Love Poem: To Die For You

To Die For You

Little did I know you were to take me.
Over and over I did fall. And never relenting.
Verse after verse I wrote to your admiration.
Everything I saw was inspiration towards you.

Last week, I got your letter to me.
Over and over I did read. My tears flowed.
Vaguely I understood your statements.
Engagement was breaking me in two.

Last year, you got married away.
Over and over I have cried. I want to die.
Vindication is not possible. You hurt me.
Evacuating you from my mind is the only hope.

Leaving my whole self behind is hard.
Over and over I have assayed. Too much of me was you.
Vying against my own self is destroying me.
Emancipation is my only hope. Goodbye.