Love Poem: Tommow
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Written by: Diana Vee



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15 hours ago
No Tommorow..
I just can't bear the thought
of never seeing u again
You were my Angel, my crutch
and my best friend

AT times I forget the pain
and the sorrow
Then I remember you
Won't be here tommow

HOW I wish u never went away
my sweet Mother
I LOVE  &  respect you
like no other

Now I'm lonely & filled with fear
Can't survive if your not here
You meant everything in the world to ME
eyes filled w tears, so cloudy I can't see

I SHOULD be happy..
because now you are pain free
Please bring her back
ridiculously I plea

Whos gonna do all the
things that you once  did?
My protector since I was just a kid
Into a deep depression I have slid

HAVE to keep trying because it's
the only thing to do
So many times wish that
he had  taken ME too

Every day  I constantly think of you
HOW to go forward? Haven't got a clue
Feet in front of the other, one than two

Where did all  the time seem to GO?
Your Hospital nightmare seems
LIKE so long ago
I miss your voice, your laugh, and your GLOW

I admire you Mom more than you'll ever know
I was so unprepared to let you go
warm memories of time
together continue to grow

Would give it all up for one
hug just one quick hello
I can never forget the day of your death
Since that day I've been such a mess

For you I'm trying to do my best
Unrelenting sadness I fight to suppress
Love & gratitude to you I express
This deep hole in heart will never heal

Just five minutes alone with YOU I wanna steal
I'll be missing you until I die
Until we can reunite up in the sky
I'll be back home with you were I'm meant to be

The only thing I need on earth is your sweet love here with ME
You Are my heart for all Eternity
The one who owns my heart
It's solely you Mom
YOU hold the key