Love Poem: Torquoise Talk

Torquoise Talk

I could tell a tale until I am blue 
In the face.  I prefer torquoise 
And good grace.  I could speak of tender
Kisses   in this space but kisses have 
Become to tender with your tender lips

And sweet cherry sips.
If only I could talk up a tender thought
For a  salacious  kiss.
How could i bemoan a torquoise stone I
Have never  owned.  

Maybe I will recite  a stanza about 
Blue rose  petals  but its been over done
Although the beauty  of the blue rose
Hardly seems to fade, every  day and day
It  last always.

I could mention my adoration for  the 
Sapphire  gem in the whole of this poem
But the torquoise stone is my  blue love.
I should say now how a shamed  faced  lover
Was caught in the act then lying a tall tale

So high it scrapped the sky.
And spliced thrice inviting excitement.
I shouldn't  say any of these things.
I am a flaming DANGER  to star struck
Lovers  with IN EVERY FOREVER  seeking

Pleasure.  This hunger with exact measurements
Holding contempt for common sense.  I wince
In anticipation anxious and guessing at what  comes
Penning the BETTER than BEST of  the TONGUE KISS
of a lover's  chain reaction satisfying satisfaction.

Throw caution to the wind if  I DARE YOU.  Hush
Someone might hear you, but of course  we are miles
Away from civilization.
We are alone with the night, two lovers with an

The night  with the stench of unfamiliarness  
And the taste of  cherry sips on those  lips
Good night my star struck lovers.