Love Poem: Triple Whammy
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Written by: Mark Stellinga

Triple Whammy

This is based on a completely true event - and every time someone mentions either of these 2 towns, I get hives - 

                                      Triple Whammy!                                                          

The road that I was forced to walk - because I’d just been dumped - disappeared from sight not far ahead, 
and…knowing how light its traffic was…I became distressed…despite my being sure of where it led. 

Understanding…if I walked from Cumberland to Wilmont - knowing they lay thirty miles apart -
And used the shorter - back-road route…and never got a ride…and given 8 p.m. was when I’d start…

I’d be doing good to make it home by - six a.m.…and only if I never stopped to rest!
That’s ten long hours of trudging down a road on which I knew my chance o’ gettin’ a ride was slim at best!

Glancing up to say a prayer as I began to walk, I noticed that the sky was scary black!
So - not too keen on gettin’ drenched - I asked - specifically - to have the rain held off ‘til I got back.

Of course, that didn’t happen.    I was barely five miles out when a big ol’ monster thunderstorm rolled through,
and flanked by only baron fields - no big trees in sight - there wasn’t much a walkin’ man could do.

Evenings here in Michigan - especially in the Spring - are often on the damp and chilly side,
And as I fought the pelting rain, I appealed to - you-know-who -  to work things out where I would get a ride!

‘Bout halfway in between the towns, a semi lit me up.    I waved like hell and through my thumb up high,
but all he did was spray me down with half his eighteen wheels, and toot his horn as he went roaring by!

A couple pickups - headed my way - actually whistled passed without so much as even slowing down,
and, to this day, I can’t believe that…even in a storm…I was left to walk clear back to town!  

Ya’ see, I had no my brother’d dropped me off - in Cumberland - 
‘round twenty five to eight -
after I’d explained to him the girl that I was seeing…the one with whom I thought I had a date…

Said she’d bring me back to Wilmont when our date was done…which meant I wouldn’t need him for a ride.
Well…less than fifteen minutes after Joe had driven off, I learned that little you-know-what - had lied!           

The guy she’d broken up with just a couple months before had called her up and asked to take her out,
and she had asked her father to explain - when I arrived - what the broken date was all about!

“The guy she used to date just picked her up,” he coolly smirked. “She tried to call and tell you not to come.”
“But…she’s the only means I have for gettin’ home!” I whined. To which he answered....“Guess you’ll have to thumb!”

“I’d like to use your phone to call my brother,” I replied.  “Forget it,” he began his hissy-fit…
“and if I catch you snoopin’ ‘round this farm again, I swear…I’ll kick you where the sun don’t shine……now GIT!”

What an awful night that was!    No date…no ride…no phone!  I’d lost my girl and, then…on Rural Route 3…
an unexpected ten hour walk had led me to believe my day had been as rough as it could be.

However…when I fin’ly made it home…my luck got even worse!    Locked up tight…I couldn’t get inside!
I hadn’t thought to grab my key, and couldn’t bear to knock.   My pride was hurt so bad I almost cried.  

Fairly sure he wouldn’t have checked my room, I guessed my brother wouldn’t know that I’d been out all night…
so when he stumbled through the entry-door - to leave for work - and asked, 
“So…did your lady treat ya’ right?”

“Right as rain,” I lied to cover up the awful truth, and then…as I slid past him through the door…
added, “I think I’ll call in sick…I’ve got a nasty cough…I’m really tired…an’ both my feet are sore!” 

“Normally I notice when you make it home,” he quipped…”I guess you’re gettin’ good at sneaking in!”
“Didn’t wanna wake you up,” I told another fib…“I did the same when I got up again!”

“You told me, if I took you there that, when the date was done…she’d bring you back to town and drop you off.
Now you say your skipping work because your feet are sore…you’re really tired…and have a nasty cough!

“I checked your room when I got home at 12…and then just now…and, Mark…when I get home - we’re going to talk!
Your key’s been on the hook all night…and based on how you look…I’d say, without a doubt…you had to walk!”  

So…this is what I mean by - “triple whammy” :

I got dumped……I got sick……and shamed for my deceit! 

The girl I loved abandoned me…

I wound up with pneumonia…

and a great big pile o’ crow I had to eat!

PS: I've now got 4 new Audio-CDs - @ 4 1/2 hours each = (62 diversely varied pieces). They’re listed on EBAY - under - “Mark Stellinga Poetry” - or available by simply contacting me at -- -- should those of you who enjoy listening to poems as well as reading them - and particularly those of you that travel - care to be so entertained. (We use safe and simple - PayPal) There are a bunch of my pieces on YouTube as well ---
