know a penalty will befall all killing everything from God’s animals to birds, killing everything on earth at will.

Us, should get that the path to God the Father is very slim.
Us, should know the prospect of not listening is our future getting to God’s Spiritual Kingdom is very dim.
Us, who do follow the “Word” say this to all my brothers’, friends and enemies alike, we have love for all and we are very vigil.
Us, together will face this great tribulation soon a time of the age of man, God promises that Jesus will return and He will not be civil.

Us, all on this planet will see a new Spiritual world with our loving God. A world changed in a blink of an eye.
Us, who will obey the Father and have love for all His creations, will be on a Spiritual high.
Us, who will no longer see things in adversity but with love,
Us, who will be blessed from our Father on high, a gift from up above.