Love Poem: Tough Love -- and Hugs
Mark Stellinga Avatar
Written by: Mark Stellinga

Tough Love -- and Hugs

“Where the heck do they learn this crap?” one father asked another.
When we were kids - we never talked like that.
“Almost every kid I knew at least went out for sports…
No wonder half the kids today are fat!”

Every boy that could would mow at least his family’s lawn,
And many had, like me - a paper route.
Now they’re wearing gross tattoos, and pants that show their shorts, 
And skipping tons of school…or dropping out!

If parents of the troubled ones would only pull their heads out,
And focus more attention on their kid,
Most would get far better grades - ignore the fashion fads -
And not destroy their lives - like many did. 

Some are highly qualified, and do a super job
Of bringing up their kids, but as a rule…
Most are too preoccupied, and find out far too late
Their kids have actually played them for a fool!

Scenes that twist a youngster’s mind are everywhere they look, 
In theatres - and often times -TV. 
And here and there - on corners of our streets - are indications
That sustenance can be obtained - for free!

I don’t want my children seeing hungry people begging, 
When shelters offer places they can go,
Or being coyly introduced to controversial lifestyles
On what is claimed to be - a children’s show!
Parents…take your children back! There’s evil everywhere.
Some are led astray…some won’t survive.
Let them flounder aimlessly and tragedy will find them…
So ask yourself....“Why am I alive?”  

Paying scant attention to the places that they go,
And whom they’re blindly choosing for their friends,
Places most the blame on you, ‘cause, buddy, your front door
Is not where your responsibility ends!”

In almost every circumstance neglect is what’s at fault.
The clues and signs are there, if you just look.
The clothes they choose…the posters in their rooms…and how they talk,
Are - almost every time - an open book. 

Now - far more than ever - they’re exposed to filth and trash.
Why, even twelve-year olds are dealing drugs!
So if you love your children…don’t just pray that they’ll be good…
Give them what they need.....tough love, and hugs.

PS: I've got 4 new CDs - @ 4 1/2 hours each = (62 diversely varied poems), listed on EBAY - under - “Mark Stellinga Poetry” - should those of you who travel care to be so entertained. (We use PayPal)
