Love Poem: To Err Is Human To Forgive Divine
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Written by: Rick Parise

To Err Is Human To Forgive Divine

"To err is human to forgive divine"

This lesson is priceless
for that, I thee love
a gift forgiveness 
from our Father above
without a trial or without bail
this small piece of salvation
he waits patently for us to reveal
a simple few words that set us free from heavy chains
"forgive me 'o father" seems to be trapped and ingrained 
but once the words flow in a glorious flood
the knowledge and wisdom spring forth in a budding new love 
no longer will the guilt seep in and invade
the torment will be lifted
and we shall live once again
It is then your gift of forgiveness shall truly reign 
even when others have caused excruciating pain
you will truly  grow to encourage others and forgive
a true gift from our creator
your heart shall be softened 
and a life of love will begin..........

"To err is human to forgive divine"

