Love Poem: True Love
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Written by: Brynn Gonzales

True Love

My one true love is the ocean
I love it's smell and colour
I long to see it just once more
Ages ago i stood there
Out on the sandy shores
The wind blew my hair
Shells and rocks speckled the sand
I wish to go back, but i can't
I'm landlocked now
And I can never swim
I just want to go back again
My home is supposed to be my house
But I don't feel at home here
My one true home is the ocean
My one true love is the ocean
But I will never see it again
I long to run away until I reach the coast
I want to fly until I find the sea
I can't bring myself to smile 'till i reach it
What is wrong with me?
Why can't i live and love until I'm there?
Why am I so tortured by this small thing?
Why am I in so much pain becuase of this?
In my dreams i feel the breeze
And hear the roaring waves
I smell that salt that's in the air
I feel the water 'neath my feet
And i see it's beauty
Light blue waves splash onto the sand
Seashells glitter in the sun
Fish glide through the water
Seaweed brushes across the waves
The shimmering waves surge onto the sand
Effortlessly shaping it
Washing away the evidence of human life
My one true love is the ocean
That's what it will always be.