Love Poem: Touch Me
Son Winter Avatar
Written by: Son Winter

Touch Me

So many things can be determined within a touch, for a single touch can bring forth the most of things. The right touch is priceless and can never be duplicated. So many things beautiful are birthed by a single touch.
     Touch me and feel the pain of being in love tremble through my inner core. This same beautiful pain that has given meanining to the passion of us.
      Touch me and replenish my soul with warmthand caring, that the lifes audacities have stolen from me, for I am attimes numb and it is only your touch that can grant me feelings once more.
       Touch me and sense the words of affection that are caught in my throat, but can be seen in my eyes. This same affection that has given me golden mist of breathe each time I pronounce your name.
        Touchme and understand that the future of us has been founded by that same touch.A future that consist of an eternal desire to be kissed by you,seen by you and to live and grow with you.
         Touch me and always know that it is your touch and only your touch that is the cure for the ills life at times offers, within your touch I am given endurance, inspiration,and am left with an intoxicating longing for more and more of your touch.
         Touch me and become my truest friend...Touch me and become my confidant...Touch me and become my greatest fantasy come true...Touch me and become my reason for living.
                                             Just Touch me.