Love Poem: Transition (For A. I. Smalling On Her 18th Birthday).
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Written by: L'Nass Shango

Transition (For A. I. Smalling On Her 18th Birthday).

While your mother slept I held you
Thanking God for her, and for you
And thanking God again and again 
For everything make joy from pain.
My darling dearest daughter dream
If you could walk my linger stream
Awhile, and understand my ripple now
An old man under thoughts' full bough.
Seeds become flowers and flowers bring
Fruits again after the fair of fiddled spring
Dark clouds bring silver showers of rain
And swallows drunk with joy weave insane
Pictures on the eye. I watched you grow
Out of the mud of my nurturing, and I glow
In the shade with butterflies brimming me
With a rainbow of memories, O little tree!

You are transformed into a prayer today
A beautiful thing, God's purpose on display
And I love you more than you can tell
The best pat of us must defy all our hell
And cross that bridge on which you stand
Right now, a young woman with some sand
Still in the eyes of desire, but fruit laden
And longing to know the mysteries of heaven.

You are my chrysalis, and hope's budding wing
I can no longer hold you, I let go for you to sing
Because I cannot hold again this transition
This marvelous change edging my premonition.
You are the change that makes me beautiful
The love that fruiting in me feels so wonderful
And the butterflies and swallows here today
Celebrate your transition and your birthday.      
So here under the bough of thoughts I bring
My knees to prayer suckling the sweet spring
Returning to the map that gave me direction
Through the years, and nurtured my affection.
O we tumbled words and passion making truth
Bound by self the old man and the bright youth
And swallows weave their patterns here still
And I leave you joyously to God's sweet will