Love Poem: To a New Beginning
Sarah Jabri Avatar
Written by: Sarah Jabri

To a New Beginning

Such a start of a new journey     
To the excitement of burning love
To the thrill of awaiting adventures
We cheered to moments of sweet whispers

To the late night stops by the gas stations
To all the road trips and few hours of sleeps
To the fireworks of how young the nights were                               
We cheered to the moments the time froze   

To the days we yearned for each others hugs                                 
To the cold nights we hoped for each others warmth
To the memory we longed to travel back to
We teared to each others lost promises

To when our dreams travelled too far
To a land where words don't mean anymore
To where we left our echoed voices
To a land where we once stood
We cheered to a new beginning.