Love Poem: Treasured Times
Star Light Avatar
Written by: Star Light

Treasured Times

Memories of Sweet Love
Still linger within
As I remember moments 
You Lit my heart.. Set aglow

Such Soft Love Grows deeeply within
You felt the same.. tis I
Moments shared...
Tho... seconds Pass by...

As I reach for you
and You’re not there
As I turn my head
for I thought I saw you there

As I hear within my mind
you speak saying sweet
Loving lines..
Words you’d say...
"I Love you, baby"... 

I hearing comes deeep within my heart
within each and every day
As if... You are here
But yet... you’re not
you went away...
Bittersweeet memories

Melody's of yesterday...
Whispering within my heart
Thank you for the Honor
Treasured times and moments
Our hearts would meet 
together on line...

May God be with you
Wherever you are....