Love Poem: Today's the Day

Today's the Day

Today's the day, today's the day!
When you first felt air in your tiny air bags;
And when ye' looked at this lovely creation-
It caused the dance of prancing stags.
I know not but my beating core feels,
Your birth must have spread a peaceful palour-
On your motner's dead keen face-
A face where one can spy hope's trace.
So many days have passed;
You 've been brought up so meticulously,
Remember not amateurishly,
But with dedication of a sincere kind--
With a soft heart and selfless mind.
You 've grown up to be so beautiful,
Awashed with grace,
Veiled in a rich pleasantry-
looked up by all and sundry.
In this parky weather from the early dawn-
Amongst flowers of wishes I could only find-
This which I did pluck 
In your b'day with this humility 'Gauten Gluck'!!