Love Poem: Thoughtfulness
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Written by: Cecil Hickman


Thoughtfulness true, tackles the troubles, reassuring you.
Your spirit must search deep within and find the venue.
Thank You, my Lord for all the choices, for me to do.
Thank You, for my soul that has stuck to me like glue.
Thank you, for the light in love, leading me to view.
Thank You to everyone eagerly enveloping our hue.
Thank You, for the kindness of kindred folks queue.
Thank You to parents who preciously prepared me too.
Thank You for precious persons, though some left me blue.
Thank You for each darling daughter, enriching without clue.
Thank You for a richly refined life lived by so very few.
Thank you for the cascading characters, creating who.
Me, which enlightened my heart and soul, thru and thru,
Giving is more graciously rewarding then receiving, so true.