Love Poem: Those Moments I Treasure
Sashi Prabhu Avatar
Written by: Sashi Prabhu

Those Moments I Treasure

By Sashi.Prabhu(ZEAUOXIAN)
21st june 2012 (goa –mumbai jet flt)
Restlessness   crept within as I waded through moments without a miss,
The dusky vista bathed me serene as my mouth within itself salivates.
Longing and yearning for her warm presence and her passionate kiss.
Shiverous joys of my heart and   geese pimples on my skin impatentiently waits.

Unbridled passions erupted at her sight,
Our hearts melted into a pink flame
As she embraced me as firm and tight,
My pulsating body turned feeble and lame.

The furious rise and fall of her voluptuous breasts,
Amidst rhythmic panting of our melted hearts with notes high,
Pound mercilessly against my gladiator chests
And the warm exhales from the nostrils clasped on to the yearning sighs.

Dull strains from brushing cotton and denim,
And moans from gyrating bodies as one.
From dark dusk to dawns beauty filled with cream,
Both under the watchful skies passionately groan undone.

Cannot remember how into slumber land we did tiredly drift,
How before our eyes into each other we did merge.
Entwined in each other s arms deep in love, we were drenched in mist.
Our bodies   thrived on potent dosage of love surge.

On the brink of bursting were our loves ramparts,
Bubbling within lusting pleasure.
Flooding water of love within our hearts,
As those moments I will within myself capture and fondly treasure