Love Poem: Thoughts of Love
Gary  Fields Avatar
Written by: Gary Fields

Thoughts of Love

This poem' is the story about a man in love.  If he had a choice
He would be more matter of choice... Because when a woman
get married to a man   Love is the only thing on their mind
and nothing else seem to matter.  They will take their chance
where ever they can/Hence this require a real "Man".  

This is my story and I am sticking to it.  I'm just sayn'//

There is nothing greater
That can be found...
Such as a new born love
   Some-way,... some how?
I think about it all the time
As thought... it were tattered
      By the axis' of my mind
I think that it would be better
    ... And find something to do...
Because if I can't have you
Then there is noting I can do
When it comes' to what I am 
       Just what we are... 
      ..... Going to do!
I think and I do ponder
Whether' our' love is true
That love was the true meaning'
        Of me Loving you....
Then I pray to the high heavens'
Oh' what are we going to do?
Fore this love is so new,
You are so precious',,,,
And you are so sweet
I will take my chance anyway
What comes'... what may!
       .... BUT, never let this love end!
Let me be your "MAN'//


This is a pure love story:  It is solely love and discretion...