Love Poem: Toasting Therapeutic Trees
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Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Toasting Therapeutic Trees

I talk with indigenous treed elders;
Tell them about my distractions
severance in-between
secular and sacred beings,
between human nature and divine spirit,
between ecological relationship
and theological redemption.

Communing cultures
and structures
return a secularized version
of theological Earth/Heaven
humanely rooted
and divinely radiant
enlightening relationships

Popularly seeded and matriarchally replacing
top down
with down co-arising up HerStoric sacred revision
of ecological EarthEgo co-relational identities
as also HeavenEcoSystemic compassionate rebirth

Prime NonZero WholeSum Seeds
BiCameral hierarchical branches
reverse-root deep unhierarchically reaching
for metaphonic co-relationships
healthy Yang branching
from wealth rooted Yintegrity.

I expected to not hear much response
to my leftbrain dominant dichotomies
of what rightbrain love
would not segregate,
rooted Earth
from branches co-arising Heaven.

Trees expect quizzical and confused verbal expressions;
Intuitive dipolar co-arisers 
expect our intuitive suspicions
that God might be joking
and/or a bit touched
in an unflowering 
unfruitful capital head.

For when have we felt HolySpirits
without touching holistic nature,
inside and outside,
above ground voices
deep listening choices

When have we tasted nature's warmest enrichment
and not smelled sacred communing fragrance?

When have we seen nature's great outdoor display
and not also heard forest dismay
longing to be part of EarthTribe's great 
green cooperative WeVillage?

Evolving root system networks
and revolving branched sacred stretches
through universal HeavenSpace
and unitarian light 
dark timeless recycling
repurposing revolutions of nature/spirit
ego/eco-systemic bilateral healing
secular/sacred Green 
and Brown
and Round PeaceTree 
Healing the Forest Justice.

My Great Transition Creator's reasons
indigenously rediscover
celebration of Creation's nutritionally appropriate seasons

Of seeding
and planting
cooperative community co-investing

In nonviolent communication
with each Other
and within EarthTribe CoEducational Creations
to restore EarthJustice,

A potential NonZero Sum
Win/Win regenerative game
to replace suboptimizing ZeroSum win/lose
extractive human voices
for extending climate degeneration

inside the bark of egos
and throughout outside eco-rooted
theo-multiculturally branched denominators
secular/sacred bilateral sights
and sounds
and resounding bright

contextually felt
bicameral-rooted compassion networks
of forest complex creation information
and co-creative co-investor exflowation

Downstreaming future secular history
upstream multiculturating
polycultural sacred wealth
of Earth's just organic 
ecosystemic health

y/x squarely rooted
in EarthNature's
HolySpirited co-arising dipolar
co-gravitating non-bipolar 
shrinking secular truth
within widening sacred beauty 
Therapeutic Trees.