Love Poem: To My Children
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Written by: Tiaua Mafa Ioane

To My Children

To My Children

Love is just energy forever changing form, but indestructible.
The force determines the beloved from the lovers, mistakenly interchangeable.
Whereas the latter are the bones of thy ribs, you the beloved are the
        blood of my soul, the fruit of my loins.
Be mindful my children of the difference,
    lest you stray into a field that even angels avoid.

With the constancy of a love that feels neither highs nor lows,
Be assured my beloved that such feeling with no limits and no end, forever flows,
The rustle of breath from a gentle breeze will caress your face,
A reminder that the sensation may ebb but the warmth of my love is etched in its place.

My lovers I have loved so deep and true, often when desires are expended love also is consumed 
Feelings of love in extremes doped most men; 
   with no exception, the highs thereof drove me till the end. 
They say it was natural so love was never the issue but passion run rampant,
Like an eruption of hot lava, it fires, sizzles and falters then hardens when dampened.
Do not sit in judgment of the stirrings of my heart and the errors of my ways.
Indiscretion is mine and the right to stray yet earned I will, eventually pay.
Forgiveness I seek from she whom I vowed to keep,
But ‘Till death do us part’ a pledge I gave then, is an eternity outside my reach.

In the dying embers of that which is left in me, I strain to remember the sound of yesteryears.
From the mischievous toes, paces of woes, lows and swells till your wedding bells.
Of this life, have no fear my child, for to stand tall you know well, 
      to stand alone, only time will tell. 
You were raised hard; the rod was not spared for to survive you were prepared.
The hurt in your young eyes then, was noted with pain and sadly put aside.
But the tears I cried you never saw, only hoping that someday you will realise; 
I struggled to ensure you never meet hunger and ignorance, two very dear friends of mine.

I have loved you well the only way I know how; I have loved you good.
When my time is done only one-thing matters so do not let me be misunderstood.
Did I love deeply and was I loved truly in return?
I say yes to both and in doing so, I say yes to God.
I bless you my children and to yours, fare thee well.
T M Ioane