Love Poem: Two Sidedness
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Two Sidedness

Where reactions against secular humanism
by fundamentalist,
elitist religious and nationalistic cultural
violence-industrialized corporations
criminalization and marginalization social institutions
active monoculturists,

share common values for nutrition
     and disvalues against toxins

with revolutionary sacred ecologists,
WinWin economic-ecological meta-theorists,
trust feeds trust positive psychologists,
     and political scientist
individuals in loving healthy relationships
     of mutual co-discovery,
permacultural designers in cooperative organizational networks,
teachers who are also parents owning cooperative ecotherapeutic educational systems
     as family health eco-mentorships,
economic and political leaders for climate and landscape fundamental health
     rather than further reactionary
     elitist monoculturing
     Win/Lose evolutionary mythology
          of a Punishing Unkind God
          as omnipotently powerful as Gaia ReGenerative Earth Revolutions.

These common values
between reactionary conservatives for defensive nationalism
and fundamental elitism of patriarchal "mankind" rulerships
by self-righteous right of scriptural-history might

and revolutionary secular ecologists
for Messianic-Bodhisattva polycultural Peace
and EarthJustice,
Holistic HealthCare
and slow-deep-sufficient gratitude
     for Earth's regenerate 
     sacred-secular health potential,

conjoin within fundamental-radical love of fertility
as health
as wealth
as regenerativity
as synergy
as syncretism
as co-arising nonduality,
as WinWin dipolar apposition
     (more positively powerful than hateful
     and fear-mongering
     bipolar oppositional behaviors)
as integrity
as consilience of deductive ecological sciences
and artistic inductive economies of sacred myths
     and mists
     and mystery
as LeftBrain ecological Justice
RightBrain fundamentally polyphonic Peace values.

Just as an omnipotent God
must know His right hand from His left,
His RightBrain Spirit
and LeftBrain Sons and Daughters
must conjoin

just as revolutionary ecologists
speak LeftBrain dominant enculturation
conjoining RightBrain's sacred eco-systemic WinWin feelings.

where Left ecologist's Yes!
equals Right conservative economist's not not may be lovely,
long-term healthy more than short-term pathological.