Love Poem: Turquoise Night

Turquoise Night

... leave your walls and cliffs behind and 
leap with me into the vernacular music of turquoise night, 
clutching one another by our trembling hearts, 
defying the twisted face of oppression 
in annihilation of free-fall upward above 
mansions of opulent deception, 
crutches of paralyzing shame, 
falling upward on the current of our breath 
as maddeningly veiled, yet naked and as unveiled 
as the moisture of our lips, 
the naked trapeze of turquoise night incised by moon-swords, 
embosoming itself in clouds, curves and rounding 
of silver soft-burning from the scimitar poised on the bosom 
of sky we reflect in each others eyes, 
turquoise night, gem-like, and polished by the wind past us, 
our heaving breasts scribing our diary, 
etching in flesh what no longer is secret as 
we pour into each others void, 
since from void all things come, 
to which all shall return on 
the geodesic curve of our panting loins, 
and Venus: early evening companion, 
courtesan of the deep hours is holding androgynous court 
among astral bodies eclipsed by yours absorbing mine, 
and she, not winking through your hair as I caress it, but watching, 
unashamed to lay us bare, 
night-expanses gasping in compression of union, 
our leap and plunge the sine wave pulsing 
through the joy of yearning, 
the vault of sky, 
satiation still radiating from our heated and reheated curves, 
and Lady Venus is leading her lovers into the beyond of turquoise night… 
... the cliffs and walls are gone.