Love Poem: Twenty Five
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Written by: Trisha Sugarek

Twenty Five


25 seconds: the time it 
takes to fall in love…. 

25 minutes: into rehearsal 
we have our first kiss…. 

25 hours: I am dreaming of

25 days: I know it is just the 

25 weeks: we are having 
“make up” sex…. 

25 months: stranded in 
Tucson, I’m sling’in hash 
and ropin’ steers…. 

25 years: Best friends, still in 
love, comfortable in our 
own skins, at ease and 
amused by each other’s 
….shoring up each other’s 
desires, choices, and 
judgments, good or bad…. 

sustaining each other no
matter what… 

loving each other no 
matter why! 

Trisha Sugarek
Butterflies and Bullets