Love Poem: To Feel
Curtis Johnson Avatar
Written by: Curtis Johnson

To Feel

Perhaps you have heard it many times before.                                                                                                          Or perhaps such a thought is rather simplistic.                                                                                              Nevertheless, this thought arrested me just minutes ago.                                                                                      At the point where I was captured by its reality, I sensed                                                                                              An applicable and practicle approach to human interaction.                                                                                          Such interacton may involve social, political, or religious issues.

I'm considing the fact that                                                                                                                                              Four out of our five senses                                                                                                                                                      Are located on our heads.
But only our sense of TOUCH                                                               
Covers the entire body.                                                                                                         

We may not SEE it, but we can FEEL it                                                                                                                                         We may not HEAR it, but we can feel it                                                                                                                           We may not SMELL it, but we can feel it                                                                                                                      We may not TASTE it, but we can feel it.

The TASTE buds of their social life or even their morality may be                                                                           Far from our own, but do we not love and seek their goodwill?                                                                          Their thinking or philosophy might not pass our SMELL test,                                                                                   But do we not care to FEEL where they might be coming from?                                                                            What we have SEEN and HEARD of them might be an outcry                                                                                 From our way of life and belief, but do we not have a responsibility                                                                               To love them as God tells us to? And is it not so, that 'TO FEEL' the                                                                                           Heartbeats of others is one pathway that enables them to be healed?
