Love Poem: Two birds, love and hate
Aniruddha Pathak Avatar
Written by: Aniruddha Pathak

Two birds, love and hate

Two wings of a bird—
Love and hate, it appears,
Native to whole world….
To know and love, it takes years,
Hate takes moments, scarce dithers.

One wing winds higher,
The other holds in tight leash,
Love lights up more fire,
O than hate can extinguish
In life’s potent Petri dish!
Tanka |06.01.2024| love, hate      
Poet’s note: Love and hate are like two wings of the same bird. As it takes both the wings to fly, so also both together make it possible to love— to hate as well. Yet, the poet feels, hate is very quick, love needing more time. Yet again when you hate, it holds you from growing. Love helps you grow. And love lights more fires than hate can extinguish.