Love Poem: True Love
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Written by: Vickie Jenkins

True Love

What is true love? Is it when you feel fire inside your body? You feel sparks going 
down your spine? How about the way they kiss you? What are your true inner 
feelings telling you? Or is it when you giggle to your girlfriends and chat about the 
one you met? Will it still feel like that in 20 or even 50 years? What is it like? Will you 
love that person just the same when met them or even more after the years went 
How do we consider true love? Is it really real? I mean you can’t see it? Is it a 
feeling? Because you can’t eat, drink, smell it, or even touch it. How would you know 
when it is true love?
After all the years of experiencing relationships, I thought I had found true love, but 
I found out I had that all wrong. You see I was blessed years ago with a very good 
husband and I didn’t see that than. I had a bad relationship I was in for 6 years. I 
left him and a week later, I was blessed to meet a man that reminded me of my ex-
When my parents met him, they thought for sure it was my ex-husband. They were 
so excited for me; we had talked about him for quite awhile. You see right away I 
was afraid to fall in love. I knew he was the one for me and after being with him for 
a year, I am still sure, but I am still leery because I don’t want to have my son hurt. 
I have my body on fire and chills down my spine from him.
He showed me what I needed a long time ago. Something I haven’t seen in myself 
and that was me. My heart was so cold I think no one could melt it. I was wrong, he 
started taken a good interest, the next thing I know my son invited him to school 
events and his own birthday party. 
I cry at times, because I never thought this would be possible. Find a man that 
could put up with me is difficult. I pray to God and ask him if this is true or a dream.