Love Poem: "tis Later Than You Think"
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Written by: John Freeman

"tis Later Than You Think"

~A lament~

Most signs and prophesy already fulfilled,
the scarlet of harlot lady has sung,
the veil has fallen away.

Hitler, De Fuehrer the man of sin,
the son predicted, hath prophesied,
many of God’s elect, the Jews have died.

`Tis much later than you think,
millennium is surely at the brink,
the harlot’s two legs of beauty are no more,
two towers of economic power have fallen.

In one hour great towers did fall, bewailed,
bemoaned, the earth doth reel, to and fro,
nature’s safety is in the fro, as earth bows low.

A vicious cycle, a call pending of Michael,
One foot on land one foot on the sea, one final plea,
One more call of love, and then we’ll see.