Love Poem: This Life
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Written by: Dm Babbit

This Life

This life stretches into seventy years,
	years that appeared to race 
	through time and space.
Dissipated into time
	encounters now unimportant
	lost to the heart and memory.
Love however,
	endures, always and forever.
Closing my eyes just momentarily	
	I gasp for air
	choking back the tears of all its loss.
Too soon life passes
	and all the treasures once held in the heart
	seek to be alive and live it over again.
Holidays bring the old memories back to life,
	sweet thoughts so cherished
	shared with friends and family through the years.
Stretching over time
	the spirit regenerates its depth and warmth
	the very meaning of what it was all about.
Living well, having loved,
	being love, loving, loved
	is the blessing
allowed in time.